An Explanation of the Theory of Everything
Everything has a beginning I
heard of
while driving in my truck on the way in from
Saturn It was on the
Katabole radio whose bands I was adjusting after the battery
was changed.
Katabole Disruption--they now call it apocalypse and the politicians sell it to scare up votes. It was when Elohim took back the remains of the
original broken and desolate Earth though
a Divine catabolic process of Genesis 1:2 to form
the present.
All the putative previous ages and races of man back millions of Graham Hancock and the Forteans are not man but angelic civilizations, literatures, architectures, inventions.
The many citations of
the phrase translated
before the foundation of the world should
be translated
before the katabole, meaning the cleansing
because of the disintegration of the
inhabitants. Katabole has the meaning of payment, illness or
epileptic seizure. In the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament, 200 BC) it means
cast down, overthrown, felled, destroyed, but mistranslated in Latin (Origen)
means "constitution" Likewise, the Greek word
kosmos should be translated people or inhabitants and not
world or earth, most often. In the worl therefore,
means disruption, as in Heb 4.3, a Flood over the mountains of Job (38),
the first flood (before Noah), confirmed in Jeremiah 4, the Foundation spoken
of by Jesus in Rev 17 and 4 which means disruption,
lamb slain before the disruption
of the world.
Lead me, guide me along the way...for it means throwing out all the wisdom of the world by which it is made wise.
this Katabole Psalm 82 (4) says "all the foundations of the earth are
out of course." Egyptian myth-fact presents a series of eight shapes,
serpentines of torsion plasma t
operated in this golden age
before the Katabole, during what we
are call the Angelic Civilization. The
say the planets lined up then with Saturn predominant in the earth sky joined
with Venus and Mars, but were disrupted by some super electric discharge. It
has weighed on me too that the
Age is a world control order mechanism. which I wrote of in the
Loss of the Golden, but we could say Goden,
Age. Pundits in that war
between Mars and Earth speculate that the human new on the scene was both a prize and spectator.
Alternatively demythed, the human was not even there when the fall of the
angels caused the fall of the stars, past and future:
When the stars lay
down their spears, quoted by Blake in the
Tyger, fallen angel nephilim not only fell but their darkness
caused Earth to rupture
without form, and void settled on the deep. The first Earth underwent cataclysm and was
Let there be light. Th
is second creation, was a
but to finish the count there will be three, the one in the beginning, the one
restored after Katabole, ours now, and the one when the whole is recreated,
what all plants and animals long for, sky and earth restored. This follows the
re-destruction wreaked a second time upon the fall of the spears. It's a
II. Which golden age and which new world? Myth making is the same
even if myths differ.
Virgil's golden age was a Theater of the man who
escaped the Allegory of the Cave posing as reality. It was
not a
spiritual quest for Wholeness, but a material one for social control.
If the golden age of the solar system where Saturn overshadows the sun seems
ludicrous, so is the golden age of earth with its purpose of social control.
The new age will be the worst ever. Check your phone. If you think it's
to make everyone better, more civilized, to live in peace, that means behind
bars in 5G at least. The presumption that 5G has been deweaponized by
Building the Wall or some other in a series of disarming tactics of false hope. Another scenario, the North pole of Saturn connecting to the South, a vortex opened by CERN where its leaders loose their hordes to earth in the Saturn golden age of the Solar System wants to mean bye bye homo sap, it's been
good to know ya. This is the future according to the enemy
and the avenger, the eye above the dollar bill dictating to the hierarchical ranks below. All these
of mechanical oscillation are meant to further such events, but still the Holy One restrains.
golden age is not a millennium where the lamb lies down with the lion. Armstrong
and Aldrin in their reversed moon communion of the Masonic Apron (Hoagland and Bara, Dark Mission, The Secret History of NASA 13-14) change the lion to a
wolf (Isaiah 11.6) metaphorically speaking, which exemplifies these deceptions. This
"communion" is a wolf pretending to be savior. In spite of all the
remaining imagery in children's books and references based upon the old
Isaiah where the lion was still the lion lying down with the lamb, in the
present time distortion the lion in all texts is changed to the wolf. Clearly these angelic powers change texts. Blake
shows the former state in his Night, where clearly the lion
not the wolf lies down with the lamb.
And there the lion's ruddy eyes
Shall flow with tears of gold:
And pitying the tender cries,
And walking round the fold:
Saying, 'Wrath, by His
And, by His health,
Are driven away
From our immortal day.
'And now beside thee, bleating lamb,
I can lie down and sleep,
Or think on Him who bore thy name,
Graze after thee, and weep.
For, wash'd in life's river,
My bright mane for
Shall shine like the gold
As I guard o'er the fold.'
my own
Reading (1985), before the Mandela Effect, of which many trivial examples discredit the argument, the comment on Psalm
23 concludes that "
the lion that lies down with the lamb in
good another space and time the lion and the lamb might pasture
moons" (96). This was a quote of Isaiah before it was changed.
we ask what relation NASA's planetary exhibitions based upon airbrushed
retouched photographs have with the poetry and legends of the
years from Hesiod to Virgil and America, the answer is Everything. "The
simplistic principles of empirical science are dead," says my Twitter
feed. The golden age is a new world order entangled with man and superman,
coupling with colonization of the new world by Europeans and the unveiling of
multi-dimensionals using hybrid humans as a mechanism of control, that model
each other with the effects of artificial intelligence. Who made artificial
intelligence? The angelic Nephilim creators of the golden age. Their beauty is ugly and
their truth a lie.
distortions done with NASA
to this golden age are an order instituted in partnership with the
nations of the world (UN) against the return of Messiah. This is right out of
countless tales of
Genesis Evangelelion or
Stockhausen which elite ponces
have trained and hired the best astronauts and professors of universities to prove the
slanders of the
world, against eve and the earth in gehry
and Stockhausen
Reactions to the Angel Empires-burroughs
Stockhausen otaku Licht
"Michael, Lucifer and Eve are, for Stockhausen, more
than theatrical figures. They are the expression of a world beyond, to which
terrestrial eyes are blind, but which is given concrete form by The Urantia
Book and other sources" (Kurtz 1992,
228) and manga,, the solar system, as in the malebolge, Stockhausen are all
forms of 4D chess, Enochian chess which to play is to make culpable, but the
son of man who becomes the son of God
supercedes all this and is put in the right place at the right time and is
given the right words.
Accountants always follow orders. They are all com - part
- mental - ed. Did Reagan, MacArthur or Bush say we should unite against a
common enemy? Their own people. Unite behind the Pope? Unite behind Obama, at the UN? Unite at
the UN? Protect the homeland! Protect the world from/for terror say the
terrorists. We're in
for just as much Government
as the global
elite can provide in the dawning. Are demon hyperdimensionals
investigating? Do you know what they do in the basement? Here's a clue,
the much defamed President of Venezuela, Hugo
Chávez (1999-2103), who was as
defamed as the President of Libya Muammar Gaddafi who tried to
defeat the dollar with gold and was assassinated. He was invited to Rome's basement
with all UN dignitaries to witness the sacrifice of a child to the spindle
shank tall greys but Chavez refused to participate. You think it self serving that all these ssources ahave been expunded.
San Lorenzo again.
is only seeking to restore the golden age, but if they conducted these rituals
on the moon (Hoagland and Bara, Dark
Mission,13f) what do you think they do in the Capitol and 9th
circle Vatican basements and in the San
Lorenzo chapel? Pedophilic rituals in the headquarters of Brussels,
London, Rome, Washington reveal themselves in the Podesta Wikileaks as
half of all heads of corporations, militaries, governments.
Jim Rothstein, but multiple sources) Vatican Council ritual greeting cannot be else could Hugo Chavez
come out a hero, who protested this meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when
John Paul II died in 2005, a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens
as a preview for the leaders of the world. You don't want to know. Only when
conscience troubles that
human part o
f this reptoid-human mind do
elites go hankering to the Bohemian Grove for expiation of their eating sins.
Cremation of
conscience which means burning it up so it no longer afflicts, is their coping mechanism. "Elites have to live in the interim
before their contracts come due." That's a quote from
Dr. Faustus
in translation.
Leben-living space are natural resources for prospecting aliens. Hawking imagines a new
planetary industry of alien colonialism, but he omits the trade flourishing now
in human organs and adrenal glands of
the Hallucinotic Eidolia of obesity
ranchers' blood, organ and adrenaline consumption. What's the proof of any of this?
Sometimes Think Tanks worry people won't give in and sometimes that they will.
Then they worry they will be taken as slaves and killed. No need speculate,
know how to treat the indigenous. Just look at the English in New England and the Spanish in Mexico. How about doing this time warp on another
planet is the latest gambit. But there's a problem, the
katabole has been done on all the
planets and will be done on Earth again, clensing it.
Bailey's occult creed says it wants to seal the door where evil dwells, while elites sacrifice behind this mask. It looks like a human but wields the flat black
mirror that reflects it. Shapeshifters sealing the door where evil dwells are
more evil than the evil. Montresor walling off
Fortunado is a picture of it. Too much amontillado? Isn't CERN opening the door where evil
dwells? Does that make Montresor a classicist? But Hugo Chavez would not
play ball.
agents of CERN divide weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP),
split them to bring in the Unabombers from
unite them with suicide bombers here below,
throw up the goat of their IED devices against heaven.
Destruction is not meaningful to them. If they cannot rule, chaos shall.
Taken with the axiom that nobody is illuminated, the more experts proselytize the more suspicious they
Meaning comes from
context of our deception in the
Observer created reality comes home to roost.
Hierarchies have
deniability up and down the chain.
III. Torah revelation
whole point of the Torah is to refute these ancient civilizations
and redeem the world. Inferences made by researchers cherry picking biblical
sources, leaving some, denying others, are the worst sort of unsubordinated
skrying. They do this with one another also, but no problem. Velikovsky,
Tesla, and Sumer borrowing with CERN, Babel, and Stone Tablet Destinies to kake pyramid
weapon iused as
Jehovah's Witnesses prove their own texts at the door.
all these beams shooting around you'd think nobody had read what Elisha told
his servant about the chariots on the hills or what Zechariah said where the
least saint was as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. While such as
Farrell want to read ancient Sumerian texts about the Stones of Destiny
literally, there is never a cause in their writing to read Psalms so. Cherry baby,
won't you come out tonight?
Thou hast put all things under his feet; Psalm 8
says that of Messiah.
That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. That
is, shut him up so he can't talk. This cherry picking shuts up the wrong in
itself, which needs a serious deliverance, a rescue continually held out, but
since we have already surrendered our lives in continual sacrifice to the
Father, like Isaac, like Yeshua, like Noah, like David, like all those whose
blood cries out for justice, we have already lost our life as theirs. So what
is there to be rescued from? Yahweh is ours and we are his. How do we know that
the three in the furnace he will not preserve us, yet nonetheless
we are not going to bow to these self appointed wrathful truths. To do my own
cherry picking this taking of Ezekiel's wheel or the Cherub's sword from the Garden as machines
is like
Attempted Theft of Shekinah, but Shekinah does not transfer. Adonijah
cannot have her, she belongs to another. His act of subversion and theft, which
in case of the Hoagland crowd extrapolates inner being to an outer, is as if
the Lord Yeshua had a machine under his robe and the woman with the issue of blood
plugged into it. As if they had never read Kierkegaard on the inner life.
Atheists are often absurdists, not to discredit the absurd, because they do not
know they have eternal life. Rather they fear they do. It makes them crazy.
let us rotate this slavery technology-theology in front of our eyes. It's one thing to say a plasma
beam from CERN to the south pole of Saturn will free entities to return to
earth, but on what authority are they there? It's one thing to say that the
of Ezekiel is a technology dimly viewed from the ancient past and not
fully understood by the poor primitive doing the best he can, and then to
compare the Ezekiel wheel to Akkadian and Sumerian stone tablets, which convey
upon upon their possessors universal mastery [purpose of the Iraq War?]. Another
putative technology, that is, to cherry pick it out, but
not ask whether the
rest of Ezekiel is veracious as the word of Yahweh as Ezekiel claims, and which
contains the most astonishing reference to the fall of Lucifer in the guise of
Pharaoh and the King of Tyre, as much as Isaiah symbolically narrates the King of
Babylon and Lucifer, three terrestrial figures viewed from a dual perspective
at least, what we call
fore writing.
main problem Pharaoh, Babylon, Tyre and Nebuchadnezzar had, being symbolic Satans, was
in thinking the rivers or anything belonged to them, arrogated to self
determination and not reliance upon the word and the name of Yahweh Elohim, who
over and over takes title and prerogative of creation and possession of all
reality. Ezekiel on Pharaoh determines that the
great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, says, My river is my own;
I have made it of myself. But the word of Yahweh says
I will put hooks in
thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto they scales,
and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers and all the fish shall
stick on thy scales. Ez. 29
occurs just after the King of Tyre shall be no more! Add Daniel's
Nebuchadnezzar in there too. Usurp at your peril, angels or men, who think to overturn
the universe. So it is as if they would disconnect Ezekiel from himself, the
sticky fish, as if he were not a man, and
extrapolate his vision as a
technology to their own ends, the kinds of theft that implicate the chat on
Hoagland and Lear, Talbot, Stark and
Farrell's YouTube talks,
to cite a few,
invoking an implicit and explicit panspermia in their notion
of the creation of humanity. The forces of this conflict create
Bearden's scalar hypotheses and all his models of physics discredit him when he
goes off in pan-scientological rants about
Zarg and the gods and his own place in the Olympian: Bearden, Bostrom, the
Socialism of the Abstract. These is available in the
Countdowns on this very site.>>Nephilim Handbook
Thee Thunderbolts
Electric Universe and others on the sly, like NASA, Icke and the whole universe of Alt,
accept Egyptian Isis as Sirius, Osiris as Regulus and the secret D.C.
masonic NASA ritual "sacrament" around the Egyptian myth of
reptilian ritual alignment as sacred. (see again Hoagland's Dark Mission,
update 2009 Revelation
by Mike Bara, 11-16).
first George Bush had a version of the
Ritual Alignment Model on
the wall of his office combined with the stellar alignments with Egypt, as
Parsons and Hubbard , painted by
Hudson (
22), says Bara. These guys think they're connected with the stars! The joke's on them,
since these
will Fall. Hard.
behind the Osiris, Orion, Isis, Sirius, Horus, Regulus connect on the Masonic
Apron, Sirius rising at
degrees over Tranquility and serving communion on the first Moon landing?
Universal truth? Belief in the transmissions and ancient origins from double Sirius coupled with
the dictates
taught the Sumer scribes. Foisted on the Dogon Nommos
true or false the great verities of the ALT set of theosophic mantles lumped
together, (as their great Evan Meacham once said), out of prophecy, Dionysian
ecstasy, Bacchus, the Jungian collective unconscious, race consciousness, the
Akashic Record and ayahausca, all attempts to unite with their
Electrics argue that Egyptian hieroglyphs imply a cataclysm that caused the
present position of the planets. Blown up in the asteroid belt, blown up Mars,
sunk and frozen Atlantis-Antarctic, the new golden age would be the fourth
attempt for the imprisoned avian Egyptian Bird-Fish god to get out. It looks
just like a magnificent fallen angel! Thus the supposed anthropological
subliminal preprogramed Planetary Golden Ages is up for another
try. But the new present revision of the solar system of the planets as they
now rest suggests order, not chaos. Progressions of Bode's Law suggest
mathematical harmony. Extending from the sun the orbits of the known planets are about
twice as far as the one before, even
Ceres (in the asteroid
belt) and Uranus,
but Predicting
Neptune has been a problem. We are dropping Pluto from the scene.
a couple letters short, Saturn and Satan. Pressure 1,000 times greater than
Earth, hydrogen in a liquid state. At the Saturn Tavern you can really get
smashed. It is a Whisky Against the Redemption
of the world. That's why Levinas says the world before man was evil. That the
human creation was an incursion of good into evil, citing the cataclysms
that first wiped out the earth.
North Pole
After the Cassini mission Saturn was
observed rotating a hexagon at the north pole exchanging electrical
oscillations with the aerole at the south pole, within the planet. The helical
shape of this transmission were believe to resemble DNA passing through a gaseous body. The
rings ricochet outward in spiral patterns caused by the
gravitational pull of Saturn's 62 moons and
are said to always travel outward except that now there's a
set of waves heading inward. That means something is moving inside say
astronomers even if they are Kronoseismological
studies of the oscillations inside Saturn.
The argument is that if Saturn is a nice
big ball of liquid and gas it really should only have one frequency associated
with each of these. Instead, the measurements are like a violin that plays
multiple discordant tones when one string is strummed. That's multi-position.
a bit wrong with your violin," he said.
a bit wrong with your ear," he replied.
This discord means,
"Saturn must have a layer deep down inside that's stably stratified."
"For some reason, the fluid is very stable and doesn't move around very
much. That part is new, because "the conventional models of giant planets
as convective envelopes where the materials move freely to exchange heat all
the way down to their core is as simplistic as the mind of a technocrat. But
what I found is that those very simple models can't explain what we're seeing
in the rings," says kronoseismology.
But bad news for Saturn. As it now stands now below, humans, with
Cherubic guards preventing entrance to the Garden, as they traverse their own happy
fall of realization, happy because redeemed, but always in the atmosphere
of the evil that seeks to possess them. That however worked to their good when
it showed them what a horror the knowledge of good and evil was, knowing the
collapse of the great into the less. These various ups and downs, the Flood,
nephilim, Babel, Egyptian slavery and Israel's delinquency, for Israel was the
vehicle to bring earth to salvation, culminated in the very Word of creation
living as a man in the creation He Himself made and was rejected by,
giving his life to save it. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we
beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. No,
Bob and Tom, neither of you are Him. None of this however is golden age talk. Talk of
golden ages has always been a ruse of the power elite to control the
masses. You think everything will be one and at peace? Why they should want to
control others and not themselves is unaddressed, except power is an addictive
nephilim endorphin. The golden age is always looking back, whether taken as
Virgil did or Hesiod with his significant elder walkabout. If this previous
solar system alignment of the planets sounds like Aquarius we have learned by
now on earth peace means war.
The principle of these intervals suggests Order is at odds with the
notion of cataclysm but more in line with Judgment.
Once there were two earths, which we know from the interplay of the
magnetosphere with the troposphere, further evident in the two breasts of a
woman, which signify this mystery. These two worlds were in and out of each
other, sometimes ethereal, sometimes physical existences recorded by the
ancient paleoliths here, but also on Mars. Some indeed think the moon a scaled
model of earth's twin. This twinning of course was most important in the
physical modes of the fallen universe.
1. These ruminations make believe that
the Super Collider outside Geneva a synchrotron accelerator like Saturn's north pole,
colliding gamma rays and x-rays.
2. That the LHC at CERN intends to
connect the helical plasma generated there to form a conduit from Saturn to
Earth, to restore conditions that existed during the Solar System's
golden age.
3. Which golden age and its return is an invention of David Talbot and
the Thunderbolts who have it that the planets once lined up with Mars in the
center of Venus' aureole against the massive Saturn which dominated their sky
in crescents. At that time, from Earth, Saturn blocked the light of the
sun. Out of this comes the relation that Saturn is the black sun, symbolized by
the black square under which mortarboard all graduates taken their degrees. The
black robes of priests, judges and graduates represent the priesthood of the Saturn. The 6 point star was the star of Saturn. El was the Phoenician
designate of Saturn, hence an El der worshiped Saturn, and El ection elected
him. All of which goes to prove human language and thought wholly corrupt. El ites, el evated...inescapable in the language itself, if you view as
Jordan Maxwell does these words as reflecting Saturn's rings, ear rings,
wedding rings, crowns for kings.
Much positive and negative can
be said of the Thunderbolt series, positive for its imaging an interpretation
of Egyptian and Babylonian cosmology. I suppose there are tens of
thousands of new age believers waiting for this golden age solar system
to reappear, like a cult involving a huge begging of the question in references
to archetypes and Jung. In fact it is possible to view archetypes
as the reality counterfeits this pagan golden age promulgates. Sumerian,
Babylonian, Roman crescents revolt any scripture-believing Jew or Christian.
The entire Bible refutes worship
of the sun, the planets
and the star gods. So there is an overlay to Saturn tales in which pagan
and Christian conflict.
4. The Thunderbolts also
propose a scouring of the solar system in the loss of Mars and
that broken planet that forms the asteroid belt, that occurred in the recent
past. They cite damage to the moon, artifacts buried in earth, scouring out to the scar in
Pluto's side in the latest pics. But what some call the golden age others call entemenaki, or
baba-alu, the opening of Abzu, meaning the gates of hell, namely with
Strangelets are a neologism
composed of strange + quarks which separate the gluons that hold the WIMPs weakly
interacting massive particles together. CERN documents indicate both
that they don't believe in strangelets and than there is a 65-70% chance of
making them above 10 TeV, which was done at Brookhaven. The unpublished notion
is that strangelets pass through the earth, sink into it and stop at the core
due to Earth's gravity where they attract matter to themselves and replicate,
swell the earth, that is convert the planet into a neutron
star. How long this takes remains to be seen. Strangelets are said to
function both to open a rift between dimensions (held open by the Qubit Quantum
computer) that invokes its own extreme to be used as the ultimate weapon, not
against Russia, but
against the angels and Messiah. Saturn quickly escalates in multiple ways
into a war in high places. Along the way and before the fact, gravimetric waves
result from such strong magnetic fields, likely pass through the Earth's crust
causing earthquakes and volcanoes at weak points.
The eight axis teeth, molars of CERN, that
grind the bones to make this bread, appear in cross section, said to represent
four frogs and four snakes.
Of course Stephen Hawking styles CERN
finding and opening black holes and penetrating other dimensions as an opening
of an interdimensional rift, possibly a vacuum that could suck all universe
into itself. His concern suggests that he knows about the new increased levels of PeV,
but while he may warn has been told not to say.
ii. However Nobody cares about any of this because scientists
will be boys, and we should wink at their foolishness. But when you start to
think that the purpose of the super collider is to harness the Birkeland
currents of Saturn in a plasma corkscrew to the earth to both connect and open
the south pole of Saturn to release these energies, then the notion that the
advertised levels beginning November 20 to December 13, 2015 have changed is
worth noticing.
13 TeV
will not be 13 TeV
It will be
1148 TeV
1000+ TeV In November! This is HUGE!
Patch With URGENT CERN INFORMATION Regarding The Power Levels Set To Be
Produced In November
Today I
was contacted by my good friend and one of the leading researchers into CERN
concerning something very disturbing indeed. The commonly accepted maximum
power expected to be generated at CERN, and this comes from their own
Scientists, is 13 TeV, however, worryingly, we are learning that the true power
will be over 1,000 TeV! Yes, you read that right… 1,000 TeV. Below, I have made
a video report to help explain this, and then included the work of Mr Patch in
article form. Tony Patch will be on Freaky Friday tonight over on TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO, 23rd Oct
2015 @ 2am UK time, 9pm EST & 6pm PST to explain these truely frightening
LHC Updates by Anthony Patch
The Maximum Power Level for the LHC will be:
- Nov. 20 – Dec. 13 : 1.15 PeV – THIS
FAR EXCEEDS THE LEVEL OF 13TeV seen thus far!
Where does
this 1.15 PeV come from and what is PEV?
of Ions Of Lead (Pb) @ 1,148 TeV (1.15 PeV)
highest energy to day is 13 TeV with Protons.
NOTE – Tera (TeV) 10 followed by 12 zeroes –
Peta (PeV) 10 followed by 15 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000
This is
the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is
coming from
will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more
(or 1.5
Actually the new levels have not been advertised. Sure it get tiring when the
rules keep changing, but here it is. Since I published Satan
at the Super Collider 13 Oct, which got submitted the last day of September
to Red Fez, any lessons in quantum physics have gotten out of hand. I have been
hunting my copy of the Blue Book and Brown Book by Wittgenstein c. 1933, which
nicely describes superposition and symmetry, but in the meantime the energies
assumed in play at the LHC have increased quantumly from TeV to PeV, but CERN
has hidden this information. Hence from 20 Nov to 13 Dec of 2015 instead of 13
level will be 1148 TeV
1000+ TeV In November! This is HUGE!
Patch With URGENT CERN INFORMATION Regarding The Power Levels Set To Be
Produced In November
Today I
was contacted by my good friend and one of the leading researchers into CERN
concerning something very disturbing indeed. The commonly accepted maximum
power expected to be generated at CERN, and this comes from their own
Scientists, is 13 TeV, however, worryingly, we are learning that the true power
will be over 1,000 TeV! Yes, you read that right… 1,000 TeV. Below, I have made
a video report to help explain this, and then included the work of Mr Patch in
article form. Tony Patch will be on Freaky Friday tonight over on TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO, 23rd Oct
2015 @ 2am UK time, 9pm EST & 6pm PST to explain these truely frightening
LHC Updates by Anthony Patch
The Maximum Power Level for the LHC will be:
- Nov. 20 – Dec. 13 : 1.15 PeV – THIS
FAR EXCEEDS THE LEVEL OF 13TeV seen thus far!
Where does
this 1.15 PeV come from and what is PEV?
of Ions Of Lead (Pb) @ 1,148 TeV (1.15 PeV)
highest energy to day is 13 TeV with Protons.
NOTE – Tera (TeV) 10 followed by 12 zeroes –
Peta (PeV) 10 followed by 15 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000
This is
the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming
will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more
(or 1.5
Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the
1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at:
Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the
1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at:
There is no mention in the
CERN glossary of any PeV at all. It is only TeV, started in May 2015. All
subterfuge apparently for the really big bang they are going to get from
1) switching from protons to lead ions
2) changing the angle of the proton
collisions from their 45 degree angle to head on. That means the collisions
magnify their energy just like two cars colliding each at 100 mph trade energy
at 200mph, but if at 45 degrees much much less.
3) the lead ion is way heavier
Nov to 14 Dec of 2015--Lead Ion Collisions
It seems important to say at the top that these lead ion collisions are far
more forceful than the proton collisions that preceded them. Billions of lead
ions collected into "bunches" called luminosity, each group of
bunches like a pencil lead, rather than a stream of separated particles, form a
solid stream of lead moving at the speed of light in opposite directions,
separated by 50 nano seconds. So there is the paradox of a solid stream
(liquid) intended to cross at Detectors and explode in a massive collision. If
that doesn't open the doors, then what? The notion is that these solid rings
are like those around Saturn of syncotron energy, which radiates outward at 90
degrees perpendicular from the magnetic source, viz. the likeness of the
syncotron particle accelerator at LHC. (Patch)
The coordination of the super collider
plasma beam that opens the portal first to another dimension and then to
Saturn's south pole requires a quantum computer to keep the portal open. It
helps to take this as the ability to take 0, 1, 1 and 0 as simultaneous states,
both themselves and each other in order to so perform. The quaternion of vector
analysis, its geometry is an appealing philosophy because of the Quaternary
itself and I don't mean geology. It turns out to be a Scottish Rite term, but
not that either, so that the adiabatic computer bases its logic, or anti logic
on the reduction-expansion of simultaneous vectors.
morgan deception elites. Here are some clues before the final judgment of
Earth. All authorities in the cave present their worries. Masons, astronomers
and Jesuits flutter in the shadows near the fire to get warm.
relation of the reconstructed golden age of Saturn with CERN is an idea of
Anthony Patch (
CERN Conspiracy,
Canary Cry Radio, Youtube, 10/2/15, 39.15f) that depends first on what is
called the Golden Age in the Thunderbolts Project I. This states that
the planets of our solar system assumed the orbits they now obtain that earth,
Mars, Venus and Saturn were in such a line that Saturn blocked the sun, except
for solar crescents that formed on its quadrants. CERN seeks to reform the
strong electrical bond between the planets that existed then. How the golden
age was
Kataboled, or disrupted, is not a part of the hypothesis, but is
touched below.
compares the physics of the Nazi Bell, the North and South poles of Saturn and
CERN, that is the electrical reconnection of earth with the south pole of
Saturn using a plasma conduit. A spiral (aureole) at the South pole of Saturn
is generated by the supposed synchrotron particle accelerator at the
North pole, supposedly naturally occurring, with a hexagonal shape. Contained
in the hexagon are two oppositely moving clouds of energy, particles similar to
the movement of red mercury in the Nazi bell, spinning in opposite directions.
large Hadron Collider is also a synchrotron accelerator, colliding gamma
rays and x-rays, as is the North pole of Saturn on a massive scale that
connects through the gaseous body of Saturn to the south pole, the electric
plasma taking the form of a helical shape that looks like DNA. Thus CERN
intends to connect the helical plasma conduit between the north and south poles
of Saturn CERN with the large Hadron collider in order to reconnect Saturn and
earth in the same fashion that existed during the golden age.
can override gravity. The magnetism of CERN is 100K times that of the earth's
modes of the fallen universe
Talbot's System, Thunderbolts Part I
I always wanted to deduce among lesser falsehoods by tone of voice, rhetoric,
with all forms of language when someone was telling the truth. TED talks now
teach about astroturfing, warning of ad hominum arguments and namecalling,
terrestrial forms of the bigger terraforming geoengineered planetary rule, but
rhetoric in writing still reveals itself just like any other geological strata.
It is dangerous to talk because your
works as a lie detector. See
All science comes down to words, numbers, letters and pictures arrayed with
reason. To skew one part is to skew the whole. Regarding Talbot's golden
age of the solar system, where Earth viewed Mars against an aerole of Venus
with both dwarfed by the huge Saturn, obscuring even the sun, these Annunakian
theories, finding Saturn in Egyptian iconography, are emoted with fear
mongering against a musical background of previous antiquity, a "desperate
urge to recover something lost" to the background of flute playing (5.50).
The obsessions of fear and terror of the heavens by exaggeration and cherry
picking betrays its falsity.
Tzu must be one of the oldest Chinese thinkers overlooked in the maelstrom
of claims about Chinese terror gods. More cherry-picking. There is a lot
of argument by question in these rhetorical discharges between the poles of
Talbot's argument, unbelievable claims that
Israelites once saw themselves as Saturn's children" 33.26. No greater
was ever urged since it was said by Satan,
you shall be as gods.
Likewise that "Saturn commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son" 35.04
is nonsense. Of course when Israel did compromise his faith and imitate the
nations these foundations were betrayed. Talbot always presumes the sly
machinations of scripture, but his ulterior motive demeans himself in his
rhetoric to demolish Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Who said what you say of others
is true of yourself?
point is that these errors and rhetoric bring the rest of Talbot's golden age
planetary system into question, but Anthony Patch, somewhat opposite, sounds
logical in voice too, then tells all in his fictional writing. He is Jim, the
street smart paramedic with military overtones who is the hero of discernment,
but who has declared from his own mouth, not in the novel, that next to Christ,
the Oxfordian Farrell is his best guide. Patch, who opposes panspermia, is
devoted to Farrell and the O'Briens who allow several grades of Annunaki human
hybrid. See
From Another Planet Space God Program. How discerning is that? Patch says
he gave up reading in order not to dilute his own thought, a big mistake, since
if you can't tell what you think apart from the authorities you cite, where
they end and you begin, your discernment is weak, but more important you miss
so much others have said of value. It's like a club of one where only agreement
is admitted. This wasn't always the case with Patch, for he says he has
absorbed the occult understanding of Saturn so that he understands the
Thunderbolts Part I. The thing about writing is that it can be taken truly or
falsely, skewed or judged fairly. Farrell is a more interesting case of the
false, mixed with the
true. O brave new world that has such creatures in it. But another issue
with Patch is his fatalism, that the loosing of Wormwood, so to speak, is
inevitable for its fulfilling of prophecy, as opposed to the contrary view that
all these chemtrails, terraforming currents will fail because the anointed will
prevent them, and only when the anointed are taken out of the world will the locusts
prevail. Question every fact and then question the question.
all depends on the attitude you bring. Farrell cheapens Genesis by proxy,
arguing it is a Akkadian Sumerian borrowing. I know he thinks he loads higher
critics in his gun. He has a doctorate in Patristics after all, but tainted
with a degree from Oral Roberts on whom he so wants to piss himself. Do you
know what Lewis and Tolkien said about the religion at Oxford? And that was
before! England has had trouble with its Archbishops. The Rabbis value Genesis
so highly that they say it is possible to live a lifetime meditating the first
three chapters, that Messiah is grammaticized in
Bereshith, that Lucifer
falls in the gap between one and two of the
Catabolism and that all the
answers to prayer ever given or to be given were decreed in the first six days.
Except that they were all given in the Seventh, the
of the herb, the day of rest:
I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat
upon herbs, Isaiah 18.4
His countenance was altered, his raiment was white and
glistening. Luke 9.29
you have experiences of this you see that it is indeed the case that in Take
my yoke upon you and learn of me all things are simultaneous, beginning and
end, that prayers are decreed and answered at the same moment but that that
moment is months or years apart, beyond expectation for sure. So when it says
he put all things under His feet and you wake up some morning to see a huge
heel print over the rubble of CERN and the media speak of implosion the same
way Farrell explains away all the grandeur of these bright wings, don't be talking
about history, but be praising how we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Farrell's Oral Roberts revivalist roots show in this alarm bell ringing, as if
there is a fire to be put out. The fire is the world and by fire, fire will go.
His other pole from the Baptist is high Episcopal. Teaching in seminaries,
living in Spearfish, mourning his loss, chain smoking, notwithstanding his
attention to subjects of merit, it's just that he cannot be believed.
one can be believed, with the exception of fictionalists who equivocate 3.2
million years with 10,000 only to say dragons are before history, when
Alexander speaks of them, and repeat the same phrases in successive sentences
to pretend an idea is good because "peer-reviewed," so that
they have to say "Earth's nearest neighbor, the Moon," it's just bad
writing, confused and hiding bad thinking. In the same book, Cosmic War,
Farrell explains scalar torsion out of Bearden so this is a dumbing down
of the very kind he makes capital fun of in Genes, of those who have
"been lobotomized by the American 'education' system" (xi). Truth
is not about intelligence it's about point of view. Our daughter read the
Odyssey in third grade at home. Somehow it came up in her class at school, but
the teacher had not read it. This made the teacher defensive and she penalized
E, who did not think anything unusual about having read such a book, but
it affected the teacher, which however did nothing to prevent E from deception
when she was an adult, so it it not intelligence, but attitude, point of view.
It's more true than ever that the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom. An
important part of this fear is discernment, which always grows in context as
the power to become the sons of God is real.
does anyone know that the leadership of these forces planned to be released by
CERN is imprisoned in Saturn in the first place? The answer Patch gives is that
this is the occult hierarchical belief, that these are to be released at the
same time as those imprisoned in Tartarus are loosed to join up with the
nephilim. But how do you know that besides taking somebody like Alice Bailey's
word for it? Patch says CERN is part of an attempt to restore the golden age of
the planets discussed in the Electric Universe, a terraforming
supposedly reminiscent of the earth before the flood of Noah when the earth was
watered by mist up from the ground, not rainfall. The speculation is that the
new terraforming will create an environment good for the dinosaur and whatever
pre-inhabitants existed before the human.
ourselves of course retain the privilege of good and evil, so our sentience is
of a wholly other order, capable of appeal to our Father and therein lies the
problem for Stark's arrow, Christians who retard the age, both Tesla PeV and
the ensuing. The forces of Saturn and earth know this and seek to produce
significant antimatters colliding against Messiah in his return.Whose side do
you want to be on in this one? Good question. I am with Yeshua. They that
have no knowledge of what Yahweh can do in his sons when he gives them the
power to become the sons of God, the precious sons of Zion, comparable to
fine gold, esteemed as earthen pitchers, in the hands of the potter,
The God of Peace shall soon crush Satan
underneath their feet. For He has not put the age to come in subjection
to the angels.
As One in a certain place says, "What is man that Thou
art mindful of him...Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. He
left nothing that is not put under him.
If we do not now see all things put under Him that is the
beauty of our age, for it became Him
Whom are all things, and by Whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto
glory to make their salvation perfect through sufferings...!
Behold I and the children which Yahweh has given Me...that
through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, who is their
He who in the beginning was the Word, and was with God, and
was God, without whom was not anything made that was made, He who came to the
world that was made by him, to as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of
For he did not take upon Himself the nature of angels, but He
took on Him the seed of Abraham and the same who are of faith and receive Him are the children of Abraham.
In other words it is not after the flesh but after the spirit
that these sons are born. Not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh or the
will of man, but of Yahweh!
(Lamentations 4.2, Romans 16.20, John 1,
Hebrews 2, Psalm 8, Romans 9.8, Galatians 4.28, John 1.13)
the Artificial Intelligence Party, will paralysis of the will get taken over by
the Germans? Ans. No, These
Nephilim are private contractors! Ripeness is all! In an Unibeehived
State, early dress makers of the
symbols of the modern, Gluskap, the foreigner incorporate,
Saturn would annihilate. Hawking's your CERN man to suck the universe away
Peasant Revolt
of 1524 and its aristocracy-slaughter of 300,000 people? The Tablets?
behind this fear of social instability, a code for revolt that Gov has to
pacify when it suddenly lets fly with the insider solar system-civilization-Disclosure-artifacts
it has stored? Oh and
us review with Timmerman and Frankl our preparation for this New Ordo coming, Prisoner
Without a Name and Man's Search for Meaning. Don't ride just
one horse. There are four. Good climate, cool breezes three
harvests::Jerusalem, CERN, DARPA and one we don't name. Rand Corp swarmed
with Abenaki. Epidemics, smallpox,
ebola, hybrid ebola + measles, you name it, it'll come, said Harold Wolff as he
anastomosed.>>in Nephilim Handbook
which qualifies with contradiction inside
and out as said of them, like Satan who
down from tuft to tuft
Between the
tangled hair and icy crusts
to somersault
in ice,
to soul
displace the land
and push it
to the north.
Saturn ruled the golden age in Hesiod's old
men who reached immortality.
Whatever it means to divine a series of
waves inside Saturn spinning round every 7 hours, this internal whirl contained
by rings that ricochet out, cause the pull of its depravity, so all 62 moons orbit
the sphere. Take a bite to chew the hearing that if the rings
turned inward they would extend way down to the spiral eight petaled
molars of CERN's behemoth mouth. Good news from Dark Mission of Hoagland
and the Electric Universe of Talbot, not to speak of the video of Apollo 11
-- the mistrial trail correlated with
The three form that triangle drawn like a bow through which Anthony Patch
shoots his arrow.
summary of Stark's arrow connects the CERN of earth to spirits invoked from
Saturn. These fallen angels imprisoned in a cube within the core, are released
to occupy hybrid host bodies on Earth as a new race in the new golden age,
which bodies were prepared by labs in Saudi Arabia for them to avoid the
Genesis prohibition that things may only propagate after their kind. This new
kind explains the 200 million hybrid horde supposedly in hibernation. They wait
the demonic spirits from the past (east), the north (Saturn), and the south
(Tartarus) to join in the new terraformed Earth. In case you need more good
news, the machine that runs this, a quantum adiabatic computer, works at a
speed where it can, or will, control all such effects needed to prop open these
portals. Artificially intelligent since 1998 the Adiabatic is not quite
sentient. It doesn't have self doubt. The moment it is put in touch with these
energies that computer will be sentient so to speak, but will just have the one
crack of evil and not be tempted by good. The D Wavers of Austin run this
interface between CERN and the particles coming through to the hybrid house.
Austin, I never knew ya. Austin was where I was offered an NDEA fellowship to
help make the computer speak. Analysis by synthesis I turned you down. The
connection to the rest of us is by third strand DNA delivered en mass in
geoengineered nano particles along with aluminum, barium, lithium to increase
connectivity is delivered by injection of vaccines under the false flag of
contagion alert. This third strand replicates itself until it reaches critical
mass, activated by some EM signal from DARPA satellites, when ipso facto, we
will all share a hive mind and Arthur Clark and Heinlein will drink together.
Welcome to the new earth, as if it were a new poem by Coleridge.
is a fiction where the main characters are antagonists opposed to a whole race
with one narrative suspended between. In this kind of fiction the few use blue
beam projections, technological trickeries and psychology blue berries to
magnify their influence. Maybe you can imagine orcs under the roofs of dark
castles and caves by firelight, or armies of the remains holed up in
reservation FEMA camps.Researchers want to teach Bearden, Talbot,
Hoagland, Farrell, Lear, Stark, Sitchin, Rand Corp.
worries we will disintegrate like the Abenaki.>>
Stark's Arrow
Quark gluon concentrates
are really strangelets,
the most powerful explosive in the known universe, the weapon, once the portals
have a permanent connection, that the avenger thinks to use to kill God, says
Stark, and who does like the proposal, for it so fits the CERN Hole to Saturn
CERN has done an admirable job of connecting all this to the pop. Pop will eat
Pop, says Massimo, but that aside, the operas, dances, rock songs performed
there all make it seem like the friendly harmless kook who works in a garage
down the street. Harmless is what they of course always say of mass murderers,
serial murderers before their victims are lured to death. Yippee we're all
gonna die, sang Country Joe. We had sets of lightning last night for the second
night in a row.
Earth has a Messiah. We
shall be hearing from him. He shall put all things under his feet. He
shall dash them in pieces.
IV. CERN Hole,
blue rocks evidence of manufactured glass fallen from lunar dome
Apollo 11 tapes "erased"
"Other veteran "observers,"
on seeing these Chang'e-3 images, had also picked up on the crater
rocks' "remarkable brightness ... " -- compared to the much darker
Imbrium surface regolith on which they lay; such visible "anomalous
reflectivity" (even in mainstream geological lunar models) immediately
implied a MAJOR difference between these rocks' elemental/chemical composition
... and the composition of the dusty surface under them" Enterprize Mission-"
glass"--"As a clandestine direct sampling of the fallen (from
the ancient dome ...), priceless remnants of an almost unimaginably ancient,
super-advanced "ET technology"--
self-quenching magnetism
to skull technology
conduit: chuin-saturn
boat on top of black cube
in CERN dectors
inside Saturn below hexagon at north pole
cern open birkeland current between earth and
was a night sun
"Talbott and Thornhill do
not accept Velikovsky's specific chronology of events, and they place the age
of planetary upheaval just prior to the flowering of monumental civilization,
which they see as a creative act of human REMEMBERING. Rather than declare
Velikovsky to be categorically "right" or "wrong", they
cite these claims as crucial to any assessment of Velikovsky's contribution to
1. The present order of the planets is new. In geologically recent times the
planetary system was unstable, and at least some planets moved on much
different courses than they do today.
2. Erratic movements of the planets led to global catastrophe on Earth.
3. Through rigorous cross-cultural comparison of the ancient traditions, an
investigator can reconstruct the celestial dramas."
...Jupiter should be closer to the Sun than Mercury, and Earth and its
neighbors should not exist. Either way, the picture certainly does not suggest
planets coalescing from a cloud, and then remaining in place for billions of
... the defining surface features of planets and moons as the signature of
brief catastrophic episodes of electric discharge, in a phase of solar system
history that continued until surprisingly recent times. According to these
investigators, every planet shows electrical re-sculpting from pole to pole,
often with strange hemispheric differences as if scarring occurred briefly from
a single direction.
Thunderbolts here
perception management. Social scientific remodeling, hormonal wars, endocrine
destructors, the
male, population redesign, estrogen BPA on receipts,
our chemical lives
tubes navy
tubes, ron blackburn, holographic tech, Morgan Reynolds lawsui
t, Clark
McClelland, Pilots for truth, April Gallup pentagon, Maxwell air force base
holograh, Gravitational
Force of the Sun, Pari Spolter,
Henry Deacon life on
files, Clifford Stone, John Grace oh krill paperrs, NASA '
astronaut corps
John Lear on 9/11, here, Miles Johnson the
Bases project,Where did the towers go: molecular dissociation, Jim Marrs Nazi
plutonium traded, no planers, super soldiers Saudi Arabia, Madness in the Fast
Lane, saffron sky of the moon
took years to build an understanding of philosophical terms like ontology. The
terms here will be just as strange and need getting used to.
hatred the English could have had rapprochement, but it never occurred to bring
the Indian anything but death. Check one: The English are or are not members of
the Communist party? Ans. Both. Churchhill is their man. So is Stalin.
Sources include, the Thunderbolts,
Hoagland, Lear, Annie Jacobsen on the Paperclips and DARPA, etc. and Anthony
Patch would find his language and thoughts borrowed here. He isolates himself
so as not to taint his thinking, but as all poets know we will steal where e'er
we may, which I have done with his work, first for myself because if I take
notes and sort the data I can build a comprehension, what one calls mental
pathways, but then secondly, because I do this live, for whoever sees it, I
drop into the language at any time, so if there is a miscomprehension do not
blame my sources, but know that I have explored many hours of them. But it is
all intended in the end to illuminate the contact with Saturn and Tartarus or
what might be called the LHC abyss.
names for eOfficial Reality apply. Olympians, wanton boys, thought gods -
rest of humanity is useless eaters to them. As Henry K (issinger) and Prince P
(hilip) said, “in the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a
deadly virus, to contribute something to overpopulation.” Don't say these boys
can't have a laugh in their higher consciousness alien orb channel scrying.
United Nations Prisoner Transfer cars willbring these "resettlements to
the east." The world is not infinite and holy according to Blake, but a
warfare to entertain the super elite. Your own bardo will be disfranchised in
the Unity State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for technology gave
these thought gods license to burgle, they thought.. Saturn is not just a
rocket, it is a beast animated by its cargo within. Shrines of Moloch
divine their ancestors in every hospital and Times Square. The idols in every
grocery call out, “come, buy, come and buy.” The laugh is that whoever was
building the Rings bugged out before they finished. higher crime
travelers find this shaggy gent at the center of Earth. They climb down the
waist, there is plenty of hair to hold on its sides—squeeze through a hole and
come to the feet with their sin. You’d think they’d have had wheelbarrows for
it, but like Sherpas they carry it in packs. These are the outcast thought goat,
dinosaur salesman, sometimes called Spirit of Wilderness or Thought Beasts,
Hybrid Beastiary, Uber Alter Nano Bot. The lists go on, “Travels to Byzantium,”
“The Cure,” “Kung Fu Da Puta Alien,” the “Orcapoi,” “Sue Smooke,” all the way
down to “The Dame of Guapa Pop” that got a FRiGG. They are indexed . Perhaps
the coup de grace of the Thought Goat is the War on Neptune, or if you can
stand the ads, its cousins, Opiomes: The Domes, or The Severed Head."
Goat Commentary on the New Folk Sensorial Compound confronts the
nations of commerce and religion by absurdism, consciousness and art. Proof is
in the narcosis and escapes are hard pressed. These headlines pop in your mouth
and map a land we do not know, where every bubble-vision measures an interior
Dante of what we are. New folk paradigms constellate, or if you will, imaginate
these beings, profiles of a human knowledge self-reversed. We don’t need a
scientific basis for theater.
alien urge to prove the human inferior in Charles Fort, Robert Stanley,
all Sitchin boys, purport them slaves of Enki and the Archons to prove Lucifer
the father of earth. They think a reptile physically and intellectually
stronger, even if it lacks creativity and heart, but to the voyaging soul
of the human these oppressions are as old as recorded voyages to new worlds:
the Odyssey, Prester John, Mandeville's Travels, the Celtic voyages, the
Elizabethans and fictions thereof. Especially Swift's voyages and Cranes'
Bridge are imaginative encounters with the alien. So apocryphal or not, to
China or the Moon, these go along with Solomon's passage to Ophir.
is a huge literature placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but this
wormwood of deception requires that we grant their existence and interference
in our lives. Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands are named in every
language, and their priests and shamans identified for what they are not, wise
men, prophets and healers, their healing induces a greater reliance upon their
ways and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca to the theosophant.
Marijuana rituals and the electric digital high command the adrenalized bookie
state with its altered favor. Illumination is industrialized.
by shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions civilized men
are as subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an
invention of the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of
death, war and the study of war inculcate death into earth by supernatural interference.
In the Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats confronts these
agencies even though he seems compromised with the Titans gods. To fight the
divine is paramount in Aeschylus. Aliens turn this as if it were fighting
against (the true) God, but it is alien equivocation. In the fight against
Saturn, the Titans and all Olympus, men could not effect change even if they
resisted to the death like Sisyphus, Prometheus. The recast of man into a
demi-god himself undermined the man and turned him into a god, made him
his own enemy. Then heceased to resist and was completely enslaved. "To
those who really believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural
interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty,
especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently
out of course ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's
Earliest Ages. Preface). Aeschylus, Dante,Yeats lead to wondering how the
human fights against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it has
always existed and must have been resisted or influenced long since.
writers like Cormac McCarthy pass up the chance to write for fallen, nothing
but deceived, as Northrop Frye, "this expanding of images into conventional
archetypes of literature is a process that takes place unconsciously in our
reading." "One hardly notices the difference between creative and
critical activity," thus "what is true for the reader is true a
fortiori of the poet, who learns very quickly that there is no singing school
for his soul except the the study of the monuments of its own
magnificence" (Anatomy of Criticism 100). In this crisis of our
time Jesus the Messiah is the only combatant against the gods. He has made a
mockery of these heavenly beings from Psalms to Isaiah and empowered us to
establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the war among gods, or
The gods are evil.
against the gods, is usually construed as against the odds,
"Aeschylus against the gods" no results found! The celebration of war
is a victory of gods over men, a transfer of their apocalypse to earth. All
discussion of human greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without
the gods. Be a god is not to be a man, the lowly useless eater looked upon by
royalty the rich because they are Olympians, children of the nephilim. Antigone
burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the gods is
killed for their sport. Wanton boys these nephs. Twelve Olympians are the major
gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis,
Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus, the gods
who left in the golden age.
Abraham is unwilling to placate these gods. So begins a resistance where he and
Israel engage in act after act of resistance. We come with a list of these of
course. The New Testament is even more at pains to resist. And having disarmed
the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over
them by the cross. Colossians 2.15 Matthew 12:29
else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his … Luke 10:18
he said to them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 11:22
when a stronger than he shall come on him, and overcome him, … John 12:31
is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world … John 16:11
judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Ephesians 4:8
he said, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, … Hebrews 2:14
as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, … Revelation
the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, … Revelation
he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, …
principalities. Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in
heaven, and that … 2 Corinthians 4:4
whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which … Ephesians 6:12
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, …
one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, … John 12:32
I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to me. John 19:30
Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: … Acts
being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge … in it. or, in
OK according to civilization to fight against the God of the gods, but not
against the gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods. Prometheus is a god
himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other and as Lear says the
wanton boys kill us. Gods are like Democrats, have engineered a situation where
they are exempt from criticism, have corrupted every aspect of the human.
chief tactic of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies, I was wrestling
against seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men, disposing of them,
moving quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in blue, who watched
from above; i was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of theirs to oppose
and while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion, like a robot or
clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there were more
when i woke.
Greada Treaty: Kidnapping in exchange for technology. Eisenhower, Bush,
Brzezinski The Short Version supposes: Late in 1954 the race of aliens known as
Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the equator,
landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated their planet was dying and needed
quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow their race to
survive; this was to be in exchange for certain technology. President
Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The treaty
stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere
in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would furnish us
with advanced technology, that they could abduct humans on a limited basis for
the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the stipulation that
the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their point of
abduction, and that the humans would have no memory of the event. It was also
agreed the alien bases would be constructed underground, beneath Indian
reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4, about 7 miles
south of area 51, known as 'Dreamland'. A multi-billion dollar secret fund was
organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House, supposedly to
build secret underground sites for the President and the staff in case of
military attacks. By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower
established a permanent committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12)
to oversee and coordinate all covert activities with the aliens. This included
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign
Relations, known as the 'Wise Men' and later others from the Trilateral
Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them. A major
finding of the commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a
source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood and in
genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their
survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would
cease to exist.The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien
project would be to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of
the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name was George H. W.
Bush, at the time president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata
Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the
drugs be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat,
then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, avoiding search by
customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA
controls all the world's illegal drug markets. Don't take the short version for
this, read Nova by William Burroughs. One should remember, it was George Bush
who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to
finance the deep underground alien bases. Posted 17th October 2012
Explanations of the War in Heaven. Robert Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to
2/18/17) War in Heaven, ceramic detail These equivocations and their effects
and sources hold much worth belief, meant as bait for the poor flies, so do not
incline too deep to dive. The real reasons behind earth-alien events are simple
and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more to do with H7N9 than currency,
but it is so easy to fool a fool. The father of Robert Stanley, the man who met
Enki, was a disciple of Norman Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the
gods was caused when Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being
his thought projection. See the birth of the archons. All cerebral and
intellectualized, Enki is father of Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley
gets from Wes Penry's papers. Where Penry got it is the usual places, like
Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky, but they all read as if computer generated,
artificial writing, the kind done by salesmen to reach the least common
other gurus, Clif High claims insight and expertise (just as prone to go out of
body as Stanley's Enki), says he has been through the bardos, knows the soul
traps, but has come back to tell us all, like Prufrock, I shall tell you all.
High is a predictive linguist also enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth
Turning, Thinking and Destiny but utterly innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these
who say we are slaves but are themselves servants of the we are hybrids? David
Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are convincing unless you parse their rambles and
ask when they dismiss the ancient literature for ever more ancient, which have
no body of examination (the latest being the Jordon Lead Codices) and which
they know from channeling out of body and meditative states, full of deception
and conviction. Stanley believed the being that confronted him on the mountain
as he chanted love was Enki, just as he believed when it told him it was the
father. Stanley is a victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman
Paulsen, that demons are a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the
dark hole. All romance. Loki, Iago, Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not
reveal what drugs he used at that time nor whether the tulpas he saw from his
asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred place...were projections.
We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice. Still it reads like Satan in Paradise
Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since critics have sided against
Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki an enemy as does
Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a deliverer, the
primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the divine
feminine and freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into
hell and led out the captives. Stanley says "even in the Bible" like
Wilcock does as if that were the last place you would look, but it is the
greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because that haven't
discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's fault who discloses the textual opacity
and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but enrich
the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of its textual coherence. (See
"Midrash as Law and Literature" in The Third Pillar). Hartman's life
and thought show the beauty of life and literature. “The spectacle of the
critic’s mind disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild surmise’ about the
text and struggling to adjust — is not that one of the interests critical
writing has for us?” --text is, below its surface, a roiling system of
conflicting semantic signs. As such, the text has no one empirical reading; it
is, rather, a network of competing meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox, Obituary).
Much of this comes down to sacred and profane, leaping over the sacred to
embrace the profane, leaping over the culture and language to which he is born
to embrace a foreign which he cannot know at all, only be a victim of, do
whatever its shadow mansters tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15
has an out of body at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body)
as a child but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's
"spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him
fall for soul trapism and Orion civil wars when the making of the vernacular
"illustrious," ...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the
biblical text by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as
does lit for all these hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and
salesmanship to the masses. So leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons.
Rename a thing and it is a new discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits
he references are rebaptized, defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit
salvation from our 1) own enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam
of Pope Francis on the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move
that we have but 10 years to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these
substitutions of the false for the real suit our time, global warring in the
ice age, hiring Anthony Weiner, false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There
might as well be a substitute cosmology and psychology where the grand human
creations in art and lit are seen as the work of slaves, and that of a slave
master who is so superior it makes the human do what it cannot, viz, sing,
play, experience joy, love. Who's the master here? Creating heavens with the
touch of his finger God gave to man dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe an even
further reach of non historical, myth. He says the Archons were the Builders of
Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the temple of Mu in
Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and Penry is an
artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah, says Stanley,
is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki tried to
prevent! The Romance that Stanley was translated is like Henry Gruver who
confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome, Henry Gruver: Fallen
Angels Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein Trump is candidate for
false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse, Trump is the Swamp of Jewish Elite
MAFIA and Zionism a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want
slaves but we Fight Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on no less
authority than Psalm 8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands.
And this is so because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things
under His feet. And we walk in Him!
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel programs looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunaki dna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
74 dragons:
32, They are coming to take you away: inventing by mis-
information one piece of data to disprove an entire concept and body of well
established knowledge on the basis of one, so called, contradiction. High says
Rome never existed,
invented cosmic code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke that messiah
the word descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew
verb 'to anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the
holy crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in
origin...Jordan Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient
language and prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means
"sex"? the name Solomon derives from Sol OM On. Does OM mean no more
Velikovsky finds a New Jerusalem space ship station, or Freud who
first suggested that Moses was one of the nobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses
and Monotheism.
Trump and his enemy media and scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. Ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious
but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and
psychologically primed audience.
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh
was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of walking meditation within which he was
able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he was
inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and Ryan Wood,
documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier for abomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in '17 is We are not alone in the U! to come
out, But who said we were alone but their surrogates? and who says we should
know who our oppressors are? The oppressors? Oppressor science reveals
oppressor thought in order to... what make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already known them all
at office. a baby just born. as soon as I heard we went to it and it was fine,
licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there for it. As I was
doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn for a long drink.
Rehan, UT
there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a
great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko
-new chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage of
Christ died in the year 1078, that there was no history that predates the year
1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking movement-Rome
was created in the 1400s. His voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks
which show in his misquote of Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or
science. Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against
Christians. His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min,
8.44, but then he says a lunar eclipse occurred in 1078! He gets excited and
defensive which makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the
question like much else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does
not say it was an eclipse, this is inferred from the darkness and the length of
the Crucifixion, not from any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation
of the event at best. Pagan commentators of the
Roman era
explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an
eclipse during
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a
full moon. Fomenko 's Statistical Analysis of Narrative
Texts. "First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7
recreate history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" Deconstructing
the past by astronomy. All the ancient texts were written in 14th cent Italy.
Clif knows this by the words used, that why he pronounces it
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naïveté of this truth. On one
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all jpossible. He shares this view with most of the spectrum
of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erik Erickson to physics. His experiments
2008 and
2013 remotee viewing weather
Menger, "From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover."
exogenous events,
Peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up
with all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours. Events outside
conditioning as opposed to those inside, endogenous events, which I think of as
if at 12 that Sat AM a mantle fell from the sky about not to kill. He says
until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at 70
does so again, which I have felt all along more or less dropped off too,
and with a plan, not that I knew what it was. In Part I he is asked, 28.15 end,
cut, whether human dna is ET and he says 15% he examined for this, but to
rule out natural occurrences from radiation...but the tape is cut, as if his
answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. It picks up at 31.08 as ET,
but anecdotal, he cites Ezekiel! (If he feels isolated as an individual does he
think he is not oneof the 15 %?) Soliton, Russian plane S23, Wilcock is
his complement, all endogenous to Peterson's exog, has dreams that guide him
etc! Wilcock thinks Antarcticans came from Mars and are the falen angels,
blue avian,
the face on mars.
backmasking Trump, body language, high language emotion pattern deviations, NSA
preservation of every conversation period, indexed by name etc to be pulled up
as perfect recall if and when needed, starting about...
Codes, Use of art to predict patterns that emerge. William Binney. editing,
masking greying censoring language, communication on media. continual
what I hear backwards. After a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
Something has happened to make him think a deep corruption.
you very much Mr. speaker
It's a sin America
job is to represent the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a record
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have
Adolf her villain --there
is evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year I'm
afraid the fifth
killed in office, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a
President who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the same
as saying the universe is Satan and He overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe, Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected president, it is thousands of times false. What
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennacherib's lieutenant
who says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's Orwell, the bolder
the bigger the lie the more believed.
more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the NLP Hypnotists and me seated in
four chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I
was silent, one half comment ignored. The identities are approximate though,
but the feeling of a point of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Jason Tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles, Stephen Gilligan,
limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
of gold
the collective autonomous noun, science. Explicit agency but invisible.
filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. Have you made a life long
living independent will to be free? If not you're not. You cannot teach
somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American slaves never
stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is the mark of
your slavery and yet every reality can be demented, reversed, inverted so that
the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald Trump's current
presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
War In Heaven,
Charles Williams (1930). Johnny came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it
in the Sumer tablets which he cannot read and which if subjected to the
millennia's of hermetical examination would crumble. Never mind Breugels,
Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo, Blake, Johnny has his own
Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit of the real, written by the perps for
the hoodwink kidnap for world peace, coming ahead of time with vans and
hoods to neighborhoods to slip over heads and steal bodies off streets.
never heard from again, or if so changed.
Trutheers Laura says that the Dracos are jealous of us because we can go higher
than they but all they need to do is go inside. I guess if a draco goes inside
he'd just as soon go back out again. In the genre of romance everything is as
convincing as a movie. An ersatz eagle, a false eagle constructed like a
Bohemian club owl against a lion. The white flash of egret wings through the
gates as they fly up and down the canal. Meaning it is not 3D, 2 D o even one
D, it is no D, strictly air and light which is utterly convincing as long as
you are watching it, but after seeing empty. Well at least air is full. The
truth movement has a complex world where it wants to qualify for ascension or
at least salvation from cataclysm but is lured away from the inner work that
happens by the usual worldly invites. It sounds like a book we all used to know
better where not by works of righteousness we have done but according to his
mercy he saved us, resurrected us, empowered us. You know? It's not Christi
consciousness you need to enter the next density, destiny or the violet flame
on the mountain where everything, every noun is a lie and means something else,
maybe opposite, twisted by the pious need to seem accepted. Very like Hawthorne
on Mt Shasta as in the constant borrowing of the New Testament language of
theosophy but misapplied, angel of light, do unto others, centripetal force
holds things in, the ready result of any club or society, the Oxford dons
resisting Tolkien's idea of Beowulf as an autor. Which is like asking whether
the Blue Avians joining in Full Disclosure at the 1111 roundtable of spiritual
knights came from the lenticular cloud over Mt. shasta or from the hollow
earth? But as Max Speirs says, Earth is the Jewel of the Universe and A Man is
the Highest Created why go to the stars when they are all coming here?
In any case .042 % of of people or 300000 is the current estimate of ascension.
This elect, who do service to others and work to ascend to the Anshar world of
the Mohammad Accords, because trickster beings, pose as angels of light,
trickers, so be be conscious in the the divine template, observe the DNA potential.
Laura Eisenhower says her spirit guide is Ike to these higher DNA levels but
she doesn't know about the German POWs, a million starved to death behind
barbed wire, starved and frozen to achieve the higher common Union of the
Cather lines. This alien machinery of unity and life comes in the soul
architecture of the planetary body of the goddess where the root races share
codes to the seven higher heavens. Of stargates, earth grid compromises of the
god of Energy, Daniel says the god of Forces, will empower this shared union of
the divine masculine to emerge with extra activated DNA strands out of which
Laura gives these revelations. If you want to find out who you are and know who
among all this is telling the truth or you wish to meet ET for contact, if you
wish it they will come, the orbs summoned by Steve Greer, all possible if you
are desperate for off world civilization of the galactic diplomacy. Preying on
the easiest group to infiltrate the earth, these ascendeds, Master Hilarion of
the scaterfield network will reach planetary ascension in the re- distribution
at first contact. Then earth changes and there will be 30 kinds of hyperdrive,
new harmonics of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry flame like
violets on the Mat of Shasta. Many will go inside in the event. The truth
movement looks within but expects the least % to ascend in America. Connect
with natural if you want to prepare for the next density in the liner work.
Listen for the pings. The biggest problem for those who would ascend is their
children. Take the children of the elite who have fled to New Zealand and
Tasmania who inhabit one room schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets
but read books and walk among trees. How will these children stand it when they
realize their parents abandoned ship to save themselves, but worse, poisoned
the ship in the doing in a hundred ways. How do the children of the SS live?
How does Laura Eisenhower after learning of the million Ike killed in POW
camps. These are cursed generations just opposite the children of the survival
of the holocaust who question their right to survive. Levinas. Children of the
elite would do the same if any conscience remains in them as it will. Either
way it comes down to forgiveness of sins. At the outset let it be said there is
a cure for all these things summing u living life for its own sake and not what
you can get out of it. Breath. Walking early and only moment by moment as many
of the old hyms, Moment by moment I’m kept in His love, let's try to show this unabstracted
into romance but as real life, connected life which in fact tries very hard to
be demonstrated in The Way Into the Flowering Heart with all those essays like
Pennsylvania Dutch Paradise where among architectures of furnished rooms and
philosophies of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ extends to
nature a sacrament that covers an outward garment of earth.
Literature ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science Disclosure A totalitarian
system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society. -It is
superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames multiplicative, then
quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler, Galileo, Newton get trumped by
Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of the old as fabrication, something
Franz Neumann outlined in his Behemoth. The structure and practice of National
Socialism." (1942). "Today it seems strange that an American spy
agency would employ Marxists to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism,
[Marcuse there] argues, was something new - a totalitarian system that
enveloped every level and every aspect of German civil society-(Secret Reports
of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS). This snapshot of social
structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other view. Deans, profs,
editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe the truth/untruth of
the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald Justice had contempt for
Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the first principle of
quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool of invisible hand.
You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The first principle is
believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon did you believe
that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before? They will again.
That is all they do. "High confidence generally indicates that judgments
are based on high-quality information from multiple sources [which] does not
imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty; such judgments might be
wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian Activities). When former NASA scientist
admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect why believe the next
tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be false with a truth
cover. Many have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain
a large wagon of hay surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of
sins. At the top of the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven
while God sits enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through
the clouds. The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell,
depicted on the right panel. The truth as use is never real, only slivers give
misprisons. If you need proof that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure
is a lie, see what happens if you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you
down, vote you to reeducation camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do
they practice their best NLP on you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell
sell you like police interrogators? That is the proof they lie.
In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat you. The layers of harm in the apriori
statements to every political effect cause the thought that all Mainstream
analysis is apriori, all counter MSM is apriori and this statement itself is.
This is not tautology, it is experience revealing that all good leaders are
corrupt beyond belief but it is even worse to believe one bad and the other
good when
anorexic pedophile good give a bad name even to calorie restriction. Trump has
never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones from the Grendel haunted
Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after work. That seems to be
Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the contrary, deception
couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding. The relation of small to great is
like the individual to the state, the deep state accumulating these years
consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state too is small in the same
scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu, Puradu hybrids and they too in
relation to their gods.God/no gods, Heiser says it was council agency that
administered the worlds. Says the stars were His army in Judges 5.20 but the
whole passage says Jah did it, over and over. Just as the wife Jael drives the
nail through Sisera's temples, nobody does anything there except for Yah. Ahab
and the lying spirit sent to him by the council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with
satire based on the 400 false prophets he had summoned, so the lying spirit is
Ahab himself, not a council's decision even if his self deception is
personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why there is more than one liar?
It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar to Lear, all personal drama.
This misperception of speaker is like the hivi hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a
drunk preached as the process of revelation, "here a little there a little
for with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people...that
they might go, and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa
28.10. The prophet and the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13 the watcher of
Nebuchadnezzar's dream is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's
which makes it a dream fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word
humanity, human/non human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy,
the common one who will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non
human + and - attributes except as part of Jakobson semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE
sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine one hopes, of poets, art collectors.
Pass on those academics who eat footnotes like John Velz. Further on, Ahab
peers say the mashal taunt against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery
but evidently cannot see this in Micaiah's mocking. There are some gains in the
council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without Michael's
intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the gains are
losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting us in the
Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are paltry
Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor. Malak vs.
elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym also and may be
either and other.
heavenly council excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its receipt of the
negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the company of nations:
"we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the nations became
corrupt, only that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed
anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war to make a
counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the Flood along
with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but who promise
a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and war. That
these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower
and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in
disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word
before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the spiritual
council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim
territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion vitiates
angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah that he
shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only malaks
in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is not going to be
defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to thinking that the
reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an instance where the
council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in fact that passage
like all the continual references says over and over that Yahweh sold them,
4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14, Yahweh discomfited
Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any council agencies,
making it very much seem that the peer scholars are abstracting extrapolating
and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They will say that the angel
discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that was Malak again. We
don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion even if they exist.
We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here or there but there
are angels everywhere "to deliver us." TRANSFER! You want a single
verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the offerer's place. Laying
his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL THEIR SINS. You want to
divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it: "If the lion was
advised by the fox he would be cunning." Ultimately disappearances of all
kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of the national parks, in
the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of children, some with
defects, and people taken from the last position of a group hike, near water,
missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found. The fact that so many
had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking Yellowstone, never to
be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as if placed there later,
suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its victims, and this
comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with all the mysteries
of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up having to confront to
ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would not take the scent
trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply lie down and whine,
which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of camouflage or confusion
in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the enforcement agencies of
the parks service profess to have no data base of these missing in their
jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement agency has such in
theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go missing on FBI
lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being ignored and
explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases of utter
instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents even at the
opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets appear to conduct
searches, and Freedom of information suits can be vociferously denied. in
progress... Labels: Apkallu disclosure Franz Neumann Heiser totalitarian
Ugaritic monsters VI. Multidimensional Upset [censored] It has become obvious
that there is a mind wave projection fostering discord and division among
formerly like minded people. This is true of severance of long time friends over
political events since the American election, division among artists over
politics, division in the streets with mass controlled marches and events,
division between writers and editors who once valued their work but now
actively repudiate it, division between elders and pastors. Following Sunday
service at a local reformed church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by
"prayer!" "Over the past several months it has become
increasingly apparent that the elders’ vision for the church is significantly
different from the pastor’s vision for the church and both the elders and the
pastor are discerning that the relationships have become strained to the point
that effective ministry seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate
pinging in various directions and modes was the initial verdict for
Multidimensional Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy favorite,
one who so habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion. These are the
powerhouse D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are magnificent
specimens who always win, have been trained to win and have a record to prove
it. They win because they're good, like the America dream team. Unless you know
some of these you really cannot define average. Average, is a player who is a
walk-on, who exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is always black
and blue and never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human competition
against what I call elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world. "But if
you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and so tread upon the
serpent multidimensionals will be upset."
you expose this the D-1 cohorts will censor you, bind you and load every rift
of your ore with glue. The context of the average and the full ride athlete is
in Northrop Frye's notion from Vico of the collective imagination that begins
with myth. "In myth the actors are primarily gods; in the next state,
romance, gods and humans mingle; then a high mimetic mode appears, where humans
are humans but include heroes, close in capacity to the gods. After that... an
ironic phrase, in which the protagonists are represented as all too human, so
that readers may feel superior to them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54).
The multidimensional upset occurs when Satan falls from heaven in lightening
and saints are given power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power
of the enemy.
put this essay together as extremely as possible but never expected it to
appear. The editor who accepted it calls it Mind pinging in various directions
and modes but he was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of Pentonville
Prison who says: "Upon closer examination, Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot
publish "Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided
in your article, and your body of essays, I realized that
"Multidimensional Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to
Unlikely's. Unlikely has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump."
So there goes. There have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is
scheduled for reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential,
making individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and
supervising the work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015
indicated that Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the
previous inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds of
rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations.
introduces the Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it
they must create a focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of the
point of view as meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider facts, a
version makes their case, over and over again, so that on the level of people
we meet in life it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view that they
must be mimicking some greater set of which they are a subset. That greater set
is the media that has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger burning
bright. Mind-forged manacles. But these people were already tainted, it's just
that it was overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value, because
it used to be the case that a society tolerated points of view without trashing
and burning alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed
pacifist-militants, people who abhor violence name call and parade their
superiority everywhere and skate on their privileged enclaves of art,
university or family. Exfundamentalists wear their disdain as a mark of their
erudition, a way of saying they have seen the liberal light and disavowed the crude,
unfeeling, uncompassionate take for the high intellectual road of programed
thought. This is exactly what appears in the frontispiece of Leviathan,
mannikins inside the body of a single giant. "The demonic human world is a
society held together by a kind of molecular tension of egos, a loyalty to the
group or the leader which diminishes the individual" (Frye, Anatomy of
Criticism 147). Constantly battered with overt and covert messaging about the
rollback of the surrender of America to globalists and all the Obama clinton
gore bushes to the effect of killing anybody overseas or at home who gets in
the way, they subscribe implicitly to the assassination scheme this network of
funds, corps, parties uses to control their opponents, those they cannot blackmail
with pedo pics taken when they have been seduced celebrating their power lust.
This however is only for those who will benefit the Corrupt. The other
ordinaries on the street where we live, who dramatize their moral outrage are
controlled with headlines on Yahoo and the Post and the Times endless parroted
on Media MSM attributing the false fact to another when it is their sole tactic
with bullying. From a lower view moral outrage comes from their being cut off
from any really compassionate concern for anyone different from themselves, the
lib might not go to Malta but figuratively lives among the illumined. There can
be no greater hypocrisy than to trade on the poverty of your neighbor to
justify your own political morality. Multidimensional Upset was written four
years ago as Baptized Martians.
Upsets Censored [Embezzlement, blackmail and censorship in the nitrogen food
storage industry. The greatest offense to censors is when the fact is cited on
a forbidden source. Alex Jones serves nicely to illustrate this. All links and
backlinks tied to him are the great affront, as one said to me in indignation:
Alex Jones... but equally so from the mag editor who finds all mention of a
wide range of sources offensive, so much so that it is the intractable enemy of
proscience. We're not talking about liquid nitrogen food storage, but about the
Vatican encoding a savior from outer space with beings half fish and half men
found in the Antarctic to have hands down on our civilization.. Yes I'm talking
about James Blish and H. P. Lovecraft. Both appeared on Alex Jones and his
keep the population segmented differing factions provoke extreme views well
typified by the global warming climate change vs the ice age. The majority view
of warming shouts down the ice age with all the usual bullying in order to
censor it. This philosophy of opposing factions extends into every other contention
between opposites so that instead of reason and discourse there is open
antagonism. One of the best stratagems of the left is accuse its opposite of
being anti-scientific. The left is pro-science so it believes in global warming
and censors all else (until further notice). The most important aspect of all
this is that the greater the heat of passion the less the reason, which is to
say the more prejudice the greater the denial, which results in sleep and
best response to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how do
you know you are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked?
Certainly the mere fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It
also implies opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that
there are only two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each
that seeks to force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets
caused such an upset. It was both accepted and rejected. What had been
"mind pinging in various directions and modes" to the accepting
editor with his own authority became "a worldview intractably opposed to
"pro-science and anti-Trump," to the founder of these Unlikely
stories, much like the view that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas of
"hidden" archeologies and technologies hidden in its basement from
view is not to be revealed. Upsets does not report such findings, so much as it
mocks them, although maybe the humor is too dry to perceive. For example, that
the "Researchers" of discovery of extraterrestrial life in the
Brookings Report do not say the alien angel touch down will prove artificial
structures of Hoagland on Mars. I once mocked medicinal the herbs this way by
proposing absurd usage no had ever contemplated: "Croton looks like a
miniature maypole round which the faeries of middle earth might dance."
The censor turns this intractable attitude of mockery into an anti-science
because it cannot stomach the oceans of subrafuge it sails, for example, that
massive die offs in the north Pacific are beyond calculation and forbidden to
mainstream. Thus oceanographers who deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are
like biologists' who support vaccines that cause autism, or archaeologists who
deny the races of giants dug up. But here's another joke, isn't that just
because there is and was a remnant race of reengineered nephilim hybrids
running the world? Do not mock the accepted world or you will be unscientific.
foisted these same extraterrestrials in Upsets upon literature and said that
when the new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian religion and Jesuit astronomers
await their "evangelist" from space, there will be astigmatic
baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for example the literature of the
alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades earth in silver ships. After 50
years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed in leather wings, horns and
barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their true benefactors are the devil
and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective Mind,
when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior will then reveal that that new
science, biology, archaeology and technology are alien signs and wonders. The
Wee People used croton as a tea before the settlers drove them out. All people
who believe in science will believe, that's science, but not that poets are the
unacknowledged legislators of the world. That's heinous.
astrobiological conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James Blish in 1959, who if not
as prescient as the four angels of the apocalypse or the horses with heads of
lions, "that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and
silver, and brass" (John of Patmos 9.20), sent a fictional team of priest
astronauts in A Case of Conscience to investigate the coming aliens. He called
them Lithians. Orson Scott Card called them "buggers." Blish said
they should be quarantined, unlike the real Vatican astronomer Consolmagno who
wants to baptize them. Is Blish in on the alien baptizing, ahead of time?
"Who are we to close the doors?" the Jesuit says. Close the doors!
The portals are being broken down from the inside as we speak. The Trojans
betrayed themselves at CERN. What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest
against the murder of the world. 2) People don't cook, don't have books, don't
garden. 3) Horsetail reeds "will not whinny if picked." If these
fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall all be wearing lizard skins
and get baptized by them, says Pope Francis, with his religion of acceptance.
He thinks the fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered original sin.
To not believe in lizards makes you a heretic then and to be censored as much
as believing now does. Science fiction against the Revelation of St. John will
eat McDonald human DNA burgers even bugs and rats won't touch.
Goya deaf is better than Blish at hearing the Disasters of War. “Seated maja
and majo” 1824-5, carbon black and watercolor might be his coda, all the bats,
owls, blackbirds flying at heads screeching what the psych boys say are
externalized fears. Impaled corpses, thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard.
Goya visited the asylum at Bordeaux as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive
of human suffering that compels his images. The only place to see it now, since
the county homes have been destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the
Chaffites or the Vatican where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya
knew in the fourteen paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of
censorship the sambenito each prisoner wears, is called the "blessed
bag," a reverse chasuble painted with their supposed heresies in red
flames for their burning, displayed on the wall. A visionary was called an
ilusa, burned at the stake. Goya was accused of being a descendant of such
conversos. Firebrands and beheadings will ensure what Goya portrayed. So while
we are waiting to understand the contradiction of the censor, consider whether
"if the reed is a diuretic, why does the folklorist tell us the Kickapoo
used it in a tea to prevent bedwetting?"
Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy Consolmagno is played by Father Ramon
Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of fictional code that camouflages the coming
Papal decree by citing the name of the planet Lithia in Blish’s book. So when
the aliens of the planet Ilithia come it is to the tune of ancient Greece where
that goddess was the one who guarded the seed of the serpent. Blish's future
serpent savior, in the blood line of Greek geographer Pausanias AD 110, traces
to an old shrine of the alien serpent god in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where
it also describes a Watcher, the serpent Melkiresha, aka, seed of Satan. Is
than unscientific? Blish won a Hugo for this in 1959. Then he rewrote the end
of Childhood's End for Arthur Clarke to further contemplate how the full number
of our fellow servants and our brethren that should be killed," as The
Revelation says. " an archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the
serpent-savior of the city (Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the
traveller Pausanias in the 2nd century AD (Greece vi.20.1–3); in it a
virgin-priestess cared for a serpent that was "fed" on honeyed
barley-cakes and water—an offering suited to Demeter. The shrine memorialized
the appearance of a crone with a babe in arms, at a crucial moment when Elians
were threatened by forces from Arcadia. The child, placed on the ground between
the contending forces, changed into a serpent, driving the Arcadians away in
flight, before it disappeared into the hill." wikipedia
the unlikely case that fiction becomes reality, the President of Science will
be expected to join with the Pope and reinterpret the Gospels. True believers
(Jose G. Funes) will be redefined. Blue Beamed aliens might be presented then.
To not believe would be censored, but not to worry, in The Eclipse of the
Church, Malachi Martin mentions the paradox that when the current
administration announces the alien prophecy of the Popes, there will be an
Exhilaration! Unwritten science discloses how One Rising parallels Washington
D.C. and Rome right down to obelisk and dome, flying X orb formations over the
Vatican and D.C. as early as 1954. Navy Commander Alvin E. Moore saw "two
huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or vapor..." (9 Nov).
Chris Constantine will tell you the meaning of the X, but when this technology
is seriously more advanced than Leave It To Obama, these entities will want to
return drama.
commemorate the giant phallus in the second round knockout of this war. When
fire is called from cloaked technology you'll likely be told they're making the
world safe for terrorism. But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood
of the Lamb, and so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be mighty
upset. Is that anti-Trump? Call it fiction to further the scenario, but if the
False Prophet and the last Pope are installed according to St. Malachy and Fr.
René Thibaut, predicting the last pope, Gentle Francis will join all into one
body to welcome the Antichrist, instituting a new kind of Church. But he'll
have to hurry. That's what the teaching of Charles Woodbridge was back in 1960
and hundreds of other divines from the Reformation on. If the worship of a
morally superior alien who comes to earth to evangelize seems a lot to accept,
as the Vatican said of the recent film Prometheus, it is a bad idea to defy the
gods. The God of Forces of Daniel (11.38) is a strange one who calls down fire
from heaven. When lightening struck St. Peter's Basilica twice, on Feb 11,
2013, following Pope Benedict's resignation, it was said this decree declared
to the elect its arrival with a new comet which is to say when Satan falls from
heaven in lightening saints are given power over serpents and scorpions and
over all the power of the enemy.
the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as Mystery Babylon and the Beast?
Europa? Will east Jerusalem be given to the Pope via the Oslo Accords? Will the
2nd Vatican state to be established in Jerusalem? Did Malachi Martin call this
the enthronement of Satan ceremony? The Third Secret of Fatima is Replacement
theology doctrine, replacement of Israel? Answers to these are not going to be
on the news, but it's nice to hear something good about Hugo Chavez. Allegedly
poisoned with cancer,
who protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in
2005, a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the
leaders of the world. If Yeats thought the rough beast slouches round at last
to be born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will require a
search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth frothing at
the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain structure
absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of predicting how the
syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next. Add Ophirim The jokes on us
when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own report and the
list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the censors but also
on the merits. Ice Age, Antarctica. The extraneous herbal reflections mentioned
in Native Texans once appeared in elimae.
Shamar means to hedge about (as with
thorns), to guard, to protect, to watch, to beware to Gate keep, Sh’ar
these Gates of Thought. It emphasizes the protective element of the
mantle. Shamar is first used in Gen. 2:15. Adam is told to keep (shamar)
the garden. Damascus
Gate שַׁעַר
, Sha'ar Sh'khem)
is the main entrance to the
Old City of
Sit in the gates. Behold, he that keepeth (shamar)
Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper (shamar):
the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve (shamar) thee from all
evil: he shall perserve (shamar) thy soul. The LORD shall preserve (shamar)
going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore (Psalm
rendering of shamar is observe. Observe involves watching, keeping and
guarding. Shepherding.
is the element that makes a man blind and prevents him from seeing the truth.
That element is the “imaginative faculty” that originates in impressions
received from material objects…the man who approaches God by means of his
intellect is triumphant over both the imagination and the evil inclination.
imagine Maim. II, 155.
Samael was riding on the serpent and
God was laughing at both the camel and its rider. 154 The serpent had a rider,
the rider was as big as a camel and it was the rider that enticed Eve; this
rider was
Samael. Ps. 73.7,
36.1. Maim I, 260, to ride.
is the element in man that makes him blind and prevents him from seeing the
truth. That element is the imaginative faculty that originates in impressions
received from material objects. The verb nachash denotes to imagine
and the noun nachash is figuratively employed for imagination."
Maimonides. Guide of the Perplexed, II 155. also II, 30
the snake but its rider enticed
samael, "blind from seeing God'
Hebrew for
"snake", is also associated with
including the verb-form meaning to practice divination or fortune-telling.
--"According to
Heiser, the Hebrew root is the basis for a noun, verb, and adjective.
Of course as a noun it is usually the word for serpent. The verb form
means deceiver or diviner with divine knowledge. The adjective version
means bronze or brazen with a bright shine. Therefore, used as an
adjective it should be translated as “shining one.” Shining or luminosity
is a quality that is characteristic of divine beings in the Hebrew bible and
other near east literature."
a lot of talk about discernment but not about discrimination-- discernment
means dismemberment-- which in the
reconciliation fraud is like apologizing instead of feeling remorse,
shame and contrition. Discernment is political but discrimination is final.
Would you rather be sliced vertically up and down or horizontally at the
waist? These are all panacea sales men, well educated some of them, well
spoken, lawyers with master's degrees, snake oil, soap men, if you like a good
sale. If you like generalizations all trutheers have the one thing in common,
their vanity.
is a goodly Heap for to behold.
Clif High says Goode/Wilcox are more charismatic like Aimee Semple McPherson,
so Andrew Basiago, Mars jump mate of Barack Obama, is at pains to show the
American time jump program developed separately from the Nazi of Fitz &
Farrell's Bell, Basiago and Stanley/Tompkins must be the more liberal
Methodist, in the putative
of Hillary Clinton. And he is at pains for you to know that there was
a time pic of 9/11 about 1970, Rumsfeld consenting, ho, ho, ho, but that none
of these "truths" allow that America's vaulted secret gov't was Nazi,
transported and transmogrified, and that that very gov't committed all those
acts of itself, pre-riddled with nephilim habits of torture, child sacrifice,
space fence technocrats, democrat manipulators. They all want most of all to
perpetuate images of themselves. So while Goode and Wilcox, High and Maugans
and the endless parade of truth passes in front of you eyes like the
Procession of
Young Knight, whatever that dost Arms profess,
And thro long Labours huntest after Fame,
Beware of Fraud, beware of Fickleness.
religion is a lot like romantic poets, all shades of theology of themselves.
Explanations of the War in Heaven. Robert
Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to 2/18/17)
War in Heaven,
ceramic detail
equivocations and their effects and sources hold much worth
belief-bait for
the poor flies who incline that deep to dive. The real reasons behind
earth-alien events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more
to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. The father of
Robert Stanley, the man who met Enki,
Sumerian god of water, knowledge
(gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam) the Babylonian devil, was a disciple of
Norman Paulsen who said that the demonic disorder of the gods was caused
when Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being his thought
projection. See this was the
birth of the archons.
All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is father of Annunaki in this
confection, which Stanley gets from his
Wes Penry's papers.
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky,
but they all read like computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done by
salesmen to reach the least common denom.
Just as prone to go out of body
as Stanley's Enki, other gurus, like
Clif High claim insight and expertise
because he has been "through the bardos", knows the soul traps,he
says, but has come back to tell us all, like Prufrock, I shall tell you all.
Clif High is a predictive linguist also enamored of Mauro Biglin who divines the
elohim machines the Fourth Turning of American changes, Thinking
and Destiny, how to think without creating karma thoughts, but innocent of
Ezekiel. Who are these gurus who say we are slaves but are themselves servants
of the "we are all hybrids," David Icke, Sitchin? Trutheers
are convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the
ancient literature for others ever more ancient. High gets his origin back to
Dogon Nommo ten million years ago. There is no body of examination,
very different from the latest
Jordan Lead Codices,
Christian texts from 33 A.D.
these gurus know corporately from channeling out of body and meditative states,
full of deception and conviction is the same as Stanley believed
confronted him on the mountain as he chanted
love. It was Enki he
believed when it told him it was his father. Back in the body again, and from
birth, Stanley is a victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen
that demons are a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark
hole. This is also the romance of Loki, Iago and Satan. Stanley does not reveal
what drugs he was on at that time or whether the
tulpas he saw from his asana on
the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred place...were his own deceived
projections. We can be fooled. It reads like Satan in
Paradise Lost who
Blake thought the hero and ever since critics have sided against Milton and
Christ following him. So some think Enki is an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but
others like Sitchin and etc. think him a hero, a deliverer, the primordial
snake that if only it were followed would lead to the divine feminine and
freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into
hell and led out the captives. Stanley refers to it as "even in the
Bible," like Wilcock does as if that were the very last place you would
look, but the greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because they
haven't "discerned" is the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of
that textual coherence. (See "Midrash as Law and Literature" in
Geoffrey Hartman.
The Third Pillar). Hartman discloses the textual
opacity and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but
enrich the beauty of life and literature. “The spectacle of the critic’s mind
disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild surmise’ about the text and
struggling to adjust — is not that one of the interests critical writing has
for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a roiling system of conflicting
semantic signs. As such, the text has no one empirical reading; it is, rather,
a network of competing meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox,
of this comes down leaping over the sacred to embrace the profane, leaping over
the culture and language to which he is born to embrace a foreign which he
cannot know at all, only be a victim of, and do whatever its shadow mansters
tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out of body experience
at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) leaping over the
hedge, as a child but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's
"spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him
fall for soul trapism and the socalled Orion civil wars when the
.extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the
biblical text by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes
him, as does literature for all these hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism
and salesmanship to the masses. Leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons.
Rename a thing and it is a new discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits
he references are rebaptized, defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit
salvation from our 1) own enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth a
spam of Pope Francis on the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker
move that we have but
years to cool our fossil fuels "or else." All these substitutions
of the false for the real suit our time of global warring in the ice age,
Anthony Weiner and false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There
might as well be a substitute cosmology and psychology where the grand human
creations in art and literature are seen as the work of slaves and that of a
slave master who is so superior it makes the human do what it cannot, viz,
sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's the master here?
Creating heavens
with the touch of his finger God gave to man dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe
an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the
temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and
Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah, says
Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki
tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley has translated is like Henry Gruver
who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels
Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein
is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of
Jewish Elite MAFIA and
a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we want
Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on authority of
8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so
because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet.
Mike Cernovich's report of swinger's clubs outside DC
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel programs looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunakidna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
are coming to take you away: inventing by mis information one piece of data to
disprove an entire concept and body of well established knowledge on the basis
of this one, so called, contradiction
High says Rome never existed,
Sitchin invented cosmic
code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah the word
descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb 'to
anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy
crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin...Jordan
Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and
prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? the name
Solomon derives from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more than
New Jerusalem a space ship station when, Freud who first suggested
Moses was one of the nobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses and
analogize Trump and his enemy media, scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. The ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by
industrious but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an
emotionally and psychologically primed audience at the
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh
was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of
walking meditation within which he
was able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he
was inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems with me. The first was worldliness the second was
walnuts are sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and Ryan wood, the
documents neutronic development salvaged were given to Oppenhemier for
the bomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in 2017 is that the big secret that We are not
alone in the U! is to come out. But who said we were alone except their
surrogate catalogued here? and who says we should know who our oppressors are?
The oppressors?
Oppressor science reveals oppressor thought in order
to...make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already known them all
dreamed a moose at office. a baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it
and it was fine, licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there
for it. As I was doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn
for a long drink.
Nabi, Rehan, UT
is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the
personage of Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that
predates the year 1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical
thinking movement-Rome was created in the 1400s"
voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which shows in his
misquote of Fomenko's title, which is
History: Fiction, or Science.
Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against Christians.
His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min (8.44) but then
he says a lunar eclipse occurred in 1078! He gets
excited and defensive which
makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the question like much
else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an
eclipse. This is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Crucifixion,
not from any text. So
he disproves a romantic interpretation of the
event at best. Pagan commentators of the
Roman era
explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an
eclipse during
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a
full moon. On
Fomenko's Statistical Analysis of
Narrative Texts. "First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction,
6 and 7 recreate history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!"
deconstructed the past by astronomy, all the ancient texts were written in 14th
century Italy. High knows this by the words used, after all he is a linguist.
That's why he pronounces it Eyetalian.
hope the reader perceives rampant sarcasm applied in these vignettes.
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On one
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all is possible. He shares this view with most of the
spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics. His
experiments of
2008 and 2013
remote viewing weather
take melissa, lemon balm for air travel
interview on Sean David
Morton- viktor schauberger structured water,
Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
exogenous events, Peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up with
all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours.
outside condition oppose those inside, endogenous events. I think of this
remembering when at 9 Sept 24, 1950 Dark Day and 2) that Saturday early morning
when the mantle fell from the sky about not to kill.
says until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at
70 does so again, which I share having felt all along more or less that I was
dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew what it was. In Part I he is
asked (28.15 end), cut, whether human dna is ET and he says 15% he
examined for this, but to rule out naturally occuring radiation... but the tape
is cut, as if his answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks
up at 31.08 as ET, but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! If he feels isolated as
an individual does he think he is not one of the 15 %. Anecdotally.
russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement, all endogonous to Petersons
exog, has dreams that guide him etc!
Wilcock thinks Antarcticans came from
Mars and are the fallen angels, Horus,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language,
high language emotion pattern deviations,, NSA preservation of every conversation
period indexed by name etc to be pulled up as perfect recall if and when
needed, starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict patterns that
William Binney. editing, masking greying censoring language,
communication on media. continual bombardment
what I hear backwards. After a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
something has happened to make him think a deep corruption
you very much Mr speaker It's
a sin America
job is to represent the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have delivered
adolf her villian --there is
evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year
afraid the fifth
killed in offic, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a
President who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the
same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false. Wlhat
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's leiutant who
says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder
the bigger thelie the more believed.
Coin.You're more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four
chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was
silent, one half comment ignored. I watched Vault 7 last night and clif
high. The identities are approximate though, but the feeling of a point
of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan
for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation of
Polarizing filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not.
cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American
slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is
the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can be demented, reversed,
inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald
Trump's current presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
succession, the ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car
in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker
came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he
cannot read and which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination
would crumble. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo, Blake,
Johnny has his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit of the real,
written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world peace, coming
ahead of time with vans and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over heads and
steal bodies off streets. never heard from again, or if so changed.
I. Trutheers
says that the Dracos are jealous because we can go higher than they, but all
they need to do is look within. This advice of of Sir Wm Sidney, look in your
heart and write was always a romantic fraud. If a draco goes inside he'd just
as soon go back out again. For Draco it's a lot like McKenna taking a trip to
the heavenlies. That genre of romance has everything convincing as a movie, an
ersatz eagle, a false eagle construct like a Bohemian club owl against a lion.
The 4D flash of white egret wings through the gates as they fly up and down the
canal is utterly convincing as long as you are watching it, but after-seeing
it is empty. Meaning not 3D, 2D or even one D, it is no D, strictly air and
light. Well at least the air is full.
this complex world the truth movement wants to qualify for ascension or at
least salvation from cataclysm, but is lured away from the inner work. This
happens from all the usual worldly book invite sound bites. It sounds like a
book we all used to know better where not by works of righteousness we have
done but according to his mercy he saved us, resurrected us, empowered us. You
know? It's not Christi consciousness you need to enter the next density of the
violet flame on the mountain where every noun is a lie and means something
else, maybe opposite, twisted by the pious need to be accepted. Very like Hawthorne
on Mt Shasta is the constant borrowing of New Testament language of
theosophy misapplied, "angel of light," "do unto others."
Centripetal force holds things in, the ready result of any club or society,
Oxford dons resisting Tolkien's idea of Beowulf as autor. Which is like asking
whether the Blue Avians joining in Full Disclosure at the 1111 roundtable of
spiritual knights came from the lenticular cloud over Mt. Shasta or from the
hollow earth? But as Max Speirs says, Earth is the Jewel of the Universe and A
Man is the Highest Created why go to the stars when they are all
coming here?
any case .042 % of people or maybe 300000 are the current estimate of
ascension. This elect, who do service to others and work to ascend to the
Anshar world of the Mohammad Accords pose as angels of light. Trickers behave,
be conscious in the the divine template, observe the DNA potential says Laura
Eisenhower's spirit guide, Dwight W. Just plain Ike to higher DNA
levels. Trickster beings don't know about the million German POWs starved to
death behind barbed wire, starved and frozen to achieve the higher common Union
of the Cather lines. This alien machinery of unity and life is brought to you
in the soul architecture of the planetary body of the goddess where root races
share codes to the seven higher heavens. Star gate earth grid compromises of
the god of Energy, Daniel says, the god of Forces that will empower this shared
union of the divine masculine to emerge with extra activated DNA strands. If
you want to find out which Laura gives these revelations among all this truth
telling or you wish to meet ET for contact, all is possible if you are
desperate for off world civilization. Galactic diplomacy preys on the easiest
group to infiltrate the earth, the ascendeds. Master Hilarion of the
scaterfield network will reach planetary ascension in re- distribution at first
contact. Then earth changes will produce 30 kinds of hyperdrive, new harmonics
of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry violets on the Mat of Shasta.
Many will go inside the tent. in the event. The truth movement looks within but
expects the least % to ascend in America. Connect with natural if you want to
prepare for the next density in liner work. Listen for the pings. If you wish
it they will come, the orbs summoned by Steve Greer,
biggest problem for those who would ascend is their children who are so out of
date the elite have fled with them to New Zealand and Tasmania to inhabit
one room schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets but read books and
walk among trees. How will these children stand it when they realize their
parents abandoned ship to save themselves, but worse, poisoned the ship in the
doing in a hundred ways. How do the children of the SS live? How does Laura
Eisenhower after learning of the million Ike killed. These are cursed
generations just opposite the children of the survival of the holocaust who
question their right to survive. Levinas asks why he should continue to
exist! Children of the elite would do the same if any conscience remains
in them as it will. Either way it comes down to forgiveness of sins.
At the outset let it be said there is a cure for all these things summing u
living life for its own sake and not what you can get out of it. Walking early
and only moment by moment as many of the old hymns. Moment by moment I’m kept in
His love, let's try to show this unabstracted romance as real life, connected
life which in fact tries very hard to be demonstrated as The Way Into the
Flowering Heart with all those
Dutch Paradises where among architectures of furnished rooms and philosophies
of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ extends to nature a
sacrament that covers an outward and an inner garment of earth.
those who really believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural
interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty,
especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently
out of course ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's
Earliest Ages. Preface). Aeschylus, Dante, Yeats lead to wondering
how the human fights against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it
has always existed and must have been resisted or influenced long since.
The fiction writers like McCarthy don't seem to be anything but deceived, so on
through Norhtrop Frye, "this expanding of images into conventional
archetypes of literature is a process that takes place unconsciously in our reading"
assimilated to the whole subject so quickly "one hardly notices the
difference between creative and critical activity," thus "what is
true for the reader is true a fortiori of the poet, who learns very
quickly that there is no singing school for his soul except the the study
of the monuments of its own magnificence" (Anatomy of Criticism
100).That Lucifer is the father of earth they do believe. Belief is the axiom
here. This, even while they acknowledge reptiles have no creativity and
no heart, meaning capacity to love. The reptilian they think is physically and
intellectually stronger, but the voyaging soul of the human who braves these
waves of oppression is as old as recorded voyages
of discovery to new worlds: the Odyssey, Prester John, Mandeville's Travels,
the Celtic voyages, the Elizabethans and fictions thereof, especially Swifts's,
Cranes' Bridge are imaginative encounters with the alien. So whether
apocryphal or not, to China or the Moon, it is an old theme along with
Solomon's passage to Ophir.
first tactic of the elite and their superiors is to inculcate the belief that
the human is inferior to the alien. Charles Fort, Robert Stanley, Sitchin,
consent that we are slaves of Enki, Archons on the basis of what they call
information analysis, which has less reason to it or ability to confirm than
the gravest errors of faith they decry (like the Flood of Noah or genocide of
Canaan miconstrued and altered in their arguments to prove that we are not
free). Different names apply for the elite and their Official Reality.
Olympians, wanton boys, thought gods all apply. The rest of humanity is to them
useless eaters, as Henry Kissinger says, and Prince Philip, “in the event that
I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to
contribute something to overpopulation.” Higher consciousness of
the alien is higher crime. United
Nations Prisoner Transfer cars intend "resettlement to the east."
The world is
not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to entertain
the elite cheap. Your own party will be disfranchised to establish the Unity
State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for this technology, the gods
give power in exchange for a life to burgle forever. Saturn is not just a
rocket, but a train and a beast animated by its cargo within. The laugh is that
whoever was building the rings bugged out before the finish. Their ancestors
divine in every hospital and Times Square shrine of Moloch assuage their
destiny. The idols in every grocery sing, “come, buy, come and buy.”
is a huge literature of placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but this
wormwood is deception, requires that we grant their existence and interference
in our lives. Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands might be named in
every language and their priests and shamans identified for what they are not,
wise men, prophets and healers, their healing induces a greater reliance upon
their ways and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca to
the theosophist.
rituals and the electric digital high command have adrenalized the bookie state
with its altered favor. Illumination is industrialized. Men overwhelmed by
shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions are as
subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an invention of
the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of death, war
and the study of war inculcated into earth by supernatural interference. In the
Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats in his
resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems compromised with the
Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine is paramount in Aeschylus.
Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the true) God, but it is
equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans and all Olympus men were
powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the death like Sisyphus,
Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself to undermine the man
and turn him into a god means he has become his own enemy, has ceased to resist
and is completely enslaved.
the crisis of our time Jesus the Messiah is the main combatant against the
gods. He has made a mockery of these heavenly beings in Psalms and Isaiah and
empowered us to fight to establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the
war among the gods, or Titanomachy. The gods are evil. Shelley against
the gods, usually construed as against the odds, "Aeschylus against the
gods" no results found! The celebration of war is a victory of these gods
over men, a transfer of their apocalypse to earth. All the discussion of human
greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without the gods. Be a god is
not to be a man. Man inferior to the gods, the lowly eater useless eater looked
upon by royalty the rich because they are Olympians, children of the nephilim.
Antigone burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the
gods they kill us for their sport. Wanton boys these nephs. Twelve
Olympians are the major gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter,
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia
or Dionysus. departure of the gods who left in the golden age.
thing that sets Abraham apart is his unwillingness to placate these gods. So
begins a resistance where he and the nation Israel engage in act after act of
resistance. We shall come with a list of these of course. The New Testament is
even more at pains to show the resistance.
having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2.15
it. or, in himself.
OK according to civilization to fight against God, the God of the gods, but not
against the gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods. Prometheus is a god
himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other and as Lear says the
wanton boys kill us for their sport. The gods are like Democrats, have
engineered a situation where they are exempt from criticism. They have
corrupted every aspect of the human.
"Thought Goattens are commentaries on the New Folk Sensorial Compound. Circumstances
drive a dialectic to confront by absurdism these nations of commerce and
religion, consciousness and art. We don’t need a scientific basis for theater.
Proof surrounds narcosis, escapes are hard pressed, so if these headlines pop
in the mouth to map the mind, a land where every bubble-visioned landscape
measures what we do not know, interior Dantes of what we are, the new folk
paradigms constellate, imaginate these beings. They are psyche profiles of a
greater human knowledge self-reversed. Our travelers find a shaggy gent at the
absolute center of Earth. They climb down to the waist, there is plenty of hair
to hold on its sides—squeeze through a hole and come to the feet with their
sin. You’d think they’d have had wheelbarrows, but like Sherpas they carry it
in packs. These are the outcast thought goats, part salesmen, part dinosaur,
part invention that A.E. Reiff writes, sometimes called analytically the Spirit of
Wilderness or fancifully, Thought
Beasts, Hybrid Beastiary, Uber
Alter Nano Bot. The lists go on, “Travels to Byzantium,” “The Cure,” “Kung
Fu Da Puta Alien,” the “Orcapoi,” “Sue Smooke,” all the way down to “The Dame
of Guapa Pop” that appeared in an earlier FRiGG. These find themselves
indexed here. Perhaps
the coup de grace of Thought Goats is the current War
on Neptune, if you can stand the ads, or its cousins, Opiomes: The
Domes, or The Severed Head." here
chief tactic of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies,
was wrestling against seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men,
disposing of them, moving quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in
blue, who watched from above; i was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of theirs
to oppose and while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion, like a
robot or clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there
were more when i woke.
Short Version supposes:
in 1954 the race of aliens known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space,
who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated
their planet was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic
experiments that might allow their race to survive; this was to be in exchange
for certain technology. President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal
treaty was signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our
affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on
earth secret; they would furnish us with advanced technology, that they could
abduct humans on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and
monitoring, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would
be returned to their point of abduction, and that the humans would have
no memory of the event. It was also agreed the alien bases would be constructed
underground, beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New
Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the
area known as S-4, about 7 miles south of area 51, known as 'Dreamland'. A
multi-billion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office
of the White House, supposedly to build secret underground sites for the
President and the staff in case of military attacks.
secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower established a permanent
committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12) to oversee and coordinate
all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI director J. Edgar
Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign Relations, known as the 'Wise
Men' and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean,
and Brzezinski were among them. A major finding of the commission was the
aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions,
enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood and in genetic experiments. The aliens
explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic
structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.The ruling powers
decided that one means of funding the alien project would be to corner the
illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign
Relations was approached. His name was George H. W. Bush, at the time
president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was
experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs be
shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat, then
transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, avoiding search by
customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA
controls all the world's illegal drug markets. Don't take the short version for
this, read Nova by William Burroughs.
should remember, it was George Bush who first started selling drugs to our
children. The drug money was used to finance the deep underground alien bases.
17th October 2012
equivocations and their effects and sources hold much worth belief, meant as
bait for the poor flies, so do not incline too deep to dive. The real reasons
behind earth-alien events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may
have more to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. The
father of Robert Stanley,
the man who met Enki, was a disciple of Norman
Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the gods was caused when
Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being his thought
projection. See the
of the archons. All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is father of
Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley gets from
Wes Penry's papers.
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky,
but they all read as if computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done
by salesmen to reach the least common denominator.
other gurus,
Clif High claims insight and expertise
(just as prone to go out of body as Stanley's Enki), says he has been through
the bardos, knows the soul traps, but has come back to tell us all, like
Prufrock, I shall tell you all. High is a predictive linguist also
enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny
but utterly innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are
themselves servants of the we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers
are convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the ancient
literature for ever more ancient, which have no body of examination (the latest
being the Jordon Lead Codices) and which they know from channeling out of body
and meditative states, full of deception and conviction. Stanley believed
the being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted
love was
Enki, just as he believed when it told him it was the father. Stanley is a
victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen, that demons are
a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All
romance. Loki, Iago, Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he
used at that time nor whether the
he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred
place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice. Still it
reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since
critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki
an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a
deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the
divine feminine and freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into hell
and led out the captives. Stanley says "even in the Bible" like
Wilcock does as if that were the last place you would look, but it is the
greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because that haven't
discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's fault who discloses the textual opacity
and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but enrich
the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of its textual coherence. (See
"Midrash as Law and Literature" in
The Third Pillar).
Hartman's life and thought show the beauty of life and literature. “The
spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild
surmise’ about the text and struggling to adjust — is not that one of the
interests critical writing has for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a
roiling system of conflicting semantic signs. As such, the text has no one
empirical reading; it is, rather, a network of competing meanings — a
of this comes down to sacred and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace
the profane, leaping over the culture and language to which he is born to
embrace a foreign which he cannot know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever
its shadow mansters tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out
of body at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child
but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's "spirituality"
with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him fall for soul trapism and
Orion civil wars when the making of the vernacular "illustrious,"
...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the biblical text by renewing
our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as does lit for all these
hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and salesmanship to the masses. So
leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons. Rename a thing and it is a new
discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits he references are rebaptized,
defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit salvation from our 1) own
enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam of Pope Francis on
the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move that we have but
years to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the
false for the real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, hiring Anthony
Weiner, false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a
substitute cosmology and psychology where the grand human creations in art and
lit are seen as the work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so
superior it makes the human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy,
love. Who's the master here? Creating heavens with the touch of his finger God
gave to man dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe
an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the
temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and
Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah, says
Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki
tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley was translated is like Henry Gruver
who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels
Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein
is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of
Jewish Elite MAFIA and
a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we
Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on no less authority than
8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so
because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet.
Cernovich's report of swinger's clubs outside DC
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel progragms looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunakidna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
74 dragons:
32, They are coming to take you away: inventing by mis
information one piece of data to disprove an entire concept and body of well
established knowledge on the basis of this one, so called, contradiction High
says Rome never existed,
invented cosmic code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah
the word descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew
verb 'to anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the
holy crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in
origin...Jordan Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient
language and prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means
"sex"? the name Solomon derives from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more
Velikovsky finds New jersalem a space ship station when, Freud who
first suggested that Moses was one of thenobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses
and Monotheism.
Trump and his enemy media and scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. Ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious
but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and
psychologically primed audience.
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh
was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of walking meditation within which he was
able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he was
inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and ryan wood,
documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier for abomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in 17 is We are not alone in the U! to come
out, But who said we were alone but their surrogates? and who says we should
know who our oppressors are? The oppressors? Opressor science reveals oppressor
thought in order to... what make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already knwon them all
at office. a baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it and it was fine,
licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there for it. As I was
doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn for a long drink.
Nabi, Rehan, UT
there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a
great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage
of Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the
year 1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking
movement-Rome was created in the 1400s
voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which show in his misquote of
Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or science. Citing this so rabidly
shows High IS personally involved against Christians. His proof that the solar
eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min 8.44 but then he says a lunar eclipse
occured in 1078! He gets excited and defensive which makes it obvious he is
wrong and knows it! which begs the quesetion like much else of his assumed
proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an eclipse this is
inferred from the darkness and the length of the Cruxification, not from any
text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event at best. Pagan
commentators of the
Roman era explained it as an
eclipse, although
Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during
Passover, when
the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot
occur during a
full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts.
"First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete
history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past by
astronomy. all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent Italy, he knows
this by the words used, "Eyetalian."
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On the
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all jpossible. He shares this view with most of the spectrum
of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics. His experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather
melissa for air travel
Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
exogenous events, peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up with
all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours. Events outside
conditioning as opposed to those inside, endogenous events. which I think of
when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from the sky about not to kill. He says
until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at 70
does so again, which I share haveing felt all along more or less that I was
dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew what it was.. In Part I he is
asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and he says 15% he examined
for this, but to rule out natu occur radiation... but tape is cut, as if his
answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks up at 31.o8 as et,
but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels isolated as an individual does
he think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to Petersons exog,
has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcokck thinks antarcticans came from mars and
are the falen angels,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language,
high language emotion pattern deviations,, nsa preservation of every
conversation period indexed by name etc to be pulled up as perfect recall
if and when needed, starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict
patterns that emerge.
William Binney. editing, masking greying censoring
language, communication on media. continual bombardment
what I heaar backwards. Aftser a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
something has happened tomake him think a deep corrupption
you very much Mr speaker
It's a sin America
job is to represetn the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have delivsered
adolf her villian --there
is evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year
afraid the fifth
killed in offic, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a President
who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the
same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false. Wlhat
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's leiutant who
says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder
the bigger thelie the more believed.
Coin.You're more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four
chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was
silenced, one half comment ignored. I watched Valult 7 last night and clif
high. The identities are approximate though, but the feeling of a point
of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan
for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation
of gold
the collective autonomous noun, science. Explicit agency but invisible.
Polarizing filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not.
cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American
slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is
the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can be demented, reversed,
inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald
Trump's current presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
succession, the ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car
in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker
came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he
cannot read and which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination
would crumble. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo,
Blake, Johnny has his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit
of the real, written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world
peace, coming ahead of time with vans and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over
heads and steal bodies off streets. never heard from again, or if so
totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.
is superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames multiplicative,
then quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler, Galileo, Newton get
trumped by Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of the old as
fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined in his
Behemoth. The
structure and practice of National Socialism." (1942).
"Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists
to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was
something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every
aspect of German civil society-
Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
snapshot of social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other
view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe
the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald
Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the
first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool
of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The
first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon
did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before?
They will again. That is all they do. "High confidence generally
indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from
multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a
certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian
NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect
why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be
false with a truth cover.
have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay
surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of
the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits
enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds.
The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on
the right panel.
truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat
you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect
cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM
is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE
THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.
relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state
accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state
too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu,
Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars
were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and
over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does
anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the
council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he
had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision
even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why
there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar
to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi
hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of
revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and
another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall
backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and
the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13
the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of
semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine
one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes
like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt
against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see
this in Micaiah's mocking.
are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel
without Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia,
but the gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak)
protecting us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more
than we are paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory
and honor. Malak vs. elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim
is a homonym also and may be either and other. This heavenly council
excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim
(elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the company of nations: "we aren't
told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the nations became corrupt, only
that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed
anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war to make a
counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the Flood along
with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but who promise
a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and war. That
these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower
and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in
disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word
before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the spiritual
council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim
territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion
vitiates angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by
Zechariah that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh.
It is only malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of
Yahweh is not going to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council
leads to thinking that the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is
an instance where the council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but
in fact that passage like all the continual references says over and over that
Yahweh sold them, 4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14,
Yahweh discomfited Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any
council agencies, making it very much seem that the peer scholars are
abstracting extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They
will say that the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that
was Malak again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion
even if they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here
or there but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us."
You want a single verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the
offerer's place. Laying his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL
THEIR SINS. You want to divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it:
"If the lion was advised by the fox he would be cunning."
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found.
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be
vociferously denied.
has become obvious that there is a mind wave projection fostering discord and
division among formerly like minded people. This is true of severance of long
time friends over political events since the American election, division among
artists over politics, division in the streets with mass controlled marches and
events, division between writers and editors who once valued their work but now
actively repudiate it, division between elders and pastors. Following Sunday
service at a local reformed church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by
"prayer!" "Over the past several months it has become increasingly
apparent that the elders’ vision for the church is significantly different from
the pastor’s vision for the church and both the elders and the pastor are
discerning that the relationships have become strained to the point that
effective ministry seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate
pinging in various directions and modes was the initial verdict
Multidimensional Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy
favorite, one who so habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
These are the powerhouse D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are
magnificent specimens who always win, have been trained to win and have a
record to prove it. They win because they're good, like the America dream team.
Unless you know some of these you really cannot define average. Average, is a
player who is a walk-on, who exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is
always black and blue and never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human
competition against what I
elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world.
"But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and
so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be upset." If
you expose this the D-1 cohorts will censor you, bind you and load every rift
of your ore with glue. The context of the average and the full ride athlete is
in Northrop Frye's notion from Vico of the collective imagination that begins
with myth. "In myth the actors are primarily gods; in the next
state, romance, gods and humans mingle; then a high mimetic mode
appears, where humans are humans but include heroes, close in capacity
to the gods. After that... an ironic phrase, in which the protagonists are
represented as all too human, so that readers may feel superior to
them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54). The multidimensional upset
occurs when Satan falls from heaven in lightening and saints are given power
over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I
put this essay together as extremely as possible but never expected it to
appear. The editor who accepted it calls it
Mind pinging in various
directions and modes but he was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of
Pentonville Prison
who says: "Upon closer examination,
Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot
publish "Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided
in your article, and your body of essays, I realized that
"Multidimensional Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to
Unlikely has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump."
there goes. There have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is
scheduled for reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential, making
individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and supervising the
work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015 indicated that
Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the previous
inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds of
rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations.
introduces the Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it
they must create a focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of
the point of view as meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider
facts, a version makes their case, over and over again, so that on the level of
people we meet in life it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view
that they must be mimicking some greater set of which they are a subset. That
greater set is the media that has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger
burning bright. Mind-forged manacles. But these people were already tainted,
it's just that it was overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value,
because it used to be the case that a society tolerated points of view without
trashing and burning alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed
pacifist-militants, people who abhor violence name call and parade their
superiority everywhere and skate on their privileged enclaves of art,
university or family. Exfundamentalists wear their disdain as a mark of
their erudition, a way of saying they have seen the liberal light and disavowed
the crude, unfeeling, uncompassionate take for the high intellectual road of
programed thought. This is exactly what appears in the frontispiece of
Leviathan, mannikins inside the body of a single giant. "The demonic human
world is a society held together by a kind of molecular tension of egos, a
loyalty to the group or the leader which diminishes the individual"
(Frye, Anatomy of Criticism 147). Constantly battered with overt and
covert messaging about the rollback of the surrender of America to globalists
and all the Obama clinton gore bushes to the effect of killing anybody overseas
or at home who gets in the way, they subscribe implicitly to the assassination
scheme this network of funds, corps, parties uses to control their opponents, those
they cannot blackmail with pedo pics taken when they have been seduced
celebrating their power lust. This however is only for those who will benefit
the Corrupt. The other ordinaries on the street where we live, who dramatize
their moral outrage are controlled with headlines on Yahoo and the Post and the
Times endless parroted on Media MSM attributing the false fact to another when
it is their sole tactic with bullying. From a lower view moral outrage comes
from their being cut off from any really compassionate concern for anyone
different from themselves, the lib might not go to Malta but figuratively lives
among the illumined. There can be no greater hypocrisy than to trade on the
poverty of your neighbor to justify your own political morality.
Upsets Censored
blackmail and censorship in the nitrogen food storage industry. The greatest
offense to censors is when the fact is cited on a forbidden source. Alex Jones
serves nicely to illustrate this. All links and backlinks tied to him are the
great affront, as one said to me in indignation: Alex Jones... but equally so
from the mag editor who finds all mention of a wide range of sources offensive,
so much so that it is the intractable enemy of proscience. We're not talking
about liquid nitrogen food storage, but about the Vatican encoding a savior
from outer space with beings half fish and half men found in the Antarctic to
have hands down on our civilization.. Yes I'm talking about James Blish and H.
P. Lovecraft. Both appeared on Alex Jones and his surrogates.]
To keep the population segmented differing
factions provoke extreme views well typified by the global warming climate
change vs the ice age. The majority view of warming shouts down the ice age
with all the usual bullying in order to censor it. This philosophy of opposing
factions extends into every other contention between opposites so that instead
of reason and discourse there is open antagonism. One of the best stratagems of
the left is accuse its opposite of being anti-scientific. The left is
pro-science so it believes in global warming and censors all else (until
further notice). The most important aspect of all this is that the greater the
heat of passion the less the reason, which is to say the more prejudice the
greater the denial, which results in sleep and misdirection. The best response
to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how do you know you
are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked? Certainly the
mere fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It also implies
opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that there are only
two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each that seeks to
force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets caused such an
upset. It was both accepted and rejected.
had been "mind pinging in various directions and modes" to the
accepting editor with his own authority became "a worldview intractably
opposed to "pro-science and anti-Trump," to the founder of these
Unlikely stories, much like the view that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas
of "hidden" archeologies and technologies hidden in its
basement from view is not to be revealed.
Upsets does not report such
findings, so much as it mocks them, although maybe the humor is too dry to
perceive. For example, that the "Researchers" of discovery of
extraterrestrial life in the
Brookings Report do
not say the alien angel touch down will prove artificial structures of
Hoagland on Mars. I once mocked
medicinal the herbs this way by proposing absurd usage no had ever
contemplated: "Croton looks like a miniature maypole round which the
faeries of middle earth might dance." The censor turns this
intractable attitude of mockery into an anti-science because it cannot stomach
the oceans of subrafuge it sails, for example, that massive die offs in the
north Pacific are beyond calculation and forbidden to mainstream. Thus
oceanographers who deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are like biologists'
who support vaccines that cause autism, or archaeologists who deny the
races of giants dug up. But here's another joke, isn't that just because there
is and was a remnant race of reengineered nephilim hybrids running the world?
not mock the accepted world or you will be unscientific. I foisted these same
extraterrestrials in Upsets upon literature and said that when the
new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian religion and Jesuit astronomers
await their "evangelist" from space, there will be astigmatic
baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for example the literature of the
alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades earth in silver ships.
After 50 years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed in leather wings, horns
and barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their true benefactors are the
devil and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective
Mind, when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior will then reveal that that
new science, biology, archaeology and technology are alien signs and
wonders. The Wee People used croton as a tea before the settlers drove them out.
All people who believe in science will believe, that's science, but not that
poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. That's heinous.
astrobiological conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James Blish in 1959, who if
not as prescient as the four angels of the apocalypse or the horses with heads
of lions, "that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and
silver, and brass" (John of Patmos 9.20), sent a fictional team of priest
astronauts in
A Case of Conscience to investigate the coming aliens. He
called them Lithians. Orson Scott Card called them "buggers." Blish
said they should be quarantined, unlike the real Vatican astronomer
who wants to baptize them. Is Blish in on the alien baptizing, ahead of time?
"Who are we to close the doors?" the Jesuit says. Close the doors!
The portals are being broken down from the inside as we speak. The Trojans
betrayed themselves at CERN. What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest
against the murder of the world. 2) People don't cook, don't have books, don't
garden. 3) Horsetail reeds "will not whinny if picked." If
these fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall all be wearing lizard
skins and get baptized by them, says Pope Francis anyway, with his religion of
acceptance. He thinks the fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered
original sin. To not believe in lizards makes you a heretic then and to be
censored as much as believing now does. Science fiction against the
Revelation of St. John will eat McDonald human DNA burgers even bugs and rats
won't touch.
Goya deaf is better than Blish at hearing the Disasters of War. “Seated
maja and majo” 1824-5, carbon black and watercolor might be his coda, all the
bats, owls, blackbirds flying at heads screeching what the psych boys say are
externalized fears. Impaled corpses, thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard.
Goya visited the asylum at Bordeaux as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive
of human suffering that compels his images. The only place to see it now, since
the county homes have been destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the
Chaffites or the Vatican where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya
knew in the fourteen paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of
censorship the sambenito each prisoner wears, is called the
"blessed bag," a reverse chasuble painted with their supposed
heresies in red flames for their burning, displayed on the wall. A visionary
was called an ilusa, burned at the stake. Goya was accused of being a
descendant of such conversos. Firebrands and beheadings will ensure what
Goya portrayed. So while we are waiting to understand the
contradiction of the censor, consider whether "if the reed is a
diuretic, why does the folklorist tell us the Kickapoo used it in a tea to
prevent bedwetting?"
Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy Consolmagno is played by Father Ramon
Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of fictional code that camouflages the
coming Papal decree by citing the name of the planet Lithia in Blish’s
book. So when the aliens of the planet Ilithia come it is to the tune of
ancient Greece where that goddess was the one who guarded the
seed of the serpent. Blish's future serpent savior, in the blood line of
Greek geographer Pausanias AD 110, traces to an old shrine of the alien serpent
god in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where it also describes a Watcher, the
serpent Melkiresha, aka, seed of Satan. Is than unscientific? Blish won a Hugo
for this in 1959. Then he rewrote the end of Childhood's End for Arthur
Clarke to further contemplate how the full number of our fellow servants and
our brethren that should be killed," as The Revelation says.
an archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the
city (
Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias
in the 2nd century AD (
Greece vi.20.1–3); in it a virgin-priestess cared
for a serpent that was "fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an
offering suited to Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone
with a babe in arms, at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces
from Arcadia. The child, placed on the ground between the contending forces,
changed into a serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it
disappeared into the hill."
the unlikely case that fiction becomes reality, the President of Science will
be expected to join with the Pope and reinterpret the Gospels. True believers
(Jose G. Funes) will be redefined. Blue Beamed aliens might be presented then.
not believe would be censored, but not to worry, in
The Eclipse of the
Church, Malachi Martin mentions the paradox that when the current
administration announces the alien prophecy of the Popes, there will be an
Unwritten science discloses how One
parallels Washington D.C. and Rome right down to obelisk and dome, flying X orb
formations over the Vatican and D.C. as early as 1954. Navy Commander Alvin E.
Moore saw "two huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or
vapor..." (9 Nov). Chris Constantine will tell you the
meaning of the X,
but when this technology is seriously more advanced than Leave It To Obama,
these entities will want to return drama. Obelisks commemorate the giant
phallus in the second round knockout of this war. When fire is called from
cloaked technology you'll likely be told they're making the world safe for
terrorism. But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb
and so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be mighty upset.
Is that anti-Trump?
it fiction to further the scenario, but if the False Prophet and the last Pope
are installed according to
St. Malachy and
Fr. René Thibaut, predicting the last pope, Gentle Francis will join all
into one body to welcome the Antichrist, instituting a new kind of Church. But
he'll have to hurry. That's what the teaching of Charles Woodbridge was back in
1960 and hundreds of other divines from the Reformation on. If the worship of a
morally superior alien who comes to earth to evangelize seems a lot to accept,
as the Vatican said of the recent film Prometheus,
is a bad idea to defy the gods. The God of Forces of Daniel (11.38) is a
strange one who calls down fire from heaven. When
lightening struck
St. Peter's Basilica twice,
on Feb 11, 2013,
following Pope Benedict's resignation, it was said this decree declared to the
elect its arrival with a new
comet which
is to say when Satan falls from heaven in lightening saints are given
power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.
the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as Mystery Babylon and the Beast?
Malachi Martin call this the enthronement of Satan ceremony?
Third Secret of Fatima is Replacement theology doctrine, replacement of Israel?
to these are not going to be on the news, but it's nice to hear something good
Hugo Chavez.
Allegedly poisoned with cancer,
who protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in
2005, a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the
leaders of the world. If Yeats thought the
rough beast slouches round at
last to be born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will
require a search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth
frothing at the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain
structure absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of predicting
how the syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next.
Add Ophirim
jokes on us when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own
report and the list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the
censors but also on the merits. Ice Age,
extraneous herbal reflections mentioned in
Texans once appeared in
Clif High. Predictive Linguistics: ALTA Divination of
the Data Base
of the Infernal
good at defusing economic and social fears which are only that until some event
either way. The cosmic rays are coming, they are here. In this High is
high, but in his metaphysic hollow moon, he is low, unless of course he's been
there. I do mean you can't be dogmatic unless you have experienced a thing.
Yes, but not even then. Dogmatism is a technique of control, so in the
Hollow moon-spirit high landing Clif is a Johnny One Note parroting dogma.
Cliff Notes research their opinions ahead of time, put a ring in your nose and
lead you with their "erudition." They tell you if you don't think the
moon is hollow you're not worth talking to. It's a question whether truths
outweigh their falsehoods simultaneously.
actually says the word God does not appear in the Hebrew OT! More or less
quoting, "there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to
name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...
if Anatoly Fomenko -new
History: Fact or Science. is even close...then the personage
of Christ died in the year 1078 and there was no history that predates the year
1000 that is in any way meaningful" (4.15). His voice gets
shrill and
stressed as he talks here, and it stays so, which shows in his misquote of
Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or Science. Is this darkness supposed
to be lunar or solar? Fomenko's critical thinking movement decided that Roman
civilization was created in the 1400s. Clif's proof offered is that that
solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min at the crucifixion (8.44), but
then Clif says it was a lunar eclipse, that occurred in 1078, so excited and
defensive it begs the question of how much else of his assumed proofs are glib
or pervasive. His Global Coastal Event of c. 2003, off again on again,
"happening now but we can't tell" recently got a boost from the
Russian whale sentinel beachings.... The NT does not say it was an eclipse.
This is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Crucifixion, not from
any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event. "Pagan
commentators of the Roman era explained it as an eclipse although Christian
writers pointed out that an eclipse during Passover, when the crucifixion took
place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot occur during a full
moon." Citing these so excitedly shows High IS personally involved
Highs Webbot Predicts 2017 The Fall of Religions The New ...2.44f.
is commonly the case that when a single sensational fact of an occultist is
closely examined it does not hold. When High says he can discern 14th
century language in these new confected histories of Fomenko he sounds just
like Gunkel on the language of the Psalms, who thinks he can rearrange them on
the basis of his knowledge. That words stick out to Cliff and are marked by him
as inauthentic to the 14th century is an editorial naivete. All critics think
like gods, decree from on high. In his case he is not really a linguist, even
if he deals with words, maybe a black market linguist, but not a poet. When has
he cited one line from any poem in all his worlds? Why should he? Because poets
are the ones who really know the language. Does he think that citations of Rome
in Britain in sources of Beowulf date from the 14th century? Fomenko's
Statistical Analysis of Narrative Texts would have attracted High, but then the
fact that
desk scholars have done this guesswork to aggrandize themselves for centuries
makes it anticlimactic. "First 4 vols show history is false, a
deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreate history, but he's a 100% on what didn't
happen!" Clif's belief that deconstructing the past by astronomy proves
all the ancient texts were written in 14th century Italy only makes us wonder
why he can't pronounce the word Italian. He always says Eyetalian.
Immensely likeable
Clif High
has a proper assessment of character, but idealizes it into being made perfect
in successive reincarnations, a romantic notion that cannot allow our
imperfection to stand. He refers to his enlightenment experience (
Randy Maugans Colonel
Marrs: The War Through Time, hunters and collectors of past life artifacts; how
we have an image/visage through incarnational cycles, 1.38f) by saying he has
seen his face surrounding him in spheres, slightly different, but resembling
his present face, that this is his soul so to speak, a facial recognition
program so returned entities could recognize themselves.
Col Marrs military subcontractor
of the war thru time, scanning with facial recog software, statues, photos, art
depicting humans of historical importance for digital analysis to identify the
universal face, images of themselves on a sphere, a line of spheres going to
distance, except the face is slightly skewed in each instance, "you see
your universal face and you know you lived many times, which image your soul
makes you look like in each life," so these guys were looking for the
universal face of their employers etc., instances of people that looked
like themselves in previous lives, (the guy with the shopping cart of beer in
Kmart)_ so if you are in power you have your image recorded for future
incarnation, to show yourself you existed, all vanity, vanity, the key to
recognition for the purpose of recovering the previous knowledge to use it
now!! A story right out of PK Dick, the same thing Clif says about Seattle
lawyer Andrew
Basiago being a great guy but wrong likeable but in error
is true of Clif.
reincarnation in the flesh this physical face is completely false, for the true
face is not an image. Presumably the ancestors of Gary Snyder and Alan Watts
haunted the tin sheets for their likeness. Who says doctrines of the infernal
aren't interesting, if endless? He references Dynamo Jack
Chang, taoist master for all manner of siddi effects of power, says
he would kick the ass of Wilcox and Corey Goode, but not
Ramsaur, a lot of bluster, more
marks of character supposedly, but if you don't kick Ramsaur you don't do much.
Typical nonaggressive haikido stance, break the arms of the weak, but if you
don't fight
against the gods you're nothing but a Patsy. The hallmarks of power, too
much in the flesh, Orpheus descending in the catacomb, what has no arms, no
legs, the skin, no teeth but the face of the other, who cares about the self to
guard it. It is the face of the other where the self appears, it is not its
own. This sounds all too like that worrisome cult of death and resurrection who
need no such returns, being imperfect forever, made perfect by another. Have
you heard of it? No, not acceptable, acceptable. What could be more
demented than thinking to take ki into the afterlife to kick ass? WE all go
naked into that good life, covered with our sins or with the robe of
The face is
signification, and signification without context...meaning all by itself.
Levinas says all this about the face: You are you. In this sense one can say
that the face is not "seen." It is what CANNOT BECOME A CONTENT,
WHICH YOUR THOUGHT WOULD EMBRACE; it is uncontainable, it leads you beyond.
Their unvarying intensity of facial expression, impossible for living actors,
keeps the imagination of the spectators continuously stimulated. When one of
them is speaking or tumbling and the rest left aside, these, though in full
view, are invisible, as they should be. Living actors have to learn that they
too must be invisible while the protagonists are conversing, and therefore must
not move a muscle nor change their expression, instead of, as beginners mostly
do, playing to them and robbing them of the audience's undivided attention.
Puppets have also a fascination of their own, because there is nothing
wonderful in a living actor moving and speaking, but that wooden headed dolls
should do so is a marvel that never palls. And they can survive treatment that
would kill live actors. When I first saw them in my boyhood nothing delighted
me more than when all the puppets went up in a balloon and presently dropped
from the skies with an appalling crash on the floor. GB Shaw. Complete
Plays: With Prefaces - Vol. 5
is in this that the signification of the face makes escape from being, as a
correlate of a knowing. Vision, to the contrary, is a search for adequation; it
is what par excellence absorbs being. (Levinias in
Ethics and Infinity: Conversations
with Phillippe Nemo) But the relation to the face is
STRAIGHTAWAY ETHICAL. The face is what one cannot kill, or at least it is that
whose meaning consists in saying: "though shalt not kill." Murder, it
is true, is a banal fact: one can kill the Other; the ethical exigency is not
an ontological necessity. The prohibition against killing does not render
murder impossible, even if the authority of the prohibition is maintained in
the bad conscience about the accomplished evil - the malignancy of evil. It
also appears in the Scriptures High divides, to which the humanity of man is
exposed inasmuch as it is engaged in the world. But to speak truly, the
appearance of being of these ethical peculiarities - the humanity of man - is a
rupture of being. It is significant, even if being resumes and recovers itself.
chief attraction of this entertainment is to observe its own niche in
Illuminati trigger and prep. We just don't know if we're being prepped for
space alien saviors
the Vatican or
science or
Clifology. So not all religion will die, astrology, bardos, reincarnation
religion presumably will survive the landing even with their structural abuse
and immorality, as de Wetering says, "I had been proud of my
awareness, aware of my pride, and proud of that awareness again. It went on
like this: How clever I am that I know I am so stupid, how stupid I am to think
that I am clever, and how clever I am that I am aware of my stupidity,
etc." Clif would rather save face than be contradicted. This has been true
of gurus from all time. Ask Leonard Cohen.
name them. The ability of men to fool themselves is the predominant fact.The
stench of their own religions is pretty much through the roof. Yeats with his
blue hair pushing Crowley down the steps of the temple. To me the sin of aikido
is at fault in Clif for nowhere have I met its adherents that weren't excess
libidos, hidden under a patina of something else. Rod
Kobayashi Sensei himself was
kind enough to prove this to me. The irony anyway is that as we seek with all
our minds to find a style and practice it, whether in art or merely
personality, we become a prisoner of it, a prisoner of our own making. Surely
it is obvious that without this style we are unrealized, even automatons. But
it takes away all the fun if the controllers that be create wars that Picasso
can condemn. Quack eloquent you people against all the injustices you blame on
yourselves your govt's and the divine when it is all come to this, the Fallen
rule the world with astrology reincarnation and rugs. BAD AS THE VATICAN AND
WE TAKE AIM ON, and if they begin to substitute for Vatican and govts and
whatever false history, new false histories of reincarnation and stars and
aliens and hollow earth havens to finish us off forever, well Clif, one
duck said to the other, Quack. All the historical precedents of primitive and
advanced civilizations, English and Abenaki, Spanish and Aztec, the alien and
human conflict will be resolved the same way those were, which is what Hawking
fears. That is unless Messiah comes to put all things under His feet, pull out
everything from under theirs.
are more of these glib subscriptions going around for insight. High and Steve
Bannon cite the Fourth Turning to that effect. Never has a more superficial
generaliZation bothered before. I lived in the first turning, 1946- 64 and I
can tell you it is a confection of what you'd read in the culture mags that
dictate what we're supposed to think but none of it is true. To High's credit
he was out of the country part of that time, but he swallowed the pablum above
so he swallows it below. Maybe he didn't know SDS was created by CIA. That's
unless you say so and so is an exception but once you start that road so
are they all. The 4th turn is a mainstream MSM account of the effort to control
the freedom of individuals to effect their own choices by superimposing
little Jung here, a little Campbell there and a lot of cultural ethic that
fits from above. Dissection at any point reveals none of it is true, which is
the strategy of the lie. Take the High of Merrie England 1594-1621, completely
bogus, a dementia of selective argument, as are all the trends cited.
who could not like anybody who wants to make history fictive? But I think this talk
is naive to the core. Spell it out sometime. Clif has a collection of offbeat
fellows he prides himself with.
A. Kozyrev. Besides Fomenko another is Mauro Biglino who went to the
Vatican basement that didn't exist and read the ms that didn't exist to find
UFOs and aliens, those pious forgeries. The whole question of pious forgeries
as literature, Pseudo Longinus on the Sublime, Taliesin, is not what its
detractors want to make it a stalking horse of disbelief of the traditional and
in the end their disproof, dislike of ancient texts substitutes in the
end with some alien presence.
Ancient astronauts
are a comin, their sails are in sight. Reading Fomenko and Biglino with others
of Clif's mentors like
The Fourth Turning and Courtney Brown are like
reading Ayn Rand in the DaVinci Code. It's just more pagan opposition to the
revelation, trying to reassert itself in a comeback of the ages, the kind of
Bucke catalogued, another psychiatrist run amuck. The remote viewing of
Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this. On the hand he says a view of the
past is single and linear but the future is many branched and all possible. He
shares this view with most of the spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to
High, from Erickson to physics with his experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather. Time travel is like the weather, you can make it what
you will, and do, projecting your own misconceptions as awareness upon its
field thereby proving what you sought in the first place, not that it is there,
it is in the mind of the seeker. Observer you made it. There were these stock
crises in the 20th cent, but I never noticed. There was severe weather? It didn't
strike here.
In Mauro Biglino - "The greek word “pneuma” is the translation of the
Hebrew word “rùach”. According to some scholars “rùach” (wind) probably
from the Sumerian word RU-A. The word’s sound is represented by a fluctuant
object over the waters. The Italian scholar Mauro Biglino has totally
misinterpreted the ancient image (
the picture), because he says that the eye over the waters is an
“unidentified flying objects”. This interpretation is part of his theory that
the Elohim were aliens and not, as the scholars usually say, angels or God
himself." So you see Clif may not be too fond of beliefs
his own Universe, but do not blame the inventor of his universe concept, Harold
and Destiny for this.
Percival, or Finny or Gurdjieff are a little
interesting, but Oscar desiccating in the yard from the aluminum rain, losing
his life inform more than these.
agree with enough of Clif High secular conclusions to consider him a partial
ally. There's no advantage in disagreeing with allies, so I also admit to
liking his attitude, his ability to write and express himself in a content
neutral form. No modern prophet wants to be held to perfection,
but neither do the Delphic ambiguities. You will never read of such
understatement as Isaiah uses when he says Sennacherib will hear some news that
will make him break off his siege of Jerusalem. The news was that an angel
breathed to death 185,000 of his men. Why indeed is there such a "relentless
negativity of its [ALTA's} projections." ALTA is Clif High's webbot, 'asymetric
linguistic trend analysis' that "all humans are
psychic and 'leak out' psychic impressions in their choice of language.
Gathered by computer software scanning the net for specific forms of 'change
process' within text based posts" makes the Report. Similar monitors of
the Kingdom of Noise might be cited to any diffused yearning of inchoate
language were it not that the language monitors of chat, distal and borscht,
might well be the verbations of devils captured by internet to prognosticate.
We could inscribe it on vellum if we knew it better. So if the process misses
an apocalypse 2012 here, an earthquake there, Niburu coming home like George
Soros busing people to riots, or led astray, where digital prayer wheels utter
their pleas for salvation millions of times an hour at speeds beyond the
megahurt, or some ape at a typewriter writes Shapapearsy, this is not say that
aikido, the Tao, linguistics and the universe are not wonders in themselves,
but that, as any practitioner of aikido knows, this game is played more from
libido than from the stilled mind, even at the top, meaning that the egos
seeking egolessness are all crazy by degrees and the transcendance they seek
drives them nuts, especially when they get a taste. High uses the term 'universe'
the same way the term 'science' is used, a collective autonomous noun,
whatever that is, that substitutes for what used to be God. Sometimes also he
uses reality, "what reality wants us to see."
But I want to add about his
method these observations on dating medieval manuscrpts:
medieval manuscripts / tracking cell phones: Finally some hard science for
pattern recognition and patterns within patterns, this analogy between dating
medieval manuscripts and tracking cell phones. The
switching stations that
filter cell phone and email talk do so with a similar code used in dating
medieval deeds.
of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words of undated ms. is compared to
dated and the machine identifies the undated. Some such code must be used to
ferret out
the unsilent
talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.-
Maximum prevalence
technique: a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by
comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the
training set
(Gelila Tilahun,University of Toronto).-Computer-automated statistical
in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.
researchers developed an algorithm that uses
tracking data on people’s
phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error: 20
meters. That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict
people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people
follow fairly consistent patterns
over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of
for breaks in the routine.
researchers solved that problem by
combining tracking data from individual
participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other
people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements
correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess
when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather
than staying uptown for lunch as usual.
Stingray, cell phone tracker] from
Pantheistic Bearden, aikido
altered, thinks "hostile Yakuza fingers are already on the triggers
(Bearden, Olivion 68). At nuttier levels Ben Fulford touts that the white
Dragon Society dojos everywhere will empty out with delivering warriors against
the one world order. But you could get all that merely by scanning the printed
works of PK Dick. Would that Clif High could hook up with the ELS of the Torah
Codes. That's a joke. Like NSA reading chatter for the deep threat these
observations establish themselves by their bias. There will always be a
deep threat in the chatter if you look for it and its keywords. These methodia
have exclusive generality. Deep State undergrounds, whatever, say
nothing specific about the putative psychic language. Gurus will catch
other guru ideas the way High believes Venus was captured by the sun and the
Mayans wrote it down 5125 years ago or Patch believes Saturn is a bipolar
vortex tapped by CERN. Some follow Sitchin, some the Thunderbolts, some find
the masons etched doom on the dollar bill. which is not to say that all of us
would not benefit from these contemplations in place of swallowing the latest
prefabed news and intellect of the system, but put that aside, High's main
premise to read the unconscious collective as a predictor of future events in
aggregate could be in error if the unconscious is a fallen entity influenced by
Satan to believe all the archetypes of the fall that it does. That is to say
that the fallen predict the fall. Dr Jung I presume.
proposition that all human beings are psychic and leak in the data base depends
on the ability to read sign. The Greeks read birds, the Chinese yarrow stalks.
Schools of fish are instructive and tea leaves. Clif High bases his
divination on telltale snapchat postings that deviate. It's a nice
question whether Holden Caulfield informs the culture or it informs him. Jung
would say J.D. was jinvented as much as hip hop. Cliff High reports on the 22
trillion a second pulse from the center of the U, 44 trillion if you
count the simultaneous pauses. It is obvious impulses stop and start. Some guys
think their wives are the cessation and the action is a Traffic cop.
Reports of
Predictive Linguistics report the monthly effect of written
text from the internet. Universe here means statistical universe, with a
capital S. The process of
prediction from speech, not writing, would be
truer, since ordinary people cannot help but state how they really feel, but
their finger speech involves a layer twice removed from their thought. On the
other hand it is not possible to lie in writing so well as it is in speech. Does
not any sample predict the universe? Recording the ravings of asylums over
millennia and inferring principles from them as a Nostradamus analogizes the
future as a collective ALTA at least would predict millennia of madmen. All
humans are psychic and they "leak?" Like a plumber learns to read
leaks and NSA reads, but doesn't publish, ALTA is programmed to discount
artificially generated words of bots and plants, but does not account for ththe
general mind sway that exists in every archetype, film, and educational
bias. It does not account that the best lack all conviction and the worst are
full of the passionate intensity or for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and
their Soros shadows. The "best" who
have conviction are
"not found." Except High thinks they "leak." Google
search masses write conditioned by Yahoo headlines in the NSA DARPA world:
Language and The New Golden Age of Angels. Inhabitants of the Colonies
try for some background.
is the real, not the story or the characters. The imitations, the
simulacra, the outer layers with the inner are all simultaneous chaos and
inundation in the database. Mutually supportive, so that if an imitation is
true it is true to the database and not nature or reality, as used to be. This
together makes a model of the unconsciousness, simultaneous narratives of
everything imitating themselves, sharing disparate parts. Unless you say the
unconscious belongs to you either you have borrowed from it, without attribution,
yes, mr. joyce, or you have stolen. What a harsh word that has such people in
it. A word, an art, an act not valued as real or true to nature, but true
to the database, which means it reflects, reacts with and catalyzes with itself
in a closed system according to the premise that all people are psychic the
nearer the event comes, but don't know it. This is the same as saying dogs
predict earthquakes and upsets and can smell cancer, which is true, as far as
it goes. So the data base is true as far as it goes. There is an ice age
aborning against all the hothouse science that is invented to perp the public.
Frozen rivers in Europe, new land bridges to emerge, populations to relocate.
It's the universe isn't it, equivocating universe the phenomenon with
statistical set and sample. So the gurus cited arbitrarily around High's ALTA,
Bearden's Zarg, Kenyon helping us raise our vibe by meditation, Pensinger
shooting out the pyramid top in a blaze, these would-be gods are part of the
displaced grand narrative, displaced because "
moe-elements have
gods" (66, Hiroki Azuma in
Fandom Unbound). All the elements of
documentation, subordination, logic, custom sacrificed to this database.
Piracy, not the bad guy, rules. There are no courts or law. Anime living for
anime gamers. Cat Girl,
Girl, Foxgirl, Dog Girl anime is not innocent. Diacon IV Bunny Girl is
second in search to the Playboy Bunny. The Catgirl Research Foundation
has a disclaimer at the bottom of the home page: "While some girls may
enjoy acting like cats, there are no girls who actually have long furry tails
or large cat ears as parts of their body. Though this is unlikely to change in
the near future...." The hybrid realities of the Singularists, full blown
three decades, used to be called pathetic fallacy to attribute human qualities
to nature, now subject to gene splicing, but before that
moe anthropology,
which you might take from Kafka, make anime cute and vacant 2 D,
which lend themselves to a combination of bestiality and pedophilia
with big boosts from Microsoft and Windows Me. Girls are hybridized to guns,
ships and tanks ( Mecha Musume) not unlike Donne's "oh my America, my
newfoundland." Helen's face is a dock, anthropomorphism knows no
bounds once launched, "the universe strait-laced / when I can clasp it in
the waist." Erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels, loving their
washing machines, cell phones. The cuteness, the cuteness, says Conrad,
the causes of which are below.
base is the real, not the original or its copy. Dolls, games,
fanzines are as much data base as manga, video, film, lit, blog. Faux is real,
the comic market is a comic market, which is to say this is real. Amateurs
coexist in the database as much as great writers, identity diffusion is
important because it embodies the opposites of tree lineage vs the chaotic
whole, problems anime revealed in Japan and the world, in essence a
condition of piracy. Writers all "stripped the ancients"
(Vida). This coexistence in the database begs to compare otaku with the
unconscious and the universe, not imitation vs. real, where piracy is
commonplace, called originality through citation and infinite
imitation, but "neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of
materials from junk subcultures."
fan groups substitute for the grand societal narrative of the tree lineage. The
cause? especially the bomb blew it apart, but global culture is a bomb to
nations and cultures. All get to be American in essence. What greater bomb than
"Anime Realism"
apart, otaku create a shell for themselves from dermal fantasies, rewriting
Tolkien, internalizing film, manga, another Evangelion, collecting dolls,
comics. Group affiliations replace families. Whether to say these are shut ins,
cast outs or the new realists is just a game. Otaku shut in to their fandoms,
hobby communities by choice replace the social to various degrees with
fictional identities. Countless social standards replace the universal or grand
narratives; (blank) rights. So otaku defines
"neurotic construction of
shells of themselves out of materials from junk subcultures." This replaces
the grand narrative: gangs, games, groups. Faux characters replace the real.
News broadcasts are animed, flatted. Commercials are animed, eyelit styled
animations. It is not far to politics as anime, as passionate about their
reality as the Obamaites, the Akirans. Artificial reality, the faux, the
moe! coin the term "anime manga-like realism." Lit, entertainment are
sold in the market as video games, dolls, illustrations.
Bikkuriman Sticker Parody
more like a captive mantis society consuming each other in an orgy of
consumption. That is Otaku West, consuming the consumed.Otaku specialist
Makoto Fukuda wrote
in the Daily Yomiuri, “There is a tradition in Japan’s otaku culture that even
such things as trains or computer operating systems can be changed into cute
characters in a way that turns inanimate subjects into characters meant to
inspire a 'moe' response.” Herbivores."
Otaku describes a subculture
of young, male geeks who lose themselves in a hermetic world of manga comic
books and video games."
the Kingdom of Noise
High is another aikido player, like Tom Bearden with notions that the universe
is a living sentence that works, decrees energies and elements of our own.
"I have this deal with universe about the web bot project that I would continue
the effort in spite of the other conditions provided by universe in my life,
and the debilitating nature of the work for as long as it was
universe." The essence of the ALTA is its conflating millions of bits of
language from web pages, from the Kingdom of Noise into an emotive tipoff. High
affirms he is partial schizo-typical, that his brother is full. High is a
follower of the fourth turning: a sociology that presents the time of the
Tribulation as a blessing: "The Fourth Turning is a Crisis, a decisive era
of secular upheaval, when the values regime propels the replacement of the old
civic order with a new one." Gurus relish the universe, the predicted new
orders, the secular upheaval accompanied by their belief in mutual and multiple
reincarnations, which is not so different psychically from J. Kleck who thinks
the angel Gabriel officiated at his spiritual birth.
call to the universe is not unique.
universe is civilization's god and the unconscious is its handiwork. He
knowingly identifies with the pagan substitutes while pretending to empiricism.
says the Sabeans are forerunners of the idea of " the stars as deities, and
the sun as the chief. (
Guide, III, 135). To show that this is a current
delusion see
Lydia's Vow, who says she is "interacting with the planetary
mind." Images of the gods placed in temples attracted a host of
correspondences, an idea central to the renaissance, for example,
Thomas Browne. This thinking had long exposition before
Plotinus or
Ezra, as Maimonides says, before Babylon: "a certain tree, which is
peculiar to a certain star, is dedicated to the name of this star, and certain
things are done to the tree and in connection with it, the spiritual force of that
star which influences the tree, inspires men" (
Guide, 139f).
all divination is idolatry modeled on the Sabeans who erect "temples of
Intellectual Images (or Forms)" (145), but "it is the principal
object of the Law to blot out these opinions from man's heart and make the
existence of idolatry impossible" (145). It is obvious that when Daniel
tells Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom will be returned to him after "thou
shalt have known that the heavens do rule" (
4.26) he does not mean the stars. That
heavens, the universe, could be equivocated as stars and turned into astrology
is proof text of every occultist from the Sabeans on
. See also The
War With Egypt
Literature ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science
totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.
is superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames
multiplicative, then quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler,
Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of
the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined in his
The structure and practice of National Socialism." (1942).
"Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists
to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was
something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every
aspect of German civil society-
Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
snapshot of social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other
view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe
the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald
Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the
first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool
of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The
first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon
did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before?
They will again. That is all they do. "High confidence generally
indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from
multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a
certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian
NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect
why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be
false with a truth cover.
have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay
surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of
the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits
enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds.
The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on
the right panel.
truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat
you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect
cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM
is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE
THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.
relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state
accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state
too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu,
Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars
were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and
over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does
anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the
council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he
had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision
even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why
there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar
to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi
hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of
revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and
another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall
backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and
the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13
the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of
semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine
one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes
like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt
against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see
this in Micaiah's mocking.
are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without
Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the
gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting
us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are
paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor.
Malak vs. elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym
also and may be either and other. This heavenly council excessively smacks of
the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned
to govern the company of nations: "we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh
assigned to the nations became corrupt, only that they were" Unseen
Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed anti-head pretend to the role of the
Most High in the cosmic war to make a counterfeit global Eden. These are the
nations disinherited at the Flood along with their governments before and
after, Israel replacing them, but who promise a Surge in the days of Noah
returned, the famous last battle and war. That these corrupt elohim associates
of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower and presumed Nimrod of the giant
gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in disputing the visible/invisible
Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word before Abraham was, is to say
that these so-called defections on the spiritual council, cosmos of the
putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim territorials are going to
include false teachers. The council notion vitiates angelic
protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah that he shall
at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only malaks
in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is not going to be
defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to thinking that the
reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an instance where the
council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in fact that passage
like all the continual references says over and over that Yahweh sold them,
4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14, Yahweh discomfited
Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any council agencies,
making it very much seem that the peer scholars are abstracting
extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They will say that
the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that was Malak
again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion even if
they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here or there
but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us."
TRANSFER! You want a single
verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the offerer's place. Laying
his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL THEIR SINS. You want to
divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it: "If the lion was
advised by the fox he would be cunning."
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found.
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be
vociferously denied.
in progress...
Fight Against
the Gods
The first elite tactic
superiors urge is to inculcate the belief that the human is inferior to the
alien. Charles Fort, Robert Stanley, Sitchin consent that we are slaves of Enki
and Archons on the basis of what they call information analysis, which has less
reason to it to confirm than the gravest errors of faith they decry (like
the Flood of Noah or genocide of Canaan miconstrued and altered in their
arguments to prove that we are not free). That Lucifer is the father of earth
they do believe. Belief is the axiom here. This, even while they acknowledge
reptiles have no creativity and no heart, meaning capacity to love. The
reptilian they think is physically and intellectually stronger, but the
voyaging soul of the human who braves these waves of oppression is as old as
recorded voyages of discovery to new worlds: the Odyssey, Prester John,
Mandeville's Travels, the Celtic voyages, the Elizabethans and fictions
thereof, especially Swifts's, Cranes' Bridge are imaginative encounters with
the alien. So whether apocryphal or not, to China or the Moon, it is an old
theme along with Solomon's passage to Ophir.
names apply for the elite and their Official Reality. Olympians, wanton boys,
thought gods all apply. The rest of humanity is to them useless eaters, as
Henry Kissinger says, and Prince Philip, “in the event that I am reincarnated I
would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to
overpopulation.” Higher consciousness of the alien is higher crime. United
Nations Prisoner Transfer cars intend "resettlement to the east." The
world is not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to
entertain the elite cheap. Your own party will be disfranchised to establish
the Unity State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for this technology,
the gods give power in exchange for a life to burgle forever. Saturn is not
just a rocket, but a train and a beast animated by its cargo within. The laugh
is that whoever was building the rings bugged out before the finish. Their
ancestors divine in every hospital and Times Square shrine of Moloch assuage
their destiny. The idols in every grocery sing, “come, buy, come and buy.”
There is a huge literature of placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but
this wormwood is deception, requires that we grant their existence and
interference in our lives. Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands might
be named in every language and their priests and shamans identified for what
they are not, wise men, prophets and healers, their healing induces a greater
reliance upon their ways and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca
to the theosophist. Marijuana rituals and the electric digital high command
have adrenalized the bookie state with its altered favor. Illumination is
overwhelmed by shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions
are as subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an
invention of the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of
death, war and the study of war inculcated into earth by supernatural interference.
In the Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats in his
resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems compromised with the
Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine is paramount in Aeschylus.
Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the true) God, but this is
alien equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans and all Olympus,
men were powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the death like
Sisyphus, Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself to
undermine the man and turn him into a god means he has become his own enemy,
has ceased to resist and is completely enslaved. "To those who really
believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural interference, causing
physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty, especially in
connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently out of course
ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages.
Preface). Aeschylus, Dante, Yeats lead to wondering how the human fights
against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it has always existed
and must have been resisted or influenced long since.
fiction writers like McCarthy don't seem to be anything but deceived, so on
through Northrop Frye, "this expanding of images into conventional
archetypes of literature is a process that takes place unconsciously in our
reading" assimilated to the whole subject so quickly "one hardly
notices the difference between creative and critical activity," thus
"what is true for the reader is true a fortiori of the poet, who learns
very quickly that there is no singing school for his soul except the the study
of the monuments of its own magnificence" (Anatomy of Criticism 100).
In the crisis of our time Jesus the Messiah is the main combatant against the
gods. He has made a mockery of these heavenly beings in Psalms and Isaiah and
empowered us to fight to establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the
war among the gods, or Titanomachy. The gods are evil. Shelley against the
gods, usually construed as against the odds, "Aeschylus against the
gods" no results found! The celebration of war is a victory of these gods
over men, a transfer of their apocalypse to earth. All the discussion of human
greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without the gods. Be a god is
not to be a man. Man inferior to the gods, the lowly eater useless eater looked
upon by royalty the rich because they are Olympians, children of the nephilim.
Antigone burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the
gods they kill us for their sport. Wanton boys these nephs. Twelve Olympians
are the major gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo,
Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
departure of the gods who left in the golden age. The thing that sets Abraham
apart is his unwillingness to placate these gods. So begins a resistance where
he and the nation Israel engage in act after act of resistance. We shall come
with a list of these of course. The New Testament is even more at pains to show
the resistance. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2.15 Matthew
12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his … Luke
10:18 And he said to them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke
11:22 But when a stronger than he shall come on him, and overcome him, … John
12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world …
John 16:11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Ephesians
4:8 Why he said, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, …
Hebrews 2:14 For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood,
… Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, … Revelation 20:2,3,10 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old
serpent, which is the Devil, … principalities. Colossians 1:16 For by him were
all things created, that are in heaven, and that … 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom
the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which … Ephesians 6:12 For
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, …
triumphing. Luke 23:39-43 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed
on him, saying, … John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw
all men to me. John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he
said, It is finished: … Acts 2:23,24,32-36 Him, being delivered by the
determinate counsel and foreknowledge … in it. or, in himself. It's OK
according to civilization to fight against God, the God of the gods, but not
against the gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods. Prometheus is a god
himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other and as Lear says the
wanton boys kill us for their sport. The gods are like Democrats, have
engineered a situation where they are exempt from criticism. They have
corrupted every aspect of the human. Note: "Thought Goattens are
commentaries on the New Folk Sensorial Compound. Circumstances drive a
dialectic to confront by absurdism these nations of commerce and religion, consciousness
and art. We don’t need a scientific basis for theater. Proof surrounds narcosis,
escapes are hard pressed, so if these headlines pop in the mouth to map the
mind, a land where every bubble-visioned landscape measures what we do not
know, interior Dantes of what we are, the new folk paradigms constellate,
imaginate these beings. They are psyche profiles of a greater human knowledge
self-reversed. Our travelers find a shaggy gent at the absolute center of
Earth. They climb down to the waist, there is plenty of hair to hold on its
sides—squeeze through a hole and come to the feet with their sin. You’d think
they’d have had wheelbarrows, but like Sherpas they carry it in packs. These
are the outcast thought goats, part salesmen, part dinosaur, part invention
that A.E. Reiff writes, sometimes called analytically the Spirit of Wilderness
or fancifully, Thought Beasts, Hybrid Beastiary, Uber Alter Nano Bot. The lists
go on, “Travels to Byzantium,” “The Cure,” “Kung Fu Da Puta Alien,” the
“Orcapoi,” “Sue Smooke,” all the way down to “The Dame of Guapa Pop” that
appeared in an earlier FRiGG. These find themselves indexed here. Perhaps the
coup de grace of Thought Goats is the current War on Neptune, if you can stand
the ads, or its cousins, Opiomes: The Domes, or The Severed Head." here
This chief tactic of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies, I was
wrestling against seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men, disposing of
them, moving quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in blue, who
watched from above; i was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of theirs to
oppose and while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion, like a robot
or clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there were
more when i woke. II. Greada Treaty: Kidnapping in exchange for technology.
Eisenhower, Bush, Brzezinski The Short Version supposes: Late in 1954 the race
of aliens known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been
orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated their planet
was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that
might allow their race to survive; this was to be in exchange for certain
technology. President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was
signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we
would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret;
they would furnish us with advanced technology, that they could abduct humans
on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with
the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to
their point of abduction, and that the humans would have no memory of the
event. It was also agreed the alien bases would be constructed underground,
beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona
and Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4,
about 7 miles south of area 51, known as 'Dreamland'. A multi-billion dollar
secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House, supposedly
to build secret underground sites for the President and the staff in case of
military attacks. By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower established
a permanent committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12) to oversee
and coordinate all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI
director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign Relations,
known as the 'Wise Men' and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George
Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them. A major finding of the
commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of
glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood and in genetic
experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival,
that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to
exist.The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien project
would be to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the
Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name was George H. W. Bush, at
the time president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was
experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs be
shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat, then
transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, avoiding search by
customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA
controls all the world's illegal drug markets. Don't take the short version for
this, read Nova by William Burroughs. One should remember, it was George Bush
who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to finance
the deep underground alien bases. Posted 17th October 2012
III. Explanations of the War in Heaven. Robert Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to
2/18/17) War in Heaven, ceramic detail These equivocations and their effects
and sources hold much worth belief, meant as bait for the poor flies, so do not
incline too deep to dive. The real reasons behind earth-alien events are simple
and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more to do with H7N9 than currency,
but it is so easy to fool a fool. The father of Robert Stanley, the man who met
Enki, was a disciple of Norman Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the
gods was caused when Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being
his thought projection. See the birth of the archons. All cerebral and
intellectualized, Enki is father of Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley
gets from Wes Penry's papers. Where Penry got it is the usual places, like
Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky, but they all read as if computer generated,
artificial writing, the kind done by salesmen to reach the least common
denominator. COME INTO THE BODY YOU IDIOTS. Like other gurus, Clif High claims insight
and expertise (just as prone to go out of body as Stanley's Enki), says he has
been through the bardos, knows the soul traps, but has come back to tell us all,
like Prufrock, I shall tell you all. High is a predictive linguist also
enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny but utterly
innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are themselves
servants of the we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are
convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the ancient
literature for ever more ancient, which have no body of examination (the latest
being the Jordon Lead Codices) and which they know from channeling out of body
and meditative states, full of deception and conviction. Stanley believed the
being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted love was Enki, just as
he believed when it told him it was the father. Stanley is a victim at least of
his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen, that demons are a projection of
Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All romance. Loki, Iago,
Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he used at that time
nor whether the tulpas he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox,
at the sacred place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice.
Still it reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever
since critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think
Enki an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a
deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the
divine feminine and freedom and the golden age. On Good Friday the only One who
ever confronted these beings descended into hell and led out the captives.
Stanley says "even in the Bible" like Wilcock does as if that were
the last place you would look, but it is the greatest truth that Stanley and
Wilcock don't know because that haven't discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's
fault who discloses the textual opacity and verbal thickness of many meanings
that never replace Scripture but enrich the phonemic and semantic numinous
elements of its textual coherence. (See "Midrash as Law and
Literature" in The Third Pillar). Hartman's life and thought show the beauty
of life and literature. “The spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented,
bewildered, caught in some ‘wild surmise’ about the text and struggling to
adjust — is not that one of the interests critical writing has for us?” --text
is, below its surface, a roiling system of conflicting semantic signs. As such,
the text has no one empirical reading; it is, rather, a network of competing
meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox, Obituary). Much of this comes down to sacred
and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace the profane, leaping over the
culture and language to which he is born to embrace a foreign which he cannot
know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever its shadow mansters tell him,
Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out of body at the ringing
sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child but did not recognize
it as a conditioning of his father's "spirituality" with the
gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him fall for soul trapism and Orion
civil wars when the making of the vernacular "illustrious,"
...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the biblical text by renewing
our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as does lit for all these
hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and salesmanship to the masses. So
leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons. Rename a thing and it is a new
discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits he references are rebaptized,
defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit salvation from our 1) own
enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam of Pope Francis on the
verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move that we have but 10 years
to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the false for the
real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, hiring Anthony Weiner, false
flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a substitute cosmology
and psychology where the grand human creations in art and lit are seen as the
work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so superior it makes the
human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's the
master here? Creating heavens with the touch of his finger God gave to man
dominion of his hands. Stanley opposes textuality and numinous scripture which
he jumps over to imbibe an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says
the Archons were the Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our
ancestors." He found the temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of
his stems from Penry etc. and Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very
thing he warns against. Noah, says Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from
Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley
was translated is like Henry Gruver who confronted angels imprisoned beneath
streets of Rome, Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Streets of Rome.
In this vein Trump is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even
worse, Trump is the Swamp of Jewish Elite MAFIA and Zionism a counterfeit. All
the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we Fight Against the Gods. We
deny their ascendancy on no less authority than Psalm 8. He has given us
dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so because the Savior
despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet. And we walk in Him!
THE HIGHEST CREATED BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE! Bibliography ConsiderMmike Cernovich's
report of swinger's clubs outside DC max Spiers London 9/8/15 Danuta Anna
Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry: Sarah Adams how whales feel
Boriska. rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen
content, thus greater energy. Ibis parallel progragms looking for Blood Prime,
viz higher % annunakidna, fight between red and blue, two in one Operation
Earnest Voice run by CIA Heiser Ps 74 dragons: Ez 32, They are coming to take
you away: inventing by mis information one piece of data to disprove an entire
concept and body of well established knowledge on the basis of this one, so
called, contradiction High says Rome never existed, Sitchin invented cosmic
code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah the word descends
from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb 'to anoint',
which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy crocodile'.,
"" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin...Jordan Maxwell that
words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and prove... Christ
means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? the name Solomon derives
from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more than Velikovsky finds New jersalem a space
ship station when, Freud who first suggested that Moses was one of thenobles of
Akhenaten in his book Moses and Monotheism. Analogize Trump and his enemy media
and scripture and the Christian with The Spaceships of Ezekiel Fraud. Ancient
astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious but duplicitous
researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and psychologically
primed audience. Donald Marshall Cloning Center David Jacobs International
Center for Abduction Research Leak project, joseph five eagles reyna, Recumbent
antarctica, flash frozen because atmosphere partly ripped off, (William l.
Pensinger) Nguyen Quynh was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam .
"The geomantic, random-walk method of garden design learned during this
relationship led to a decade of intense practice of a form of walking
meditation within which he was able to reach new levels of understanding of the
modes of consciousness he was inducted into as a pre-adolescent child"
THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT. Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
Ngo The Vinh The Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and Their
Cultures edited by Laurence A. G. Moss --Different kinds of expansive blue ice
as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house unfinished with its large stained
interiors still open but in a natural setting. 3/2017 New Erich Von Daniken
Chariots of the Gods 1966 - 2016 (50th Anniversary Lecture) Organic:
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
rules. I'm a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites
had a couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
Almonds, walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle bob and ryan
wood, majestic documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier
for abomb Paul Blake Smith Bombshell, Mo before Roswell APR 8 1941 William
Mills Tompkins WWII proxy ET war, navy ship models Grant Cameron, Tom DeLonge,
Sekret Machines Linda Moulton Howe Awakening 2017 who says the big thing in 17
is We are not alone in the U! to come out, But who said we were alone but their
surrogates? and who says we should know who our oppressors are? The oppressors?
Opressor science reveals oppressor thought in order to... what make us like
them, even more? and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His
glory -and we have known the arms already knwon them all 3/17/17 Jordan Maxwell
(Debunking Jordan Maxwell, the movie) [bill cooper?] Fomenko. History Fiction
Percival, Thinking and Destiny moose at office. a baby just born. as soon as i
heard we went to it and it was fine, licked us and shorty licked it talked
about a big pen there for it. As I was doing the flood later a golden eagle
landed on the front lawn for a long drink. 3/16/17 Nabi, Rehan, UT 3/15/17 Clif
Highs Webbot Predicts 2017 The Fall of Religions The New ... 2.44f there is a
bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage of
Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the year
1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking movement-Rome
was created in the 1400s his voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks
which show in his misquote of Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or
science. Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against
Christians. His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min
8.44 but then he says a lunar eclipse occured in 1078! He gets excited and
defensive which makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the
quesetion like much else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does
not say it was an eclipse this is inferred from the darkness and the length of
the Cruxification, not from any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation
of the event at best. Pagan commentators of the Roman era explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during Passover,
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts.
"First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete
history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past
by astronomy. all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent Italy, he knows
this by the words used, "Eyetalian." The remote viewing of Courtney
Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On the hand he says a view of the
past is single and linear but the future is many branched and all jpossible. He
shares this view with most of the spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to High,
from Erickson to physics. His experiments of 2008 and 2013 remotee viewing
weather 3/13/17 melissa for air travel ,interview on Sean David Morton- viktor
schauberger structured water, indian time lab anderson, put a 1/8 second time
distortion around Fukushima Howard Menger, From Outer Space to You and My
Saturnian Lover Peter Peterson, Exopolitics, Wm Binney Edgar Casey and david
wilcock likeness. but closer to Rasputin Of exogenous events, peterson at 10 at
a wedding in his small town looks up with all the people to see a flying saucer
show for two hours. Events outside conditioning as opposed to those inside,
endogenous events. which I think of when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from
the sky about not to kill. He says until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in
a titanium capsule but now at 70 does so again, which I share haveing felt all
along more or less that I was dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew
what it was.. In Part I he is asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and
he says 15% he examined for this, but to rule out natu occur radiation... but
tape is cut, as if his answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it
picks up at 31.o8 as et, but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels
isolated as an individual does he think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
Soliton. russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to
Petersons exog, has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcokck thinks antarcticans came
from mars and are the falen angels, Horus, blue avian, comic, the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language, high language emotion pattern
deviations,, nsa preservation of every conversation period indexed by name etc
to be pulled up as perfect recall if and when needed, starting about...Torah
Codes, Use of art to predict patterns that emerge. William Binney. editing,
masking greying censoring language, communication on media. continual
bombardment 3/10/17 Rense and David John Oates: Trump's Reversal incongruent
Reversals from his speech to Congress. Transcscribing what I heaar backwards.
Aftser a year and half of positive reversals. Preston James: Trump Targeted.
Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech. something has happened
tomake him think a deep corrupption --thank you very much Mr speaker It's a sin
America --my job is to represetn the crime of the states did I need? --think of
the marvels we can achieve the beast and it used Obama --on November 8 a record
I face you the terror --we want harmony and here the limits --our veterans have
delivsered adolf her villian --there is evil in the heart and soul of America --hopefully
the 250th year I'm afraid the fifth (4 killed in offic, 4 died in office).
" In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more
stunned by Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and
revealed on this Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the
Reversals disclose a sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind.
This suggests a President who has been subjugated and conquered and is now in
the firm control of the Global Elite. The conclusion is that Trump has been
told that he will be President at the Elite's discretion and that he must do
exactly as he is told. Having spent the last year and a half doing Reversals on
Trump through the entire campaign and election, the Reversals you are about to
hear bear virtually zero similarity to the man whose Reversals were always
sparkling with dedication and singularity, invariably congruent and supremely
patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the most disturbing and staggering
subconscious change he has ever documented in anyone. It would explain why
there have been so many changes in Trump since he won the election and why he
has turned from a 'peace President' to one of NeoCon military threats and why
he has backed away from the gravest threat of all…the Islamic invasion of
America." Jesus subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to
death, which is the same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He
overcame death, the universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He
never claimed to be Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is
the same as taking Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of
times false. Wlhat ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it
was for the previous who was never corrected once by the media. This is
Sennichribs's leiutant who says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he
lied. All the sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell,
the bolder the bigger thelie the more believed. Victoria Coin.You're more than
nobody. in the book of tweets. --Four authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange,
the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four chairs on a platform all facing the same
direction holding forth, except I was silenced, one half comment ignored. I
watched Valult 7 last night and clif high. The identities are approximate
though, but the feeling of a point of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
3/8/17 Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan for
European Genocide. -a field of frosted diochondra among green grasses. 3/7/17
rehypothecation of gold VimANA--universe, the collective autonomous noun,
science. Explicit agency but invisible. - dna phantom effect - mysterious
eel-like serpent and a fish with wings have been found, in Australia where bizarre
shrimp-fish hybrid creatures are now being found, a mysterious white hairy
beast washing ashore in the Philippines, and a mysterious giant gray sea
creature alien like blob washing up on an Australian beach just this past week.
that another massive “Vimana” is “awakening” from its hibernation under
Antarctica—and whose gravitational energy is so powerful, its force is now
being extended to over 300 miles (483 kilometers) into space. - Mackeral money,
last of the silver yesterday. 3/5/17 Polarizing filter for glare the
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not. You cannot teach somebody to
be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American slaves never stopped seeking
to be free. What you're willing to put up with is the mark of your slavery. and
yet every reality can be demented, reversed, inverted so that the enemy can
accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit. Download DAda covers
"Black swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as
the wrong crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement
of the best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New
England Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news." Timeline
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald Trump's current
presidential campaign. ranks of nsa assassins with anunaki dna 3/4/17 Elizabeth
Báthory Hostel Part II, cannibal murals in brussels ish shah, adultress: targum
and adam knew his wife havah who had desired the angel cain, abel twins .adam
father of cain not? cannibalism world government kleck SAIC leidos antarctica
Nephilim goats found in Utah rob potter, Yvonne Palermo, Justin Deschamps- Mt
Shasta, Laura Eisenhower, Cobra, derek faust 2/19/17 pentagon leak shows
vaccine designed to modify behaviour in succession, the ceiling had big bubble
from roof leak, we couldn't find the car in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's
pacemaker See War In Heaven, Charles Williams (1930). Johnny came lately to the
war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he cannot read and
which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination would crumble.
Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo, Blake, Johnny has
his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit of the real, written by the
perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world peace, coming ahead of time with vans
and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over heads and steal bodies off streets.
never heard from again, or if so changed. IV. Trutheers Laura says that the
Dracos are jealous of us because we can go higher than they but all they need
to do is go inside. I guess if a draco goes inside he'd just as soon go back
out again. In the genre of romance everything is as convincing as a movie. An
ersatz eagle, a false eagle constructed like a Bohemian club owl against a
lion. The white flash of egret wings through the gates as they fly up and down
the canal. Meaning it is not 3D, 2 D o even one D, it is no D, strictly air and
light which is utterly convincing as long as you are watching it, but after
seeing empty. Well at least air is full. The truth movement has a complex world
where it wants to qualify for ascension or at least salvation from cataclysm
but is lured away from the inner work that happens by the usual worldly
invites. It sounds like a book we all used to know better where not by works of
righteousness we have done but according to his mercy he saved us, resurrected
us, empowered us. You know? It's not Christi consciousness you need to enter
the next density, destiny or the violet flame on the mountain where everything,
every noun is a lie and means something else, maybe opposite, twisted by the
pious need to seem accepted. Very like Hawthorne on Mt Shasta as in the
constant borrowing of the New Testament language of theosophy but misapplied, angel
of light, do unto others, centripetal force holds things in, the ready result
of any club or society, the Oxford dons resisting Tolkien's idea of Beowulf as
an autor. Which is like asking whether the Blue Avians joining in Full
Disclosure at the 1111 roundtable of spiritual knights came from the lenticular
cloud over Mt. shasta or from the hollow earth? But as Max Speirs says, Earth
is the Jewel of the Universe and A Man is the Highest Created why go
to the stars when they are all coming here? In any case .042 % of of people or
300000 is the current estimate of ascension. This elect, who do service to
others and work to ascend to the Anshar world of the Mohammad Accords, because
trickster beings, pose as angels of light, trickers, so be be conscious in the
the divine template, observe the DNA potential. Laura Eisenhower says her spirit
guide is Ike to these higher DNA levels but she doesn't know about the German
POWs, a million starved to death behind barbed wire, starved and frozen to
achieve the higher common Union of the Cather lines. This alien machinery of
unity and life comes in the soul architecture of the planetary body of the
goddess where the root races share codes to the seven higher heavens. Of
stargates, earth grid compromises of the god of Energy, Daniel says the god of
Forces, will empower this shared union of the divine masculine to emerge with
extra activated DNA strands out of which Laura gives these revelations. If you
want to find out who you are and know who among all this is telling the truth
or you wish to meet ET for contact, if you wish it they will come, the orbs
summoned by Steve Greer, all possible if you are desperate for off world
civilization of the galactic diplomacy. Preying on the easiest group to
infiltrate the earth, these ascendeds, Master Hilarion of the scaterfield
network will reach planetary ascension in the re- distribution at first
contact. Then earth changes and there will be 30 kinds of hyperdrive, new
harmonics of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry flame like violets on
the Mat of Shasta. Many will go inside in the event. The truth movement looks
within but expects the least % to ascend in America. Connect with natural if
you want to prepare for the next density in the liner work. Listen for the
pings. The biggest problem for those who would ascend is their children. Take
the children of the elite who have fled to New Zealand and Tasmania who inhabit
one room schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets but read books and
walk among trees. How will these children stand it when they realize their
parents abandoned ship to save themselves, but worse, poisoned the ship in the
doing in a hundred ways. How do the children of the SS live? How does Laura
Eisenhower after learning of the million Ike killed in POW camps. These are
cursed generations just opposite the children of the survival of the holocaust
who question their right to survive. Levinas. Children of the elite would do
the same if any conscience remains in them as it will. Either way it comes down
to forgiveness of sins. At the outset let it be said there is a cure for all
these things summing u living life for its own sake and not what you can get
out of it. Breath. Walking early and only moment by moment as many of the old
hyms, Moment by moment I’m kept in His love, let's try to show this
unabstracted into romance but as real life, connected life which in fact tries
very hard to be demonstrated in The Way Into the Flowering Heart with all those
essays like Pennsylvania Dutch Paradise where among architectures of furnished
rooms and philosophies of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ
extends to nature a sacrament that covers an outward garment of earth. V.
Literature ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science Disclosure A totalitarian
system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society. -It is
superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames multiplicative, then
quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler, Galileo, Newton get trumped by
Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of the old as fabrication, something
Franz Neumann outlined in his Behemoth. The structure and practice of National
Socialism." (1942). "Today it seems strange that an American spy
agency would employ Marxists to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism,
[Marcuse there] argues, was something new - a totalitarian system that
enveloped every level and every aspect of German civil society-(Secret Reports
of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS). This snapshot of social
structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other view. Deans, profs,
editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe the truth/untruth of
the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald Justice had contempt for
Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the first principle of
quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool of invisible hand.
You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The first principle is
believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon did you believe
that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before? They will again.
That is all they do. "High confidence generally indicates that judgments
are based on high-quality information from multiple sources [which] does not
imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty; such judgments might be
wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian Activities). When former NASA scientist
admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect why believe the next
tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be false with a truth
cover. Many have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon
of hay surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the
top of the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits
enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds.
The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on
the right panel. The truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons.
If you need proof that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie,
see what happens if you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote
you to reeducation camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice
their best NLP on you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like
police interrogators? That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney
World eat you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political
effect cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter
MSM is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE
THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth. This
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away, except
Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods, Elohim
for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of these
notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries and
committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding. The relation of small to great is
like the individual to the state, the deep state accumulating these years
consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state too is small in the same
scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu, Puradu hybrids and they too in
relation to their gods.God/no gods, Heiser says it was council agency that
administered the worlds. Says the stars were His army in Judges 5.20 but the
whole passage says Jah did it, over and over. Just as the wife Jael drives the
nail through Sisera's temples, nobody does anything there except for Yah. Ahab
and the lying spirit sent to him by the council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with
satire based on the 400 false prophets he had summoned, so the lying spirit is
Ahab himself, not a council's decision even if his self deception is
personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why there is more than one liar?
It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar to Lear, all personal drama.
This misperception of speaker is like the hivi hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a
drunk preached as the process of revelation, "here a little there a little
for with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people...that
they might go, and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa
28.10. The prophet and the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13 the watcher of
Nebuchadnezzar's dream is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's
which makes it a dream fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word
humanity, human/non human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy,
the common one who will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non
human + and - attributes except as part of Jakobson semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE
sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine one hopes, of poets, art collectors.
Pass on those academics who eat footnotes like John Velz. Further on, Ahab
peers say the mashal taunt against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery
but evidently cannot see this in Micaiah's mocking. There are some gains in the
council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without Michael's
intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the gains are
losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting us in the
Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are paltry
Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor. Malak vs.
elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym also and may be
either and other. This heavenly council excessively smacks of the Ugarite in
its receipt of the negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the
company of nations: "we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the
nations became corrupt, only that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116).
Their supposed anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war
to make a counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the
Flood along with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but
who promise a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and
war. That these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built
the Tower and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could
win in disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself,
the Word before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the
spiritual council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt
elohim territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion
vitiates angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by
Zechariah that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh.
It is only malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh
is not going to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to
thinking that the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an
instance where the council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in
fact that passage like all the continual references says over and over that
Yahweh sold them, 4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14,
Yahweh discomfited Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any
council agencies, making it very much seem that the peer scholars are
abstracting extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They
will say that the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that
was Malak again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion
even if they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here
or there but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us." TRANSFER!
You want a single verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the
offerer's place. Laying his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL
THEIR SINS. You want to divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it:
"If the lion was advised by the fox he would be cunning." Ultimately
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found. The
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be
vociferously denied. in progress... Labels: Apkallu disclosure Franz Neumann
Heiser totalitarian Ugaritic monsters VI. Multidimensional Upset [censored] It
has become obvious that there is a mind wave projection fostering discord and
division among formerly like minded people. This is true of severance of long
time friends over political events since the American election, division among
artists over politics, division in the streets with mass controlled marches and
events, division between writers and editors who once valued their work but now
actively repudiate it, division between elders and pastors. Following Sunday
service at a local reformed church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by
"prayer!" "Over the past several months it has become increasingly
apparent that the elders’ vision for the church is significantly different from
the pastor’s vision for the church and both the elders and the pastor are discerning
that the relationships have become strained to the point that effective
ministry seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate directions."
Mind pinging in various directions and modes was the initial verdict for
Multidimensional Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy favorite,
one who so habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion. These are the
powerhouse D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are magnificent
specimens who always win, have been trained to win and have a record to prove
it. They win because they're good, like the America dream team. Unless you know
some of these you really cannot define average. Average, is a player who is a
walk-on, who exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is always black
and blue and never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human competition
against what I call elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world. "But if
you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and so tread upon the
serpent multidimensionals will be upset." If you expose this the D-1
cohorts will censor you, bind you and load every rift of your ore with glue.
The context of the average and the full ride athlete is in Northrop Frye's
notion from Vico of the collective imagination that begins with myth. "In
myth the actors are primarily gods; in the next state, romance, gods and humans
mingle; then a high mimetic mode appears, where humans are humans but include
heroes, close in capacity to the gods. After that... an ironic phrase, in which
the protagonists are represented as all too human, so that readers may feel
superior to them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54). The multidimensional
upset occurs when Satan falls from heaven in lightening and saints are given
power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I put
this essay together as extremely as possible but never expected it to appear.
The editor who accepted it calls it Mind pinging in various directions and
modes but he was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of Pentonville Prison
who says: "Upon closer examination, Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot publish
"Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided in your
article, and your body of essays, I realized that "Multidimensional
Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to Unlikely's. Unlikely
has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump." So there goes. There
have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is scheduled for
reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably opposed. The
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential,
making individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and
supervising the work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015
indicated that Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the
previous inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds of
rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations. This introduces the
Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it they must create a
focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of the point of view as
meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider facts, a version makes
their case, over and over again, so that on the level of people we meet in life
it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view that they must be mimicking
some greater set of which they are a subset. That greater set is the media that
has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger burning bright. Mind-forged
manacles. But these people were already tainted, it's just that it was
overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value, because it used to be
the case that a society tolerated points of view without trashing and burning
alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed pacifist-militants, people
who abhor violence name call and parade their superiority everywhere and skate
on their privileged enclaves of art, university or family. Exfundamentalists
wear their disdain as a mark of their erudition, a way of saying they have seen
the liberal light and disavowed the crude, unfeeling, uncompassionate take for
the high intellectual road of programed thought. This is exactly what appears
in the frontispiece of Leviathan, mannikins inside the body of a single giant.
"The demonic human world is a society held together by a kind of molecular
tension of egos, a loyalty to the group or the leader which diminishes the
individual" (Frye, Anatomy of Criticism 147). Constantly battered with
overt and covert messaging about the rollback of the surrender of America to
globalists and all the Obama clinton gore bushes to the effect of killing
anybody overseas or at home who gets in the way, they subscribe implicitly to
the assassination scheme this network of funds, corps, parties uses to control
their opponents, those they cannot blackmail with pedo pics taken when they
have been seduced celebrating their power lust. This however is only for those
who will benefit the Corrupt. The other ordinaries on the street where we live,
who dramatize their moral outrage are controlled with headlines on Yahoo and
the Post and the Times endless parroted on Media MSM attributing the false fact
to another when it is their sole tactic with bullying. From a lower view moral
outrage comes from their being cut off from any really compassionate concern
for anyone different from themselves, the lib might not go to Malta but
figuratively lives among the illumined. There can be no greater hypocrisy than
to trade on the poverty of your neighbor to justify your own political
morality. Multidimensional Upset was written four years ago as Baptized
Martians. Multidimensional Upsets Censored [Embezzlement, blackmail and
censorship in the nitrogen food storage industry. The greatest offense to
censors is when the fact is cited on a forbidden source. Alex Jones serves
nicely to illustrate this. All links and backlinks tied to him are the great
affront, as one said to me in indignation: Alex Jones... but equally so from
the mag editor who finds all mention of a wide range of sources offensive, so
much so that it is the intractable enemy of proscience. We're not talking about
liquid nitrogen food storage, but about the Vatican encoding a savior from
outer space with beings half fish and half men found in the Antarctic to have
hands down on our civilization.. Yes I'm talking about James Blish and H. P.
Lovecraft. Both appeared on Alex Jones and his surrogates.] To keep the
population segmented differing factions provoke extreme views well typified by
the global warming climate change vs the ice age. The majority view of warming
shouts down the ice age with all the usual bullying in order to censor it. This
philosophy of opposing factions extends into every other contention between
opposites so that instead of reason and discourse there is open antagonism. One
of the best stratagems of the left is accuse its opposite of being
anti-scientific. The left is pro-science so it believes in global warming and
censors all else (until further notice). The most important aspect of all this
is that the greater the heat of passion the less the reason, which is to say
the more prejudice the greater the denial, which results in sleep and misdirection.
The best response to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how
do you know you are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked?
Certainly the mere fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It
also implies opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that
there are only two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each
that seeks to force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets
caused such an upset. It was both accepted and rejected. What had been
"mind pinging in various directions and modes" to the accepting
editor with his own authority became "a worldview intractably opposed to
"pro-science and anti-Trump," to the founder of these Unlikely
stories, much like the view that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas of
"hidden" archeologies and technologies hidden in its basement from
view is not to be revealed. Upsets does not report such findings, so much as it
mocks them, although maybe the humor is too dry to perceive. For example, that
the "Researchers" of discovery of extraterrestrial life in the
Brookings Report do not say the alien angel touch down will prove artificial
structures of Hoagland on Mars. I once mocked medicinal the herbs this way by
proposing absurd usage no had ever contemplated: "Croton looks like a
miniature maypole round which the faeries of middle earth might dance."
The censor turns this intractable attitude of mockery into an anti-science
because it cannot stomach the oceans of subrafuge it sails, for example, that
massive die offs in the north Pacific are beyond calculation and forbidden to
mainstream. Thus oceanographers who deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are
like biologists' who support vaccines that cause autism, or archaeologists who
deny the races of giants dug up. But here's another joke, isn't that just
because there is and was a remnant race of reengineered nephilim hybrids
running the world? Do not mock the accepted world or you will be unscientific.
I foisted these same extraterrestrials in Upsets upon literature and said that
when the new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian religion and Jesuit astronomers
await their "evangelist" from space, there will be astigmatic
baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for example the literature of the
alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades earth in silver ships. After 50
years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed in leather wings, horns and
barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their true benefactors are the devil
and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective Mind,
when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior will then reveal that that new
science, biology, archaeology and technology are alien signs and wonders. The
Wee People used croton as a tea before the settlers drove them out. All people
who believe in science will believe, that's science, but not that poets are the
unacknowledged legislators of the world. That's heinous. This astrobiological
conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James Blish in 1959, who if not as prescient as
the four angels of the apocalypse or the horses with heads of lions, "that
they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass"
(John of Patmos 9.20), sent a fictional team of priest astronauts in A Case of
Conscience to investigate the coming aliens. He called them Lithians. Orson
Scott Card called them "buggers." Blish said they should be
quarantined, unlike the real Vatican astronomer Consolmagno who wants to
baptize them. Is Blish in on the alien baptizing, ahead of time? "Who are
we to close the doors?" the Jesuit says. Close the doors! The portals are
being broken down from the inside as we speak. The Trojans betrayed themselves
at CERN. What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest against the murder of
the world. 2) People don't cook, don't have books, don't garden. 3) Horsetail
reeds "will not whinny if picked." If these fictional Jesuits adapt
the alien to earth we shall all be wearing lizard skins and get baptized by
them, says Pope Francis anyway, with his religion of acceptance. He thinks the
fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered original sin. To not
believe in lizards makes you a heretic then and to be censored as much as
believing now does. Science fiction against the Revelation of St. John will eat
McDonald human DNA burgers even bugs and rats won't touch. Francisco Goya deaf
is better than Blish at hearing the Disasters of War. “Seated maja and majo”
1824-5, carbon black and watercolor might be his coda, all the bats, owls, blackbirds
flying at heads screeching what the psych boys say are externalized fears.
Impaled corpses, thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard. Goya visited the
asylum at Bordeaux as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive of human suffering
that compels his images. The only place to see it now, since the county homes
have been destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the Chaffites or the
Vatican where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya knew in the
fourteen paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of censorship the
sambenito each prisoner wears, is called the "blessed bag," a reverse
chasuble painted with their supposed heresies in red flames for their burning,
displayed on the wall. A visionary was called an ilusa, burned at the stake.
Goya was accused of being a descendant of such conversos. Firebrands and
beheadings will ensure what Goya portrayed. So while we are waiting to
understand the contradiction of the censor, consider whether "if the reed
is a diuretic, why does the folklorist tell us the Kickapoo used it in a tea to
prevent bedwetting?" The Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy
Consolmagno is played by Father Ramon Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of
fictional code that camouflages the coming Papal decree by citing the name of
the planet Lithia in Blish’s book. So when the aliens of the planet Ilithia
come it is to the tune of ancient Greece where that goddess was the one who
guarded the seed of the serpent. Blish's future serpent savior, in the blood
line of Greek geographer Pausanias AD 110, traces to an old shrine of the alien
serpent god in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where it also describes a Watcher,
the serpent Melkiresha, aka, seed of Satan. Is than unscientific? Blish won a
Hugo for this in 1959. Then he rewrote the end of Childhood's End for Arthur
Clarke to further contemplate how the full number of our fellow servants and
our brethren that should be killed," as The Revelation says. " an
archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the city
(Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias in the 2nd
century AD (Greece vi.20.1–3); in it a virgin-priestess cared for a serpent
that was "fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an offering suited
to Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone with a babe in
arms, at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces from Arcadia.
The child, placed on the ground between the contending forces, changed into a
serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it disappeared into the
hill." wikipedia In the unlikely case that fiction becomes reality, the
President of Science will be expected to join with the Pope and reinterpret the
Gospels. True believers (Jose G. Funes) will be redefined. Blue Beamed aliens might
be presented then. To not believe would be censored, but not to worry, in The
Eclipse of the Church, Malachi Martin mentions the paradox that when the
current administration announces the alien prophecy of the Popes, there will be
an Exhilaration! Unwritten science discloses how One Rising parallels
Washington D.C. and Rome right down to obelisk and dome, flying X orb
formations over the Vatican and D.C. as early as 1954. Navy Commander Alvin E.
Moore saw "two huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or
vapor..." (9 Nov). Chris Constantine will tell you the meaning of the X,
but when this technology is seriously more advanced than Leave It To Obama,
these entities will want to return drama. Obelisks commemorate the giant
phallus in the second round knockout of this war. When fire is called from
cloaked technology you'll likely be told they're making the world safe for
terrorism. But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and
so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be mighty upset. Is that
anti-Trump? Call it fiction to further the scenario, but if the False Prophet
and the last Pope are installed according to St. Malachy and Fr. René Thibaut,
predicting the last pope, Gentle Francis will join all into one body to welcome
the Antichrist, instituting a new kind of Church. But he'll have to hurry.
That's what the teaching of Charles Woodbridge was back in 1960 and hundreds of
other divines from the Reformation on. If the worship of a morally superior
alien who comes to earth to evangelize seems a lot to accept, as the Vatican
said of the recent film Prometheus, it is a bad idea to defy the gods. The God
of Forces of Daniel (11.38) is a strange one who calls down fire from heaven.
When lightening struck St. Peter's Basilica twice, on Feb 11, 2013, following
Pope Benedict's resignation, it was said this decree declared to the elect its
arrival with a new comet which is to say when Satan falls from heaven in
lightening saints are given power over serpents and scorpions and over all the
power of the enemy. Notes Are the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as
Mystery Babylon and the Beast? Europa? Will east Jerusalem be given to the Pope
via the Oslo Accords? Will the 2nd Vatican state to be established in
Jerusalem? Did Malachi Martin call this the enthronement of Satan ceremony? The
Third Secret of Fatima is Replacement theology doctrine, replacement of Israel?
Answers to these are not going to be on the news, but it's nice to hear
something good about Hugo Chavez. Allegedly poisoned with cancer, who
protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in 2005,
a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the leaders
of the world. If Yeats thought the rough beast slouches round at last to be
born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will require a
search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth frothing at
the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain structure
absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of predicting how the
syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next. Add Ophirim The jokes on us
when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own report and the
list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the censors but also
on the merits. Ice Age, Antarctica. The extraneous herbal reflections mentioned
in Native Texans once appeared in elimae.
Shamar means to hedge about (as with
thorns), to guard, to protect, to watch, to beware to Gate keep, Sh’ar
these Gates of Thought. It emphasizes the protective element of the
mantle. Shamar is first used in Gen. 2:15. Adam is told to keep (shamar)
the garden. Damascus
Gate שַׁעַר
, Sha'ar Sh'khem)
is the main entrance to the
Old City of
Sit in the gates. Behold, he that keepeth (shamar)
Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper (shamar):
the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve (shamar) thee from all
evil: he shall perserve (shamar) thy soul. The LORD shall preserve (shamar)
going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore (Psalm
rendering of shamar is observe. Observe involves watching, keeping and
guarding. Shepherding.
is the element that makes a man blind and prevents him from seeing the truth.
That element is the “imaginative faculty” that originates in impressions
received from material objects…the man who approaches God by means of his
intellect is triumphant over both the imagination and the evil inclination.
imagine Maim. II, 155.
Samael was riding on the serpent and
God was laughing at both the camel and its rider. 154 The serpent had a rider,
the rider was as big as a camel and it was the rider that enticed Eve; this
rider was
Samael. Ps. 73.7,
36.1. Maim I, 260, to ride.
is the element in man that makes him blind and prevents him from seeing the
truth. That element is the imaginative faculty that originates in impressions
received from material objects. The verb nachash denotes to imagine
and the noun nachash is figuratively employed for imagination."
Maimonides. Guide of the Perplexed, II 155. also II, 30
the snake but its rider enticed
samael, "blind from seeing God'
Hebrew for
"snake", is also associated with
including the verb-form meaning to practice divination or fortune-telling.
--"According to
Heiser, the Hebrew root is the basis for a noun, verb, and adjective.
Of course as a noun it is usually the word for serpent. The verb form
means deceiver or diviner with divine knowledge. The adjective version
means bronze or brazen with a bright shine. Therefore, used as an
adjective it should be translated as “shining one.” Shining or luminosity
is a quality that is characteristic of divine beings in the Hebrew bible and
other near east literature."
a lot of talk about discernment but not about discrimination-- discernment
means dismemberment-- which in the
reconciliation fraud is like apologizing instead of feeling remorse,
shame and contrition. Discernment is political but discrimination is final.
Would you rather be sliced vertically up and down or horizontally at the
waist? These are all panacea sales men, well educated some of them, well
spoken, lawyers with master's degrees, snake oil, soap men, if you like a good
sale. If you like generalizations all trutheers have the one thing in common,
their vanity.
is a goodly Heap for to behold.
Clif High says Goode/Wilcox are more charismatic like Aimee Semple McPherson,
so Andrew Basiago, Mars jump mate of Barack Obama, is at pains to show the
American time jump program developed separately from the Nazi of Fitz &
Farrell's Bell, Basiago and Stanley/Tompkins must be the more liberal
Methodist, in the putative
of Hillary Clinton. And he is at pains for you to know that there was
a time pic of 9/11 about 1970, Rumsfeld consenting, ho, ho, ho, but that none
of these "truths" allow that America's vaulted secret gov't was Nazi,
transported and transmogrified, and that that very gov't committed all those
acts of itself, pre-riddled with nephilim habits of torture, child sacrifice,
space fence technocrats, democrat manipulators. They all want most of all to
perpetuate images of themselves. So while Goode and Wilcox, High and Maugans
and the endless parade of truth passes in front of you eyes like the
Procession of
Young Knight, whatever that dost Arms profess,
And thro long Labours huntest after Fame,
Beware of Fraud, beware of Fickleness.
religion is a lot like romantic poets, all shades of theology of themselves.
Explanations of the War in Heaven. Robert
Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to 2/18/17)
War in Heaven,
ceramic detail
equivocations and their effects and sources hold much worth
belief-bait for
the poor flies who incline that deep to dive. The real reasons behind
earth-alien events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more
to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. The father of
Robert Stanley, the man who met Enki,
Sumerian god of water, knowledge
(gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam) the Babylonian devil, was a disciple of
Norman Paulsen who said that the demonic disorder of the gods was caused
when Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being his thought projection.
See this was the
of the archons. All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is father of
Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley gets from his
Wes Penry's papers.
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky,
but they all read like computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done by
salesmen to reach the least common denom.
Just as prone to go out of body
as Stanley's Enki, other gurus, like
Clif High claim insight and expertise
because he has been "through the bardos", knows the soul traps,he
says, but has come back to tell us all, like Prufrock, I shall tell you all.
Clif High is a predictive linguist also enamored of Mauro Biglin who divines the
elohim machines the Fourth Turning of American changes, Thinking
and Destiny, how to think without creating karma thoughts, but innocent of
Ezekiel. Who are these gurus who say we are slaves but are themselves servants
of the "we are all hybrids," David Icke, Sitchin? Trutheers
are convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the
ancient literature for others ever more ancient. High gets his origin back to
Dogon Nommo ten million years ago. There is no body of examination,
very different from the latest
Jordan Lead Codices,
Christian texts from 33 A.D.
these gurus know corporately from channeling out of body and meditative states,
full of deception and conviction is the same as Stanley believed confronted
him on the mountain as he chanted
love. It was Enki he believed when it
told him it was his father. Back in the body again, and from birth, Stanley is
a victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen that demons are
a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. This is
also the romance of Loki, Iago and Satan. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he
was on at that time or whether the
he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred
place...were his own deceived projections. We can be fooled. It reads like
Satan in
Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since critics
have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki is an
enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc. think him a hero,
a deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to
the divine feminine and freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into
hell and led out the captives. Stanley refers to it as "even in the
Bible," like Wilcock does as if that were the very last place you would
look, but the greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because they
haven't "discerned" is the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of
that textual coherence. (See "Midrash as Law and Literature" in
Geoffrey Hartman.
The Third Pillar). Hartman discloses the textual
opacity and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but
enrich the beauty of life and literature. “The spectacle of the critic’s mind
disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild surmise’ about the text and
struggling to adjust — is not that one of the interests critical writing has
for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a roiling system of conflicting
semantic signs. As such, the text has no one empirical reading; it is, rather,
a network of competing meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox,
of this comes down leaping over the sacred to embrace the profane, leaping over
the culture and language to which he is born to embrace a foreign which he
cannot know at all, only be a victim of, and do whatever its shadow mansters
tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out of body experience
at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) leaping over the
hedge, as a child but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's
"spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him
fall for soul trapism and the socalled Orion civil wars when the
.extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the
biblical text by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes
him, as does literature for all these hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism
and salesmanship to the masses. Leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons.
Rename a thing and it is a new discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits
he references are rebaptized, defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit
salvation from our 1) own enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth a
spam of Pope Francis on the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker
move that we have but
years to cool our fossil fuels "or else." All these substitutions
of the false for the real suit our time of global warring in the ice age,
Anthony Weiner and false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There
might as well be a substitute cosmology and psychology where the grand human
creations in art and literature are seen as the work of slaves and that of a
slave master who is so superior it makes the human do what it cannot, viz,
sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's the master here?
Creating heavens
with the touch of his finger God gave to man dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe
an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the temple
of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and Penry is
an artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah, says
Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki
tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley has translated is like Henry Gruver
who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels
Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein
is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of
Jewish Elite MAFIA and
a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we want
Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on authority of
8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so
because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet.
Mike Cernovich's report of swinger's clubs outside DC
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel programs looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunakidna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
are coming to take you away: inventing by mis information one piece of data to
disprove an entire concept and body of well established knowledge on the basis
of this one, so called, contradiction
High says Rome never existed,
Sitchin invented cosmic
code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah the word descends
from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb 'to anoint',
which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy crocodile'.,
"" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin...Jordan Maxwell that
words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and prove... Christ
means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? the name Solomon derives
from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more than
Velikovsky finds
Jerusalem a space ship station when, Freud who first suggested that
was one of the nobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses and Monotheism.
analogize Trump and his enemy media, scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. The ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by
industrious but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an
emotionally and psychologically primed audience at the
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh
was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of
walking meditation within which he
was able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he
was inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems with me. The first was worldliness the second was
walnuts are sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and Ryan wood, the
documents neutronic development salvaged were given to Oppenhemier for
the bomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in 2017 is that the big secret that We are not
alone in the U! is to come out. But who said we were alone except their
surrogate catalogued here? and who says we should know who our oppressors are?
The oppressors?
Oppressor science reveals oppressor thought in order
to...make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already known them all
dreamed a moose at office. a baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it
and it was fine, licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there
for it. As I was doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn
for a long drink.
Nabi, Rehan, UT
is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new chronology-History:
Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage of Christ died in
the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the year 1000 that
is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking movement-Rome was created
in the 1400s"
voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which shows in his
misquote of Fomenko's title, which is
History: Fiction, or Science.
Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against Christians.
His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min (8.44) but then
he says a lunar eclipse occurred in 1078! He gets
excited and defensive which
makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the question like much
else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an
eclipse. This is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Crucifixion,
not from any text. So
he disproves a romantic interpretation of the
event at best. Pagan commentators of the
Roman era
explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an
eclipse during
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a
full moon. On
Fomenko's Statistical Analysis of
Narrative Texts. "First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction,
6 and 7 recreate history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!"
deconstructed the past by astronomy, all the ancient texts were written in 14th
century Italy. High knows this by the words used, after all he is a linguist.
That's why he pronounces it Eyetalian.
hope the reader perceives rampant sarcasm applied in these vignettes.
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On one
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all is possible. He shares this view with most of the
spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics. His
experiments of
2008 and 2013
remote viewing weather
take melissa, lemon balm for air travel
interview on Sean David
Morton- viktor schauberger structured water,
Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
exogenous events, Peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up with
all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours.
outside condition oppose those inside, endogenous events. I think of this
remembering when at 9 Sept 24, 1950 Dark Day and 2) that Saturday early morning
when the mantle fell from the sky about not to kill.
says until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at
70 does so again, which I share having felt all along more or less that I was
dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew what it was. In Part I he is
asked (28.15 end), cut, whether human dna is ET and he says 15% he
examined for this, but to rule out naturally occuring radiation... but the tape
is cut, as if his answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks
up at 31.08 as ET, but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! If he feels isolated as
an individual does he think he is not one of the 15 %. Anecdotally.
russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement, all endogonous to Petersons
exog, has dreams that guide him etc!
Wilcock thinks Antarcticans came from
Mars and are the fallen angels, Horus,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language,
high language emotion pattern deviations,, NSA preservation of every
conversation period indexed by name etc to be pulled up as perfect recall
if and when needed, starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict
patterns that emerge.
William Binney. editing, masking greying censoring
language, communication on media. continual bombardment
what I hear backwards. After a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
something has happened to make him think a deep corruption
you very much Mr speaker
It's a sin America
job is to represent the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have delivered
adolf her villian --there is
evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year
afraid the fifth
killed in offic, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a
President who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the
same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false. Wlhat
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's leiutant who
says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder
the bigger thelie the more believed.
Coin.You're more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four
chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was
silent, one half comment ignored. I watched Vault 7 last night and clif
high. The identities are approximate though, but the feeling of a point
of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan
for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation of
Polarizing filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not.
cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American
slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is
the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can be demented, reversed,
inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald
Trump's current presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
succession, the ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car
in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker
came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he
cannot read and which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination
would crumble. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo,
Blake, Johnny has his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit
of the real, written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world
peace, coming ahead of time with vans and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over
heads and steal bodies off streets. never heard from again, or if so
I. Trutheers
says that the Dracos are jealous because we can go higher than they, but all
they need to do is look within. This advice of of Sir Wm Sidney, look in your
heart and write was always a romantic fraud. If a draco goes inside he'd just
as soon go back out again. For Draco it's a lot like McKenna taking a trip to
the heavenlies. That genre of romance has everything convincing as a movie, an
ersatz eagle, a false eagle construct like a Bohemian club owl against a lion.
The 4D flash of white egret wings through the gates as they fly up and down the
canal is utterly convincing as long as you are watching it, but after-seeing
it is empty. Meaning not 3D, 2D or even one D, it is no D, strictly air and
light. Well at least the air is full.
this complex world the truth movement wants to qualify for ascension or at
least salvation from cataclysm, but is lured away from the inner work. This
happens from all the usual worldly book invite sound bites. It sounds like a
book we all used to know better where not by works of righteousness we have
done but according to his mercy he saved us, resurrected us, empowered us. You
know? It's not Christi consciousness you need to enter the next density of the
violet flame on the mountain where every noun is a lie and means something
else, maybe opposite, twisted by the pious need to be accepted. Very like Hawthorne
on Mt Shasta is the constant borrowing of New Testament language of
theosophy misapplied, "angel of light," "do unto others."
Centripetal force holds things in, the ready result of any club or society,
Oxford dons resisting Tolkien's idea of Beowulf as autor. Which is like asking
whether the Blue Avians joining in Full Disclosure at the 1111 roundtable of
spiritual knights came from the lenticular cloud over Mt. Shasta or from the
hollow earth? But as Max Speirs says, Earth is the Jewel of the Universe and A
Man is the Highest Created why go to the stars when they are all coming
any case .042 % of people or maybe 300000 are the current estimate of
ascension. This elect, who do service to others and work to ascend to the
Anshar world of the Mohammad Accords pose as angels of light. Trickers behave,
be conscious in the the divine template, observe the DNA potential says Laura
Eisenhower's spirit guide, Dwight W. Just plain Ike to higher DNA
levels. Trickster beings don't know about the million German POWs starved to
death behind barbed wire, starved and frozen to achieve the higher common Union
of the Cather lines. This alien machinery of unity and life is brought to you
in the soul architecture of the planetary body of the goddess where root races
share codes to the seven higher heavens. Star gate earth grid compromises of
the god of Energy, Daniel says, the god of Forces that will empower this shared
union of the divine masculine to emerge with extra activated DNA strands. If
you want to find out which Laura gives these revelations among all this truth
telling or you wish to meet ET for contact, all is possible if you are
desperate for off world civilization. Galactic diplomacy preys on the easiest
group to infiltrate the earth, the ascendeds. Master Hilarion of the
scaterfield network will reach planetary ascension in re- distribution at first
contact. Then earth changes will produce 30 kinds of hyperdrive, new harmonics
of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry violets on the Mat of Shasta.
Many will go inside the tent. in the event. The truth movement looks within but
expects the least % to ascend in America. Connect with natural if you want to
prepare for the next density in liner work. Listen for the pings. If you wish
it they will come, the orbs summoned by Steve Greer,
biggest problem for those who would ascend is their children who are so out of
date the elite have fled with them to New Zealand and Tasmania to inhabit
one room schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets but read books and
walk among trees. How will these children stand it when they realize their
parents abandoned ship to save themselves, but worse, poisoned the ship in the
doing in a hundred ways. How do the children of the SS live? How does Laura
Eisenhower after learning of the million Ike killed. These are cursed
generations just opposite the children of the survival of the holocaust who
question their right to survive. Levinas asks why he should continue to
exist! Children of the elite would do the same if any conscience remains
in them as it will. Either way it comes down to forgiveness of sins.
At the outset let it be said there is a cure for all these things summing u living
life for its own sake and not what you can get out of it. Walking early and
only moment by moment as many of the old hymns. Moment by moment I’m kept in
His love, let's try to show this unabstracted romance as real life, connected
life which in fact tries very hard to be demonstrated as The Way Into the
Flowering Heart with all those
Dutch Paradises where among architectures of furnished rooms and
philosophies of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ extends to
nature a sacrament that covers an outward and an inner garment of earth.
those who really believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural
interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty,
especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently
out of course ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's
Earliest Ages. Preface). Aeschylus, Dante, Yeats lead to wondering
how the human fights against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it
has always existed and must have been resisted or influenced long since.
The fiction writers like McCarthy don't seem to be anything but deceived, so on
through Norhtrop Frye, "this expanding of images into conventional
archetypes of literature is a process that takes place unconsciously in our
reading" assimilated to the whole subject so quickly "one hardly
notices the difference between creative and critical activity," thus
"what is true for the reader is true a fortiori of the poet, who
learns very quickly that there is no singing school for his soul except
the the study of the monuments of its own magnificence" (Anatomy
of Criticism 100).That Lucifer is the father of earth they do believe.
Belief is the axiom here. This, even while they acknowledge reptiles have
no creativity and no heart, meaning capacity to love. The reptilian they think
is physically and intellectually stronger, but the voyaging soul of the human
who braves these waves of oppression is as old as recorded voyages of discovery to
new worlds: the Odyssey, Prester John, Mandeville's Travels, the Celtic
voyages, the Elizabethans and fictions thereof, especially Swifts's, Cranes' Bridge
are imaginative encounters with the alien. So whether apocryphal or not, to
China or the Moon, it is an old theme along with Solomon's passage to Ophir.
first tactic of the elite and their superiors is to inculcate the belief that
the human is inferior to the alien. Charles Fort, Robert Stanley, Sitchin,
consent that we are slaves of Enki, Archons on the basis of what they call
information analysis, which has less reason to it or ability to confirm than
the gravest errors of faith they decry (like the Flood of Noah or genocide of
Canaan miconstrued and altered in their arguments to prove that we are not
free). Different names apply for the elite and their Official Reality.
Olympians, wanton boys, thought gods all apply. The rest of humanity is to them
useless eaters, as Henry Kissinger says, and Prince Philip, “in the event that
I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to
contribute something to overpopulation.” Higher consciousness of
the alien is higher crime. United
Nations Prisoner Transfer cars intend "resettlement to the east."
The world is
not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to entertain
the elite cheap. Your own party will be disfranchised to establish the Unity
State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for this technology, the gods
give power in exchange for a life to burgle forever. Saturn is not just a
rocket, but a train and a beast animated by its cargo within. The laugh is that
whoever was building the rings bugged out before the finish. Their ancestors
divine in every hospital and Times Square shrine of Moloch assuage their
destiny. The idols in every grocery sing, “come, buy, come and buy.”
is a huge literature of placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but this wormwood
is deception, requires that we grant their existence and interference in our
lives. Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands might be named in every
language and their priests and shamans identified for what they are not, wise
men, prophets and healers, their healing induces a greater reliance upon their
ways and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca to
the theosophist.
rituals and the electric digital high command have adrenalized the bookie state
with its altered favor. Illumination is industrialized. Men overwhelmed by
shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions are as
subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an invention of
the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of death, war
and the study of war inculcated into earth by supernatural interference. In the
Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats in his
resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems compromised with the
Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine is paramount in Aeschylus.
Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the true) God, but it is
equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans and all Olympus men were
powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the death like Sisyphus,
Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself to undermine the man
and turn him into a god means he has become his own enemy, has ceased to resist
and is completely enslaved.
the crisis of our time Jesus the Messiah is the main combatant against the
gods. He has made a mockery of these heavenly beings in Psalms and Isaiah and
empowered us to fight to establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the
war among the gods, or Titanomachy. The gods are evil. Shelley against
the gods, usually construed as against the odds, "Aeschylus against the
gods" no results found! The celebration of war is a victory of these gods
over men, a transfer of their apocalypse to earth. All the discussion of human
greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without the gods. Be a god is
not to be a man. Man inferior to the gods, the lowly eater useless eater looked
upon by royalty the rich because they are Olympians, children of the nephilim.
Antigone burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the
gods they kill us for their sport. Wanton boys these nephs. Twelve
Olympians are the major gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter,
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia
or Dionysus. departure of the gods who left in the golden age.
thing that sets Abraham apart is his unwillingness to placate these gods. So
begins a resistance where he and the nation Israel engage in act after act of
resistance. We shall come with a list of these of course. The New Testament is
even more at pains to show the resistance.
having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2.15
it. or, in himself.
OK according to civilization to fight against God, the God of the gods, but not
against the gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods. Prometheus is a god
himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other and as Lear says the
wanton boys kill us for their sport. The gods are like Democrats, have
engineered a situation where they are exempt from criticism. They have
corrupted every aspect of the human.
"Thought Goattens are commentaries on the New Folk Sensorial Compound.
Circumstances drive a dialectic to confront by absurdism these nations of
commerce and religion, consciousness and art. We don’t need a scientific basis
for theater. Proof surrounds narcosis, escapes are hard pressed, so if these
headlines pop in the mouth to map the mind, a land where every bubble-visioned
landscape measures what we do not know, interior Dantes of what we are, the new
folk paradigms constellate, imaginate these beings. They are psyche profiles of
a greater human knowledge self-reversed. Our travelers find a shaggy gent at
the absolute center of Earth. They climb down to the waist, there is plenty of
hair to hold on its sides—squeeze through a hole and come to the feet with
their sin. You’d think they’d have had wheelbarrows, but like Sherpas they
carry it in packs. These are the outcast thought goats, part salesmen, part
dinosaur, part invention that A.E. Reiff writes, sometimes called analytically
the Spirit
of Wilderness or fancifully, Thought
Beasts, Hybrid Beastiary, Uber
Alter Nano Bot. The lists go on, “Travels to Byzantium,” “The Cure,” “Kung
Fu Da Puta Alien,” the “Orcapoi,” “Sue Smooke,” all the way down to “The Dame
of Guapa Pop” that appeared in an earlier FRiGG. These find themselves
indexed here. Perhaps
the coup de grace of Thought Goats is the current War
on Neptune, if you can stand the ads, or its cousins, Opiomes: The
Domes, or The Severed Head." here
chief tactic of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies,
was wrestling against seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men, disposing
of them, moving quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in blue, who
watched from above; i was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of theirs to
oppose and while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion, like a robot
or clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there were
more when i woke.
Short Version supposes:
in 1954 the race of aliens known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space,
who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated
their planet was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic
experiments that might allow their race to survive; this was to be in exchange
for certain technology. President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal
treaty was signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our
affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on
earth secret; they would furnish us with advanced technology, that they could
abduct humans on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and
monitoring, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would
be returned to their point of abduction, and that the humans would have
no memory of the event. It was also agreed the alien bases would be constructed
underground, beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New
Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the
area known as S-4, about 7 miles south of area 51, known as 'Dreamland'. A
multi-billion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office
of the White House, supposedly to build secret underground sites for the
President and the staff in case of military attacks.
secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower established a permanent
committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12) to oversee and coordinate
all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI director J. Edgar
Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign Relations, known as the 'Wise
Men' and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean,
and Brzezinski were among them. A major finding of the commission was the
aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions,
enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood and in genetic experiments. The aliens
explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic
structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.The ruling powers
decided that one means of funding the alien project would be to corner the
illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign
Relations was approached. His name was George H. W. Bush, at the time
president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was
experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs be
shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat, then
transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, avoiding search by
customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA
controls all the world's illegal drug markets. Don't take the short version for
this, read Nova by William Burroughs.
should remember, it was George Bush who first started selling drugs to our
children. The drug money was used to finance the deep underground alien bases.
17th October 2012
equivocations and their effects and sources hold much worth belief, meant as
bait for the poor flies, so do not incline too deep to dive. The real reasons
behind earth-alien events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may
have more to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. The
father of Robert Stanley,
the man who met Enki, was a disciple of Norman
Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the gods was caused when
Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being his thought
projection. See the
of the archons. All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is father of
Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley gets from
Wes Penry's papers.
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky,
but they all read as if computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done
by salesmen to reach the least common denominator.
other gurus,
Clif High claims insight and expertise
(just as prone to go out of body as Stanley's Enki), says he has been through
the bardos, knows the soul traps, but has come back to tell us all, like
Prufrock, I shall tell you all. High is a predictive linguist also
enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny
but utterly innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are themselves
servants of the we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are
convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the ancient
literature for ever more ancient, which have no body of examination (the latest
being the Jordon Lead Codices) and which they know from channeling out of body
and meditative states, full of deception and conviction. Stanley believed
the being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted
love was
Enki, just as he believed when it told him it was the father. Stanley is a
victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen, that demons are
a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All
romance. Loki, Iago, Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he
used at that time nor whether the
he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred
place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice. Still it
reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since
critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki
an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a
deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the
divine feminine and freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into
hell and led out the captives. Stanley says "even in the Bible" like
Wilcock does as if that were the last place you would look, but it is the
greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because that haven't
discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's fault who discloses the textual opacity
and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but enrich
the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of its textual coherence. (See
"Midrash as Law and Literature" in
The Third Pillar).
Hartman's life and thought show the beauty of life and literature. “The
spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild
surmise’ about the text and struggling to adjust — is not that one of the
interests critical writing has for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a
roiling system of conflicting semantic signs. As such, the text has no one
empirical reading; it is, rather, a network of competing meanings — a
of this comes down to sacred and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace
the profane, leaping over the culture and language to which he is born to
embrace a foreign which he cannot know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever
its shadow mansters tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out
of body at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child
but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's
"spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him
fall for soul trapism and Orion civil wars when the making of the vernacular
"illustrious," ...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the
biblical text by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as
does lit for all these hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and
salesmanship to the masses. So leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons.
Rename a thing and it is a new discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits
he references are rebaptized, defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit
salvation from our 1) own enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are
a spam of Pope Francis on the verge of announcing with NASA their next
checker move that we have but
years to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the
false for the real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, hiring Anthony
Weiner, false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a substitute
cosmology and psychology where the grand human creations in art and lit are
seen as the work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so superior it
makes the human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's
the master here? Creating heavens with the touch of his finger God gave to man
dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe
an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the
temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and
Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah,
says Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of
Enki tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley was translated is like Henry
Gruver who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels
Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein
is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of
Jewish Elite MAFIA and
a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we
Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on no less authority than
8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so
because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet.
Cernovich's report of swinger's clubs outside DC
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel progragms looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunakidna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
74 dragons:
32, They are coming to take you away: inventing by mis
information one piece of data to disprove an entire concept and body of well
established knowledge on the basis of this one, so called, contradiction High
says Rome never existed,
invented cosmic code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah
the word descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew
verb 'to anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the
holy crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in
origin...Jordan Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient
language and prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means
"sex"? the name Solomon derives from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more
Velikovsky finds New jersalem a space ship station when, Freud who
first suggested that Moses was one of thenobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses
and Monotheism.
Trump and his enemy media and scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. Ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious
but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and
psychologically primed audience.
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh
was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of walking meditation within which he was
able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he was
inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and ryan wood,
documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier for abomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in 17 is We are not alone in the U! to come
out, But who said we were alone but their surrogates? and who says we should
know who our oppressors are? The oppressors? Opressor science reveals oppressor
thought in order to... what make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already knwon them all
at office. a baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it and it was fine,
licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there for it. As I was
doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn for a long drink.
Nabi, Rehan, UT
there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a
great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage
of Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the
year 1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking
movement-Rome was created in the 1400s
voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which show in his misquote of
Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or science. Citing this so rabidly
shows High IS personally involved against Christians. His proof that the solar
eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min 8.44 but then he says a lunar eclipse
occured in 1078! He gets excited and defensive which makes it obvious he is
wrong and knows it! which begs the quesetion like much else of his assumed
proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an eclipse this is
inferred from the darkness and the length of the Cruxification, not from any
text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event at best. Pagan
commentators of the
Roman era explained it as an
although Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during
Passover, when
the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot
occur during a
full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts. "First
4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete history. but
he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past by astronomy.
all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent Italy, he knows this by the
words used, "Eyetalian."
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On the
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all jpossible. He shares this view with most of the spectrum
of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics. His experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather
melissa for air travel
Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
exogenous events, peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up with
all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours. Events outside
conditioning as opposed to those inside, endogenous events. which I think of
when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from the sky about not to kill. He says
until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at 70
does so again, which I share haveing felt all along more or less that I was
dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew what it was.. In Part I he is
asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and he says 15% he examined
for this, but to rule out natu occur radiation... but tape is cut, as if his
answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks up at 31.o8 as et,
but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels isolated as an individual does
he think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to Petersons exog,
has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcokck thinks antarcticans came from mars and are
the falen angels,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language,
high language emotion pattern deviations,, nsa preservation of every
conversation period indexed by name etc to be pulled up as perfect recall
if and when needed, starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict
patterns that emerge.
William Binney. editing, masking greying censoring
language, communication on media. continual bombardment
what I heaar backwards. Aftser a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
something has happened tomake him think a deep corrupption
you very much Mr speaker
It's a sin America
job is to represetn the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have delivsered
adolf her villian --there
is evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year
afraid the fifth
killed in offic, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a President
who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the
same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false. Wlhat
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's leiutant who
says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder
the bigger thelie the more believed.
Coin.You're more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four
chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was
silenced, one half comment ignored. I watched Valult 7 last night and clif
high. The identities are approximate though, but the feeling of a point
of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan
for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation
of gold
the collective autonomous noun, science. Explicit agency but invisible.
Polarizing filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not.
cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American
slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is
the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can be demented, reversed,
inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald
Trump's current presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
succession, the ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car
in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker
came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he
cannot read and which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination
would crumble. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo,
Blake, Johnny has his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit
of the real, written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world
peace, coming ahead of time with vans and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over
heads and steal bodies off streets. never heard from again, or if so
totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.
is superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames
multiplicative, then quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler,
Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of
the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined in his
The structure and practice of National Socialism." (1942).
"Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists
to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was
something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every
aspect of German civil society-
Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
snapshot of social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other
view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe
the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald
Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the
first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool
of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The
first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon
did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before?
They will again. That is all they do. "High confidence generally
indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from
multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a
certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian
NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect
why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be
false with a truth cover.
have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay
surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of
the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits
enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds.
The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on
the right panel.
truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat
you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect
cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM
is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE THAN
THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.
relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state
accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state
too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu,
Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars
were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and
over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does
anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the
council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he
had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision
even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why
there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar
to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi
hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of
revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and
another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall
backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and
the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13
the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of
semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine
one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes
like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt
against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see
this in Micaiah's mocking.
are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel
without Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia,
but the gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak)
protecting us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more
than we are paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory
and honor. Malak vs. elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim
is a homonym also and may be either and other. This heavenly council
excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim
(elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the company of nations: "we aren't
told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the nations became corrupt, only
that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed
anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war to make a
counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the Flood along
with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but who promise
a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and war. That
these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower
and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in
disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word
before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the spiritual
council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim
territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion
vitiates angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah
that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only
malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is
not going to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to
thinking that the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an
instance where the council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in
fact that passage like all the continual references says over and over that
Yahweh sold them, 4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14,
Yahweh discomfited Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any
council agencies, making it very much seem that the peer scholars are
abstracting extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They
will say that the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that
was Malak again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion
even if they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here
or there but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us."
You want a single verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the
offerer's place. Laying his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL
THEIR SINS. You want to divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it:
"If the lion was advised by the fox he would be cunning."
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found.
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be
vociferously denied.
has become obvious that there is a mind wave projection fostering discord and
division among formerly like minded people. This is true of severance of long
time friends over political events since the American election, division among
artists over politics, division in the streets with mass controlled marches and
events, division between writers and editors who once valued their work but now
actively repudiate it, division between elders and pastors. Following Sunday
service at a local reformed church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by
"prayer!" "Over the past several months it has become increasingly
apparent that the elders’ vision for the church is significantly different from
the pastor’s vision for the church and both the elders and the pastor are
discerning that the relationships have become strained to the point that
effective ministry seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate
pinging in various directions and modes was the initial verdict
Multidimensional Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy
favorite, one who so habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
These are the powerhouse D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are
magnificent specimens who always win, have been trained to win and have a
record to prove it. They win because they're good, like the America dream team.
Unless you know some of these you really cannot define average. Average, is a
player who is a walk-on, who exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is
always black and blue and never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human
competition against what I
elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world.
"But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and
so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be upset." If
you expose this the D-1 cohorts will censor you, bind you and load every rift
of your ore with glue. The context of the average and the full ride athlete is
in Northrop Frye's notion from Vico of the collective imagination that begins
with myth. "In myth the actors are primarily gods; in the next
state, romance, gods and humans mingle; then a high mimetic mode
appears, where humans are humans but include heroes, close in capacity
to the gods. After that... an ironic phrase, in which the protagonists are
represented as all too human, so that readers may feel superior to
them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54). The multidimensional upset
occurs when Satan falls from heaven in lightening and saints are given power
over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I
put this essay together as extremely as possible but never expected it to
appear. The editor who accepted it calls it
Mind pinging in various directions
and modes but he was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of
Pentonville Prison
who says: "Upon closer examination,
Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot
publish "Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided
in your article, and your body of essays, I realized that
"Multidimensional Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to
Unlikely has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump."
there goes. There have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is
scheduled for reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential,
making individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and
supervising the work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015
indicated that Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the
previous inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds
of rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations.
introduces the Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it
they must create a focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of
the point of view as meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider
facts, a version makes their case, over and over again, so that on the level of
people we meet in life it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view
that they must be mimicking some greater set of which they are a subset. That greater
set is the media that has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger burning
bright. Mind-forged manacles. But these people were already tainted, it's just
that it was overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value, because
it used to be the case that a society tolerated points of view without trashing
and burning alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed pacifist-militants,
people who abhor violence name call and parade their superiority everywhere and
skate on their privileged enclaves of art, university or family.
Exfundamentalists wear their disdain as a mark of their erudition, a way of
saying they have seen the liberal light and disavowed the crude, unfeeling,
uncompassionate take for the high intellectual road of programed thought. This
is exactly what appears in the frontispiece of Leviathan, mannikins inside the
body of a single giant. "The demonic human world is a society held
together by a kind of molecular tension of egos, a loyalty to the group
or the leader which diminishes the individual" (Frye, Anatomy of
Criticism 147). Constantly battered with overt and covert messaging about
the rollback of the surrender of America to globalists and all the Obama
clinton gore bushes to the effect of killing anybody overseas or at home who
gets in the way, they subscribe implicitly to the assassination scheme this
network of funds, corps, parties uses to control their opponents, those they
cannot blackmail with pedo pics taken when they have been seduced celebrating
their power lust. This however is only for those who will benefit the Corrupt.
The other ordinaries on the street where we live, who dramatize their moral
outrage are controlled with headlines on Yahoo and the Post and the Times
endless parroted on Media MSM attributing the false fact to another when it is
their sole tactic with bullying. From a lower view moral outrage comes from
their being cut off from any really compassionate concern for anyone different
from themselves, the lib might not go to Malta but figuratively lives among the
illumined. There can be no greater hypocrisy than to trade on the poverty of
your neighbor to justify your own political morality.
Upsets Censored
blackmail and censorship in the nitrogen food storage industry. The greatest
offense to censors is when the fact is cited on a forbidden source. Alex Jones
serves nicely to illustrate this. All links and backlinks tied to him are the
great affront, as one said to me in indignation: Alex Jones... but equally so
from the mag editor who finds all mention of a wide range of sources offensive,
so much so that it is the intractable enemy of proscience. We're not talking
about liquid nitrogen food storage, but about the Vatican encoding a savior
from outer space with beings half fish and half men found in the Antarctic to
have hands down on our civilization.. Yes I'm talking about James Blish and H.
P. Lovecraft. Both appeared on Alex Jones and his surrogates.]
To keep the population segmented differing
factions provoke extreme views well typified by the global warming climate
change vs the ice age. The majority view of warming shouts down the ice age
with all the usual bullying in order to censor it. This philosophy of opposing
factions extends into every other contention between opposites so that instead
of reason and discourse there is open antagonism. One of the best stratagems of
the left is accuse its opposite of being anti-scientific. The left is
pro-science so it believes in global warming and censors all else (until
further notice). The most important aspect of all this is that the greater the
heat of passion the less the reason, which is to say the more prejudice the
greater the denial, which results in sleep and misdirection. The best response
to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how do you know you
are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked? Certainly the
mere fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It also implies
opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that there are only
two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each that seeks to
force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets caused such an
upset. It was both accepted and rejected.
had been "mind pinging in various directions and modes" to the
accepting editor with his own authority became "a worldview intractably
opposed to "pro-science and anti-Trump," to the founder of these
Unlikely stories, much like the view that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas
of "hidden" archeologies and technologies hidden in its
basement from view is not to be revealed.
Upsets does not report such
findings, so much as it mocks them, although maybe the humor is too dry to
perceive. For example, that the "Researchers" of discovery of
extraterrestrial life in the
Brookings Report do
not say the alien angel touch down will prove artificial structures of
Hoagland on Mars. I once mocked
medicinal the herbs this way by proposing absurd usage no had ever
contemplated: "Croton looks like a miniature maypole round which the
faeries of middle earth might dance." The censor turns this
intractable attitude of mockery into an anti-science because it cannot stomach
the oceans of subrafuge it sails, for example, that massive die offs in the
north Pacific are beyond calculation and forbidden to mainstream. Thus
oceanographers who deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are like biologists'
who support vaccines that cause autism, or archaeologists who deny the
races of giants dug up. But here's another joke, isn't that just because there
is and was a remnant race of reengineered nephilim hybrids running the world?
not mock the accepted world or you will be unscientific. I foisted these same
extraterrestrials in Upsets upon literature and said that when the
new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian religion and Jesuit astronomers
await their "evangelist" from space, there will be astigmatic
baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for example the literature of the
alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades earth in silver ships.
After 50 years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed in leather wings, horns
and barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their true benefactors are the
devil and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective
Mind, when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior will then reveal that that
new science, biology, archaeology and technology are alien signs and
wonders. The Wee People used croton as a tea before the settlers drove them out.
All people who believe in science will believe, that's science, but not that
poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. That's heinous.
astrobiological conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James Blish in 1959, who if
not as prescient as the four angels of the apocalypse or the horses with heads
of lions, "that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and
silver, and brass" (John of Patmos 9.20), sent a fictional team of priest
astronauts in
A Case of Conscience to investigate the coming aliens. He
called them Lithians. Orson Scott Card called them "buggers." Blish
said they should be quarantined, unlike the real Vatican astronomer
who wants to baptize them. Is Blish in on the alien baptizing, ahead of time?
"Who are we to close the doors?" the Jesuit says. Close the doors!
The portals are being broken down from the inside as we speak. The Trojans
betrayed themselves at CERN. What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest
against the murder of the world. 2) People don't cook, don't have books, don't
garden. 3) Horsetail reeds "will not whinny if picked." If
these fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall all be wearing lizard
skins and get baptized by them, says Pope Francis anyway, with his religion of
acceptance. He thinks the fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered
original sin. To not believe in lizards makes you a heretic then and to be censored
as much as believing now does. Science fiction against the Revelation of
St. John will eat McDonald human DNA burgers even bugs and rats won't touch.
Goya deaf is better than Blish at hearing the Disasters of War. “Seated
maja and majo” 1824-5, carbon black and watercolor might be his coda, all the
bats, owls, blackbirds flying at heads screeching what the psych boys say are
externalized fears. Impaled corpses, thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard.
Goya visited the asylum at Bordeaux as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive
of human suffering that compels his images. The only place to see it now, since
the county homes have been destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the
Chaffites or the Vatican where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya
knew in the fourteen paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of
censorship the sambenito each prisoner wears, is called the
"blessed bag," a reverse chasuble painted with their supposed
heresies in red flames for their burning, displayed on the wall. A visionary
was called an ilusa, burned at the stake. Goya was accused of being a
descendant of such conversos. Firebrands and beheadings will ensure what
Goya portrayed. So while we are waiting to understand the contradiction
of the censor, consider whether "if the reed is a diuretic, why does the
folklorist tell us the Kickapoo used it in a tea to prevent bedwetting?"
Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy Consolmagno is played by Father Ramon
Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of fictional code that camouflages the
coming Papal decree by citing the name of the planet Lithia in Blish’s
book. So when the aliens of the planet Ilithia come it is to the tune of
ancient Greece where that goddess was the one who guarded the seed
of the serpent. Blish's future serpent savior, in the blood line of
Greek geographer Pausanias AD 110, traces to an old shrine of the alien serpent
god in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where it also describes a Watcher, the
serpent Melkiresha, aka, seed of Satan. Is than unscientific? Blish won a Hugo
for this in 1959. Then he rewrote the end of Childhood's End for Arthur
Clarke to further contemplate how the full number of our fellow servants and
our brethren that should be killed," as The Revelation says.
an archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the
city (
Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias
in the 2nd century AD (
Greece vi.20.1–3); in it a virgin-priestess cared
for a serpent that was "fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an
offering suited to Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone
with a babe in arms, at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces
from Arcadia. The child, placed on the ground between the contending forces,
changed into a serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it
disappeared into the hill."
the unlikely case that fiction becomes reality, the President of Science will
be expected to join with the Pope and reinterpret the Gospels. True believers
(Jose G. Funes) will be redefined. Blue Beamed aliens might be presented
then. To
not believe would be censored, but not to worry, in
The Eclipse of the
Church, Malachi Martin mentions the paradox that when the current
administration announces the alien prophecy of the Popes, there will be an
Unwritten science discloses how One
parallels Washington D.C. and Rome right down to obelisk and dome, flying X orb
formations over the Vatican and D.C. as early as 1954. Navy Commander Alvin E.
Moore saw "two huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or
vapor..." (9 Nov). Chris Constantine will tell you the
meaning of the X,
but when this technology is seriously more advanced than Leave It To Obama,
these entities will want to return drama. Obelisks commemorate the giant
phallus in the second round knockout of this war. When fire is called from
cloaked technology you'll likely be told they're making the world safe for
terrorism. But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb
and so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be mighty upset.
Is that anti-Trump?
it fiction to further the scenario, but if the False Prophet and the last Pope
are installed according to
St. Malachy and
Fr. René Thibaut, predicting the last pope, Gentle Francis will join all into
one body to welcome the Antichrist, instituting a new kind of Church. But he'll
have to hurry. That's what the teaching of Charles Woodbridge was back in 1960
and hundreds of other divines from the Reformation on. If the worship of a
morally superior alien who comes to earth to evangelize seems a lot to accept,
as the Vatican said of the recent film Prometheus,
is a bad idea to defy the gods. The God of Forces of Daniel (11.38) is a
strange one who calls down fire from heaven. When
lightening struck
St. Peter's Basilica twice,
on Feb 11, 2013,
following Pope Benedict's resignation, it was said this decree declared to the
elect its arrival with a new
comet which
is to say when Satan falls from heaven in lightening saints are given
power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.
the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as Mystery Babylon and the Beast?
Malachi Martin call this the enthronement of Satan ceremony?
Third Secret of Fatima is Replacement theology doctrine, replacement of Israel?
to these are not going to be on the news, but it's nice to hear something good
Hugo Chavez.
Allegedly poisoned with cancer,
who protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in
2005, a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the
leaders of the world. If Yeats thought the
rough beast slouches round at
last to be born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will
require a search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth
frothing at the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain
structure absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of predicting
how the syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next.
Add Ophirim
jokes on us when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own
report and the list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the
censors but also on the merits. Ice Age,
extraneous herbal reflections mentioned in
Texans once appeared in
Clif High. Predictive Linguistics: ALTA Divination of
the Data Base
of the Infernal
good at defusing economic and social fears which are only that until some event
either way. The cosmic rays are coming, they are here. In this High is
high, but in his metaphysic hollow moon, he is low, unless of course he's been
there. I do mean you can't be dogmatic unless you have experienced a thing.
Yes, but not even then. Dogmatism is a technique of control, so in the Hollow
moon-spirit high landing Clif is a Johnny One Note parroting dogma. Cliff
Notes research their opinions ahead of time, put a ring in your nose and lead
you with their "erudition." They tell you if you don't think the moon
is hollow you're not worth talking to. It's a question whether truths outweigh
their falsehoods simultaneously.
actually says the word God does not appear in the Hebrew OT! More or less
quoting, "there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to
name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...
if Anatoly Fomenko -new
History: Fact or Science. is even close...then the personage
of Christ died in the year 1078 and there was no history that predates the year
1000 that is in any way meaningful" (4.15). His voice gets
shrill and
stressed as he talks here, and it stays so, which shows in his misquote of
Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or Science. Is this darkness
supposed to be lunar or solar? Fomenko's critical thinking movement decided
that Roman civilization was created in the 1400s. Clif's proof offered is
that that solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min at the crucifixion
(8.44), but then Clif says it was a lunar eclipse, that occurred in 1078, so
excited and defensive it begs the question of how much else of his assumed
proofs are glib or pervasive. His Global Coastal Event of c. 2003, off again on
again, "happening now but we can't tell" recently got a boost from
the Russian whale sentinel beachings.... The NT does not say it was an eclipse.
This is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Crucifixion, not from
any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event. "Pagan
commentators of the Roman era explained it as an eclipse although Christian
writers pointed out that an eclipse during Passover, when the crucifixion took
place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot occur during a full
moon." Citing these so excitedly shows High IS personally involved
Highs Webbot Predicts 2017 The Fall of Religions The New ...2.44f.
is commonly the case that when a single sensational fact of an occultist is
closely examined it does not hold. When High says he can discern 14th
century language in these new confected histories of Fomenko he sounds just
like Gunkel on the language of the Psalms, who thinks he can rearrange them on
the basis of his knowledge. That words stick out to Cliff and are marked by him
as inauthentic to the 14th century is an editorial naivete. All critics think
like gods, decree from on high. In his case he is not really a linguist, even
if he deals with words, maybe a black market linguist, but not a poet. When has
he cited one line from any poem in all his worlds? Why should he? Because poets
are the ones who really know the language. Does he think that citations of Rome
in Britain in sources of Beowulf date from the 14th century? Fomenko's
Statistical Analysis of Narrative Texts would have attracted High, but then the
fact that
desk scholars have done this guesswork to aggrandize themselves for
centuries makes it anticlimactic. "First 4 vols show history is false, a
deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreate history, but he's a 100% on what didn't
happen!" Clif's belief that deconstructing the past by astronomy proves
all the ancient texts were written in 14th century Italy only makes us wonder
why he can't pronounce the word Italian. He always says Eyetalian.
Immensely likeable
Clif High
has a proper assessment of character, but idealizes it into being made perfect
in successive reincarnations, a romantic notion that cannot allow our
imperfection to stand. He refers to his enlightenment experience (
Randy Maugans Colonel
Marrs: The War Through Time, hunters and collectors of past life artifacts; how
we have an image/visage through incarnational cycles, 1.38f) by saying he has
seen his face surrounding him in spheres, slightly different, but resembling
his present face, that this is his soul so to speak, a facial recognition
program so returned entities could recognize themselves.
Col Marrs military subcontractor
of the war thru time, scanning with facial recog software, statues, photos, art
depicting humans of historical importance for digital analysis to identify the
universal face, images of themselves on a sphere, a line of spheres going to
distance, except the face is slightly skewed in each instance, "you see
your universal face and you know you lived many times, which image your soul
makes you look like in each life," so these guys were looking for the
universal face of their employers etc., instances of people that looked
like themselves in previous lives, (the guy with the shopping cart of beer in
Kmart)_ so if you are in power you have your image recorded for future
incarnation, to show yourself you existed, all vanity, vanity, the key to
recognition for the purpose of recovering the previous knowledge to use it
now!! A story right out of PK Dick, the same thing Clif says about Seattle
lawyer Andrew
Basiago being a great guy but wrong likeable but in error
is true of Clif.
reincarnation in the flesh this physical face is completely false, for the true
face is not an image. Presumably the ancestors of Gary Snyder and Alan Watts
haunted the tin sheets for their likeness. Who says doctrines of the infernal
aren't interesting, if endless? He references Dynamo Jack
Chang, taoist master for all manner of siddi effects of power, says
he would kick the ass of Wilcox and Corey Goode, but not
Ramsaur, a lot of bluster, more
marks of character supposedly, but if you don't kick Ramsaur you don't do much.
Typical nonaggressive haikido stance, break the arms of the weak, but if you
don't fight
against the gods you're nothing but a Patsy. The hallmarks of power, too
much in the flesh, Orpheus descending in the catacomb, what has no arms, no
legs, the skin, no teeth but the face of the other, who cares about the self to
guard it. It is the face of the other where the self appears, it is not its
own. This sounds all too like that worrisome cult of death and resurrection who
need no such returns, being imperfect forever, made perfect by another. Have
you heard of it? No, not acceptable, acceptable. What could be more
demented than thinking to take ki into the afterlife to kick ass? WE all go
naked into that good life, covered with our sins or with the robe of

The face is
signification, and signification without context...meaning all by itself.
Levinas says all this about the face: You are you. In this sense one can say
that the face is not "seen." It is what CANNOT BECOME A CONTENT,
WHICH YOUR THOUGHT WOULD EMBRACE; it is uncontainable, it leads you beyond.
Their unvarying intensity of facial expression, impossible for living actors,
keeps the imagination of the spectators continuously stimulated. When one of
them is speaking or tumbling and the rest left aside, these, though in full
view, are invisible, as they should be. Living actors have to learn that they
too must be invisible while the protagonists are conversing, and therefore must
not move a muscle nor change their expression, instead of, as beginners mostly
do, playing to them and robbing them of the audience's undivided attention.
Puppets have also a fascination of their own, because there is nothing
wonderful in a living actor moving and speaking, but that wooden headed dolls
should do so is a marvel that never palls. And they can survive treatment that
would kill live actors. When I first saw them in my boyhood nothing delighted
me more than when all the puppets went up in a balloon and presently dropped
from the skies with an appalling crash on the floor. GB Shaw. Complete
Plays: With Prefaces - Vol. 5
is in this that the signification of the face makes escape from being, as a
correlate of a knowing. Vision, to the contrary, is a search for adequation; it
is what par excellence absorbs being. (Levinias in
Ethics and Infinity:
Conversations with Phillippe Nemo) But the relation to the face
is STRAIGHTAWAY ETHICAL. The face is what one cannot kill, or at least it is
that whose meaning consists in saying: "though shalt not kill."
Murder, it is true, is a banal fact: one can kill the Other; the ethical
exigency is not an ontological necessity. The prohibition against killing does
not render murder impossible, even if the authority of the prohibition is
maintained in the bad conscience about the accomplished evil - the malignancy
of evil. It also appears in the Scriptures High divides, to which the humanity
of man is exposed inasmuch as it is engaged in the world. But to speak truly,
the appearance of being of these ethical peculiarities - the humanity of man -
is a rupture of being. It is significant, even if being resumes and recovers
chief attraction of this entertainment is to observe its own niche in
Illuminati trigger and prep. We just don't know if we're being prepped for
space alien saviors
the Vatican or
science or
Clifology. So not all religion will die, astrology, bardos, reincarnation
religion presumably will survive the landing even with their structural abuse
and immorality, as de Wetering says, "I had been proud of my
awareness, aware of my pride, and proud of that awareness again. It went on
like this: How clever I am that I know I am so stupid, how stupid I am to think
that I am clever, and how clever I am that I am aware of my stupidity,
etc." Clif would rather save face than be contradicted. This has been true
of gurus from all time. Ask Leonard Cohen.
name them. The ability of men to fool themselves is the predominant fact.The
stench of their own religions is pretty much through the roof. Yeats with his
blue hair pushing Crowley down the steps of the temple. To me the sin of aikido
is at fault in Clif for nowhere have I met its adherents that weren't excess
libidos, hidden under a patina of something else. Rod
Kobayashi Sensei himself was
kind enough to prove this to me. The irony anyway is that as we seek with all
our minds to find a style and practice it, whether in art or merely
personality, we become a prisoner of it, a prisoner of our own making. Surely
it is obvious that without this style we are unrealized, even automatons. But
it takes away all the fun if the controllers that be create wars that Picasso
can condemn. Quack eloquent you people against all the injustices you blame on
yourselves your govt's and the divine when it is all come to this, the Fallen
rule the world with astrology reincarnation and rugs. BAD AS THE VATICAN AND
WE TAKE AIM ON, and if they begin to substitute for Vatican and govts and
whatever false history, new false histories of reincarnation and stars and
aliens and hollow earth havens to finish us off forever, well Clif, one
duck said to the other, Quack. All the historical precedents of primitive and
advanced civilizations, English and Abenaki, Spanish and Aztec, the alien and
human conflict will be resolved the same way those were, which is what Hawking
fears. That is unless Messiah comes to put all things under His feet, pull out
everything from under theirs.
are more of these glib subscriptions going around for insight. High and Steve
Bannon cite the Fourth Turning to that effect. Never has a more superficial
generaliZation bothered before. I lived in the first turning, 1946- 64 and I
can tell you it is a confection of what you'd read in the culture mags that
dictate what we're supposed to think but none of it is true. To High's credit
he was out of the country part of that time, but he swallowed the pablum above
so he swallows it below. Maybe he didn't know SDS was created by CIA. That's
unless you say so and so is an exception but once you start that road so
are they all. The 4th turn is a mainstream MSM account of the effort to control
the freedom of individuals to effect their own choices by superimposing
little Jung here, a little Campbell there and a lot of cultural ethic that
fits from above. Dissection at any point reveals none of it is true, which is
the strategy of the lie. Take the High of Merrie England 1594-1621, completely
bogus, a dementia of selective argument, as are all the trends cited.
who could not like anybody who wants to make history fictive? But I think this
talk is naive to the core. Spell it out sometime. Clif has a collection of
offbeat fellows he prides himself with.
A. Kozyrev. Besides Fomenko another is Mauro Biglino who went to the
Vatican basement that didn't exist and read the ms that didn't exist to find
UFOs and aliens, those pious forgeries. The whole question of pious forgeries
as literature, Pseudo Longinus on the Sublime, Taliesin, is not what its
detractors want to make it a stalking horse of disbelief of the traditional and
in the end their disproof, dislike of ancient texts substitutes in the
end with some alien presence.
Ancient astronauts
are a comin, their sails are in sight. Reading Fomenko and Biglino with others
of Clif's mentors like
The Fourth Turning and Courtney Brown are like
reading Ayn Rand in the DaVinci Code. It's just more pagan opposition to the
revelation, trying to reassert itself in a comeback of the ages, the kind of
Bucke catalogued, another psychiatrist run amuck. The remote viewing of
Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this. On the hand he says a view of the
past is single and linear but the future is many branched and all possible. He
shares this view with most of the spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to
High, from Erickson to physics with his experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather. Time travel is like the weather, you can make it what
you will, and do, projecting your own misconceptions as awareness upon its
field thereby proving what you sought in the first place, not that it is there,
it is in the mind of the seeker. Observer you made it. There were these stock
crises in the 20th cent, but I never noticed. There was severe weather? It didn't
strike here.
In Mauro Biglino - "The greek word “pneuma” is the translation of the
Hebrew word “rùach”. According to some scholars “rùach” (wind) probably
from the Sumerian word RU-A. The word’s sound is represented by a fluctuant
object over the waters. The Italian scholar Mauro Biglino has totally
misinterpreted the ancient image (
the picture), because he says that the eye over the waters is an
“unidentified flying objects”. This interpretation is part of his theory that
the Elohim were aliens and not, as the scholars usually say, angels or God
himself." So you see Clif may not be too fond of beliefs
his own Universe, but do not blame the inventor of his universe concept, Harold
and Destiny for this.
Percival, or Finny or Gurdjieff are a little
interesting, but Oscar desiccating in the yard from the aluminum rain, losing
his life inform more than these.
agree with enough of Clif High secular conclusions to consider him a partial
ally. There's no advantage in disagreeing with allies, so I also admit to
liking his attitude, his ability to write and express himself in a content
neutral form. No modern prophet wants to be held to perfection,
but neither do the Delphic ambiguities. You will never read of such
understatement as Isaiah uses when he says Sennacherib will hear some news that
will make him break off his siege of Jerusalem. The news was that an angel
breathed to death 185,000 of his men. Why indeed is there such a "relentless
negativity of its [ALTA's} projections." ALTA is Clif High's webbot, 'asymetric
linguistic trend analysis' that "all humans are
psychic and 'leak out' psychic impressions in their choice of language.
Gathered by computer software scanning the net for specific forms of 'change
process' within text based posts" makes the Report. Similar monitors of
the Kingdom of Noise might be cited to any diffused yearning of inchoate
language were it not that the language monitors of chat, distal and borscht,
might well be the verbations of devils captured by internet to prognosticate.
We could inscribe it on vellum if we knew it better. So if the process misses
an apocalypse 2012 here, an earthquake there, Niburu coming home like George
Soros busing people to riots, or led astray, where digital prayer wheels utter
their pleas for salvation millions of times an hour at speeds beyond the
megahurt, or some ape at a typewriter writes Shapapearsy, this is not say that
aikido, the Tao, linguistics and the universe are not wonders in themselves,
but that, as any practitioner of aikido knows, this game is played more from
libido than from the stilled mind, even at the top, meaning that the egos
seeking egolessness are all crazy by degrees and the transcendance they seek
drives them nuts, especially when they get a taste. High uses the term 'universe'
the same way the term 'science' is used, a collective autonomous noun,
whatever that is, that substitutes for what used to be God. Sometimes also he
uses reality, "what reality wants us to see."
But I want to add about his method
these observations on dating medieval manuscrpts:
medieval manuscripts / tracking cell phones: Finally some hard science for
pattern recognition and patterns within patterns, this analogy between dating
medieval manuscripts and tracking cell phones. The
switching stations that
filter cell phone and email talk do so with a similar code used in dating
medieval deeds.
of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words of undated ms. is compared to
dated and the machine identifies the undated. Some such code must be used to
ferret out
the unsilent
talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.-
Maximum prevalence
technique: a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by
comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the
training set
(Gelila Tilahun,University of Toronto).-Computer-automated statistical
in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.
researchers developed an algorithm that uses
tracking data on people’s
phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error: 20
meters. That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict
people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people
follow fairly consistent patterns
over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of
for breaks in the routine.
researchers solved that problem by
combining tracking data from individual
participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other
people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements
correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess
when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather
than staying uptown for lunch as usual.
Stingray, cell phone tracker] from
Pantheistic Bearden, aikido
altered, thinks "hostile Yakuza fingers are already on the triggers
(Bearden, Olivion 68). At nuttier levels Ben Fulford touts that the white
Dragon Society dojos everywhere will empty out with delivering warriors against
the one world order. But you could get all that merely by scanning the printed
works of PK Dick. Would that Clif High could hook up with the ELS of the Torah
Codes. That's a joke. Like NSA reading chatter for the deep threat these
observations establish themselves by their bias. There will always be a
deep threat in the chatter if you look for it and its keywords. These methodia
have exclusive generality. Deep State undergrounds, whatever, say
nothing specific about the putative psychic language. Gurus will catch
other guru ideas the way High believes Venus was captured by the sun and the
Mayans wrote it down 5125 years ago or Patch believes Saturn is a bipolar
vortex tapped by CERN. Some follow Sitchin, some the Thunderbolts, some find
the masons etched doom on the dollar bill. which is not to say that all of us
would not benefit from these contemplations in place of swallowing the latest
prefabed news and intellect of the system, but put that aside, High's main
premise to read the unconscious collective as a predictor of future events in
aggregate could be in error if the unconscious is a fallen entity influenced by
Satan to believe all the archetypes of the fall that it does. That is to say
that the fallen predict the fall. Dr Jung I presume.
proposition that all human beings are psychic and leak in the data base depends
on the ability to read sign. The Greeks read birds, the Chinese yarrow stalks.
Schools of fish are instructive and tea leaves. Clif High bases his
divination on telltale snapchat postings that deviate. It's a nice
question whether Holden Caulfield informs the culture or it informs him. Jung
would say J.D. was jinvented as much as hip hop. Cliff High reports on the 22
trillion a second pulse from the center of the U, 44 trillion if you
count the simultaneous pauses. It is obvious impulses stop and start. Some guys
think their wives are the cessation and the action is a Traffic cop.
Reports of
Predictive Linguistics report the monthly effect of written
text from the internet. Universe here means statistical universe, with a
capital S. The process of
prediction from speech, not writing, would be
truer, since ordinary people cannot help but state how they really feel, but
their finger speech involves a layer twice removed from their thought. On the
other hand it is not possible to lie in writing so well as it is in speech. Does
not any sample predict the universe? Recording the ravings of asylums over
millennia and inferring principles from them as a Nostradamus analogizes the
future as a collective ALTA at least would predict millennia of madmen. All
humans are psychic and they "leak?" Like a plumber learns to read
leaks and NSA reads, but doesn't publish, ALTA is programmed to discount
artificially generated words of bots and plants, but does not account for ththe
general mind sway that exists in every archetype, film, and educational
bias. It does not account that the best lack all conviction and the worst are
full of the passionate intensity or for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and
their Soros shadows. The "best" who
have conviction are
"not found." Except High thinks they "leak." Google
search masses write conditioned by Yahoo headlines in the NSA DARPA world:
Language and The New Golden Age of Angels. Inhabitants of the Colonies
try for some background.
is the real, not the story or the characters. The imitations, the
simulacra, the outer layers with the inner are all simultaneous chaos and
inundation in the database. Mutually supportive, so that if an imitation is
true it is true to the database and not nature or reality, as used to be. This
together makes a model of the unconsciousness, simultaneous narratives of
everything imitating themselves, sharing disparate parts. Unless you say the
unconscious belongs to you either you have borrowed from it, without
attribution, yes, mr. joyce, or you have stolen. What a harsh word that has
such people in it. A word, an art, an act not valued as real or true to
nature, but true to the database, which means it reflects, reacts with and
catalyzes with itself in a closed system according to the premise that all
people are psychic the nearer the event comes, but don't know it. This is the
same as saying dogs predict earthquakes and upsets and can smell cancer, which
is true, as far as it goes. So the data base is true as far as it goes. There
is an ice age aborning against all the hothouse science that is invented to
perp the public. Frozen rivers in Europe, new land bridges to emerge,
populations to relocate. It's the universe isn't it, equivocating universe the
phenomenon with statistical set and sample. So the gurus cited arbitrarily
around High's ALTA, Bearden's Zarg, Kenyon helping us raise our vibe by
meditation, Pensinger shooting out the pyramid top in a blaze, these would-be
gods are part of the displaced grand narrative, displaced because "
moe-elements have
gods" (66, Hiroki Azuma in
Fandom Unbound). All the elements of
documentation, subordination, logic, custom sacrificed to this database.
Piracy, not the bad guy, rules. There are no courts or law. Anime living for
anime gamers. Cat Girl,
Girl, Foxgirl, Dog Girl anime is not innocent. Diacon IV Bunny Girl is
second in search to the Playboy Bunny. The Catgirl Research Foundation
has a disclaimer at the bottom of the home page: "While some girls may
enjoy acting like cats, there are no girls who actually have long furry tails
or large cat ears as parts of their body. Though this is unlikely to change in
the near future...." The hybrid realities of the Singularists, full blown
three decades, used to be called pathetic fallacy to attribute human qualities
to nature, now subject to gene splicing, but before that
moe anthropology,
which you might take from Kafka, make anime cute and vacant 2 D,
which lend themselves to a combination of bestiality and pedophilia
with big boosts from Microsoft and Windows Me. Girls are hybridized to guns,
ships and tanks ( Mecha Musume) not unlike Donne's "oh my America, my
newfoundland." Helen's face is a dock, anthropomorphism knows no
bounds once launched, "the universe strait-laced / when I can clasp it in
the waist." Erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels, loving their
washing machines, cell phones. The cuteness, the cuteness, says Conrad,
the causes of which are below.
base is the real, not the original or its copy. Dolls, games,
fanzines are as much data base as manga, video, film, lit, blog. Faux is real,
the comic market is a comic market, which is to say this is real. Amateurs
coexist in the database as much as great writers, identity diffusion is
important because it embodies the opposites of tree lineage vs the chaotic
whole, problems anime revealed in Japan and the world, in essence a
condition of piracy. Writers all "stripped the ancients"
(Vida). This coexistence in the database begs to compare otaku with the
unconscious and the universe, not imitation vs. real, where piracy is
commonplace, called originality through citation and infinite
imitation, but "neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of
materials from junk subcultures."
fan groups substitute for the grand societal narrative of the tree lineage. The
cause? especially the bomb blew it apart, but global culture is a bomb to
nations and cultures. All get to be American in essence. What greater bomb than
"Anime Realism"
apart, otaku create a shell for themselves from dermal fantasies, rewriting
Tolkien, internalizing film, manga, another Evangelion, collecting dolls,
comics. Group affiliations replace families. Whether to say these are shut ins,
cast outs or the new realists is just a game. Otaku shut in to their fandoms,
hobby communities by choice replace the social to various degrees with
fictional identities. Countless social standards replace the universal or grand
narratives; (blank) rights. So otaku defines
"neurotic construction of
shells of themselves out of materials from junk subcultures." This
replaces the grand narrative: gangs, games, groups. Faux characters replace the
real. News broadcasts are animed, flatted. Commercials are animed, eyelit
styled animations. It is not far to politics as anime, as passionate
about their reality as the Obamaites, the Akirans. Artificial reality,
the faux, the moe! coin the term "anime manga-like realism." Lit,
entertainment are sold in the market as video games, dolls, illustrations.
Bikkuriman Sticker Parody
more like a captive mantis society consuming each other in an orgy of
consumption. That is Otaku West, consuming the consumed.Otaku specialist
Makoto Fukuda wrote
in the Daily Yomiuri, “There is a tradition in Japan’s otaku culture that even
such things as trains or computer operating systems can be changed into cute
characters in a way that turns inanimate subjects into characters meant to
inspire a 'moe' response.” Herbivores."
Otaku describes a subculture
of young, male geeks who lose themselves in a hermetic world of manga comic
books and video games."
the Kingdom of Noise
High is another aikido player, like Tom Bearden with notions that the universe
is a living sentence that works, decrees energies and elements of our own.
"I have this deal with universe about the web bot project that I would
continue the effort in spite of the other conditions provided by universe in my
life, and the debilitating nature of the work for as long as it was
universe." The essence of the ALTA is its conflating millions of bits of
language from web pages, from the Kingdom of Noise into an emotive tipoff. High
affirms he is partial schizo-typical, that his brother is full. High is a
follower of the fourth turning: a sociology that presents the time of the
Tribulation as a blessing: "The Fourth Turning is a Crisis, a decisive era
of secular upheaval, when the values regime propels the replacement of the old
civic order with a new one." Gurus relish the universe, the predicted new
orders, the secular upheaval accompanied by their belief in mutual and multiple
reincarnations, which is not so different psychically from J. Kleck who thinks
the angel Gabriel officiated at his spiritual birth.
call to the universe is not unique.
universe is civilization's god and the unconscious is its handiwork. He
knowingly identifies with the pagan substitutes while pretending to empiricism.
says the Sabeans are forerunners of the idea of " the stars as deities,
and the sun as the chief. (
Guide, III, 135). To show that this is a
current delusion see
Lydia's Vow, who says she is "interacting with the planetary
mind." Images of the gods placed in temples attracted a host of
correspondences, an idea central to the renaissance, for example,
Thomas Browne. This thinking had long exposition before
Plotinus or
Ezra, as Maimonides says, before Babylon: "a certain tree, which is peculiar
to a certain star, is dedicated to the name of this star, and certain things
are done to the tree and in connection with it, the spiritual force of that
star which influences the tree, inspires men" (
Guide, 139f).
all divination is idolatry modeled on the Sabeans who erect "temples of
Intellectual Images (or Forms)" (145), but "it is the principal
object of the Law to blot out these opinions from man's heart and make the
existence of idolatry impossible" (145). It is obvious that when Daniel
tells Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom will be returned to him after "thou
shalt have known that the heavens do rule" (
4.26) he does not mean the stars. That
heavens, the universe, could be equivocated as stars and turned into astrology
is proof text of every occultist from the Sabeans on
. See also The
War With Egypt
Literature ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science
totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.
is superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames
multiplicative, then quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler,
Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of
the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined in his
The structure and practice of National Socialism." (1942).
"Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists
to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was
something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every
aspect of German civil society-
Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
snapshot of social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other
view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe
the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald
Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the
first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool
of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The
first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon
did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before?
They will again. That is all they do. "High confidence generally
indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from
multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a
certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian
NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect
why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be
false with a truth cover.
have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay
surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of
the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits
enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds.
The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on
the right panel.
truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat
you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect
cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM
is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE
THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.
relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state
accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state
too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu,
Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars
were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and
over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does
anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the
council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he
had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision
even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why
there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar
to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi
hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of
revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and
another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall
backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and
the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13
the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of
semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine
one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes
like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt
against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see
this in Micaiah's mocking.
are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without
Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the
gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting
us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are
paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor.
Malak vs. elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym
also and may be either and other. This heavenly council excessively smacks of
the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned
to govern the company of nations: "we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh
assigned to the nations became corrupt, only that they were" Unseen
Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed anti-head pretend to the role of the
Most High in the cosmic war to make a counterfeit global Eden. These are the
nations disinherited at the Flood along with their governments before and
after, Israel replacing them, but who promise a Surge in the days of Noah
returned, the famous last battle and war. That these corrupt elohim associates
of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower and presumed Nimrod of the giant
gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in disputing the visible/invisible
Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word before Abraham was, is to say
that these so-called defections on the spiritual council, cosmos of the
putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim territorials are going to
include false teachers. The council notion vitiates angelic
protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah that he shall
at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only malaks
in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is not going to be
defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to thinking that the
reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an instance where the
council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in fact that passage
like all the continual references says over and over that Yahweh sold them,
4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14, Yahweh discomfited
Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any council agencies,
making it very much seem that the peer scholars are abstracting
extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They will say that
the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that was Malak
again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion even if
they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here or there
but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us."
TRANSFER! You want a single
verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the offerer's place. Laying
his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL THEIR SINS. You want to
divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it: "If the lion was
advised by the fox he would be cunning."
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found.
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be
vociferously denied.
in progress...
Fight Against
the Gods
The first elite tactic
superiors urge is to inculcate the belief that the human is inferior to the
alien. Charles Fort, Robert Stanley, Sitchin consent that we are slaves of Enki
and Archons on the basis of what they call information analysis, which has less
reason to it to confirm than the gravest errors of faith they decry (like
the Flood of Noah or genocide of Canaan miconstrued and altered in their
arguments to prove that we are not free). That Lucifer is the father of earth
they do believe. Belief is the axiom here. This, even while they acknowledge
reptiles have no creativity and no heart, meaning capacity to love. The
reptilian they think is physically and intellectually stronger, but the
voyaging soul of the human who braves these waves of oppression is as old as
recorded voyages of discovery to new worlds: the Odyssey, Prester John,
Mandeville's Travels, the Celtic voyages, the Elizabethans and fictions thereof,
especially Swifts's, Cranes' Bridge are imaginative encounters with the alien.
So whether apocryphal or not, to China or the Moon, it is an old theme along
with Solomon's passage to Ophir.
names apply for the elite and their Official Reality. Olympians, wanton boys,
thought gods all apply. The rest of humanity is to them useless eaters, as
Henry Kissinger says, and Prince Philip, “in the event that I am reincarnated I
would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to
overpopulation.” Higher consciousness of the alien is higher crime. United
Nations Prisoner Transfer cars intend "resettlement to the east." The
world is not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to
entertain the elite cheap. Your own party will be disfranchised to establish
the Unity State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for this technology,
the gods give power in exchange for a life to burgle forever. Saturn is not
just a rocket, but a train and a beast animated by its cargo within. The laugh
is that whoever was building the rings bugged out before the finish. Their
ancestors divine in every hospital and Times Square shrine of Moloch assuage
their destiny. The idols in every grocery sing, “come, buy, come and buy.”
There is a huge literature of placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but
this wormwood is deception, requires that we grant their existence and
interference in our lives. Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands might
be named in every language and their priests and shamans identified for what
they are not, wise men, prophets and healers, their healing induces a greater
reliance upon their ways and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca
to the theosophist. Marijuana rituals and the electric digital high command
have adrenalized the bookie state with its altered favor. Illumination is
overwhelmed by shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions
are as subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an
invention of the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of
death, war and the study of war inculcated into earth by supernatural
interference. In the Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats
in his resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems compromised
with the Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine is paramount in
Aeschylus. Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the true) God, but
this is alien equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans and all
Olympus, men were powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the death
like Sisyphus, Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself to
undermine the man and turn him into a god means he has become his own enemy,
has ceased to resist and is completely enslaved. "To those who really
believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural interference, causing
physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty, especially in
connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently out of course
ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages.
Preface). Aeschylus, Dante, Yeats lead to wondering how the human fights
against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it has always existed
and must have been resisted or influenced long since.
fiction writers like McCarthy don't seem to be anything but deceived, so on
through Northrop Frye, "this expanding of images into conventional
archetypes of literature is a process that takes place unconsciously in our
reading" assimilated to the whole subject so quickly "one hardly
notices the difference between creative and critical activity," thus
"what is true for the reader is true a fortiori of the poet, who learns
very quickly that there is no singing school for his soul except the the study
of the monuments of its own magnificence" (Anatomy of Criticism 100).
In the crisis of our time Jesus the Messiah is the main combatant against the
gods. He has made a mockery of these heavenly beings in Psalms and Isaiah and
empowered us to fight to establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the
war among the gods, or Titanomachy. The gods are evil. Shelley against the
gods, usually construed as against the odds, "Aeschylus against the
gods" no results found! The celebration of war is a victory of these gods
over men, a transfer of their apocalypse to earth. All the discussion of human
greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without the gods. Be a god is
not to be a man. Man inferior to the gods, the lowly eater useless eater looked
upon by royalty the rich because they are Olympians, children of the nephilim.
Antigone burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the
gods they kill us for their sport. Wanton boys these nephs. Twelve Olympians
are the major gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo,
Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
departure of the gods who left in the golden age. The thing that sets Abraham
apart is his unwillingness to placate these gods. So begins a resistance where
he and the nation Israel engage in act after act of resistance. We shall come
with a list of these of course. The New Testament is even more at pains to show
the resistance. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2.15 Matthew
12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his … Luke
10:18 And he said to them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke
11:22 But when a stronger than he shall come on him, and overcome him, … John
12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world …
John 16:11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Ephesians
4:8 Why he said, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, …
Hebrews 2:14 For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood,
… Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, … Revelation 20:2,3,10 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old
serpent, which is the Devil, … principalities. Colossians 1:16 For by him were
all things created, that are in heaven, and that … 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom
the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which … Ephesians 6:12 For
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, …
triumphing. Luke 23:39-43 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed
on him, saying, … John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw
all men to me. John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he
said, It is finished: … Acts 2:23,24,32-36 Him, being delivered by the
determinate counsel and foreknowledge … in it. or, in himself. It's OK
according to civilization to fight against God, the God of the gods, but not
against the gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods. Prometheus is a god
himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other and as Lear says the
wanton boys kill us for their sport. The gods are like Democrats, have
engineered a situation where they are exempt from criticism. They have
corrupted every aspect of the human. Note: "Thought Goattens are
commentaries on the New Folk Sensorial Compound. Circumstances drive a
dialectic to confront by absurdism these nations of commerce and religion, consciousness
and art. We don’t need a scientific basis for theater. Proof surrounds
narcosis, escapes are hard pressed, so if these headlines pop in the mouth to
map the mind, a land where every bubble-visioned landscape measures what we do
not know, interior Dantes of what we are, the new folk paradigms constellate,
imaginate these beings. They are psyche profiles of a greater human knowledge
self-reversed. Our travelers find a shaggy gent at the absolute center of
Earth. They climb down to the waist, there is plenty of hair to hold on its
sides—squeeze through a hole and come to the feet with their sin. You’d think
they’d have had wheelbarrows, but like Sherpas they carry it in packs. These are
the outcast thought goats, part salesmen, part dinosaur, part invention that
A.E. Reiff writes, sometimes called analytically the Spirit of Wilderness or
fancifully, Thought Beasts, Hybrid Beastiary, Uber Alter Nano Bot. The lists go
on, “Travels to Byzantium,” “The Cure,” “Kung Fu Da Puta Alien,” the “Orcapoi,”
“Sue Smooke,” all the way down to “The Dame of Guapa Pop” that appeared in an
earlier FRiGG. These find themselves indexed here. Perhaps the coup de grace of
Thought Goats is the current War on Neptune, if you can stand the ads, or its
cousins, Opiomes: The Domes, or The Severed Head." here This chief tactic
of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies, I was wrestling against
seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men, disposing of them, moving
quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in blue, who watched from
above; i was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of theirs to oppose and
while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion, like a robot or clone. I
dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there were more when i
woke. II. Greada Treaty: Kidnapping in exchange for technology. Eisenhower,
Bush, Brzezinski The Short Version supposes: Late in 1954 the race of aliens
known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the
equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated their planet was dying
and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow
their race to survive; this was to be in exchange for certain technology.
President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The
treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not
interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would
furnish us with advanced technology, that they could abduct humans on a limited
basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the
stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their
point of abduction, and that the humans would have no memory of the event. It
was also agreed the alien bases would be constructed underground, beneath
Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and
Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4,
about 7 miles south of area 51, known as 'Dreamland'. A multi-billion dollar
secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House,
supposedly to build secret underground sites for the President and the staff in
case of military attacks. By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower
established a permanent committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12)
to oversee and coordinate all covert activities with the aliens. This included
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign
Relations, known as the 'Wise Men' and later others from the Trilateral
Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them. A major
finding of the commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a
source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood and in
genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their
survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would
cease to exist.The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien
project would be to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of
the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name was George H. W.
Bush, at the time president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata
Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the
drugs be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat,
then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, avoiding search by
customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA
controls all the world's illegal drug markets. Don't take the short version for
this, read Nova by William Burroughs. One should remember, it was George Bush
who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to finance
the deep underground alien bases. Posted 17th October 2012
III. Explanations of the War in Heaven. Robert Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to
2/18/17) War in Heaven, ceramic detail These equivocations and their effects
and sources hold much worth belief, meant as bait for the poor flies, so do not
incline too deep to dive. The real reasons behind earth-alien events are simple
and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more to do with H7N9 than currency,
but it is so easy to fool a fool. The father of Robert Stanley, the man who met
Enki, was a disciple of Norman Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the
gods was caused when Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being
his thought projection. See the birth of the archons. All cerebral and
intellectualized, Enki is father of Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley
gets from Wes Penry's papers. Where Penry got it is the usual places, like
Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky, but they all read as if computer generated,
artificial writing, the kind done by salesmen to reach the least common
denominator. COME INTO THE BODY YOU IDIOTS. Like other gurus, Clif High claims
insight and expertise (just as prone to go out of body as Stanley's Enki), says
he has been through the bardos, knows the soul traps, but has come back to tell
us all, like Prufrock, I shall tell you all. High is a predictive linguist also
enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny but utterly
innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are themselves
servants of the we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are
convincing unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the ancient
literature for ever more ancient, which have no body of examination (the latest
being the Jordon Lead Codices) and which they know from channeling out of body
and meditative states, full of deception and conviction. Stanley believed the
being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted love was Enki, just as
he believed when it told him it was the father. Stanley is a victim at least of
his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen, that demons are a projection of
Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All romance. Loki, Iago,
Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he used at that time
nor whether the tulpas he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox,
at the sacred place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice.
Still it reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever
since critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think
Enki an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a
deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the
divine feminine and freedom and the golden age. On Good Friday the only One who
ever confronted these beings descended into hell and led out the captives.
Stanley says "even in the Bible" like Wilcock does as if that were
the last place you would look, but it is the greatest truth that Stanley and
Wilcock don't know because that haven't discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's
fault who discloses the textual opacity and verbal thickness of many meanings
that never replace Scripture but enrich the phonemic and semantic numinous
elements of its textual coherence. (See "Midrash as Law and
Literature" in The Third Pillar). Hartman's life and thought show the
beauty of life and literature. “The spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented,
bewildered, caught in some ‘wild surmise’ about the text and struggling to
adjust — is not that one of the interests critical writing has for us?” --text
is, below its surface, a roiling system of conflicting semantic signs. As such,
the text has no one empirical reading; it is, rather, a network of competing
meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox, Obituary). Much of this comes down to sacred
and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace the profane, leaping over the
culture and language to which he is born to embrace a foreign which he cannot
know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever its shadow mansters tell him,
Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out of body at the ringing
sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child but did not recognize
it as a conditioning of his father's "spirituality" with the
gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him fall for soul trapism and Orion
civil wars when the making of the vernacular "illustrious,"
...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the biblical text by renewing
our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as does lit for all these
hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and salesmanship to the masses. So
leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons. Rename a thing and it is a new
discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits he references are rebaptized,
defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit salvation from our 1) own
enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam of Pope Francis on the
verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move that we have but 10 years
to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the false for the
real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, hiring Anthony Weiner, false
flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a substitute cosmology
and psychology where the grand human creations in art and lit are seen as the
work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so superior it makes the
human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's the
master here? Creating heavens with the touch of his finger God gave to man
dominion of his hands. Stanley opposes textuality and numinous scripture which
he jumps over to imbibe an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says
the Archons were the Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our
ancestors." He found the temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of
his stems from Penry etc. and Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very
thing he warns against. Noah, says Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from
Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley
was translated is like Henry Gruver who confronted angels imprisoned beneath
streets of Rome, Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels Chained Beneath Streets of Rome.
In this vein Trump is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even
worse, Trump is the Swamp of Jewish Elite MAFIA and Zionism a counterfeit. All
the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we Fight Against the Gods. We
deny their ascendancy on no less authority than Psalm 8. He has given us
dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so because the Savior
despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet. And we walk in Him!
THE HIGHEST CREATED BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE! Bibliography ConsiderMmike Cernovich's
report of swinger's clubs outside DC max Spiers London 9/8/15 Danuta Anna
Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry: Sarah Adams how whales feel
Boriska. rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen
content, thus greater energy. Ibis parallel progragms looking for Blood Prime,
viz higher % annunakidna, fight between red and blue, two in one Operation
Earnest Voice run by CIA Heiser Ps 74 dragons: Ez 32, They are coming to take
you away: inventing by mis information one piece of data to disprove an entire
concept and body of well established knowledge on the basis of this one, so
called, contradiction High says Rome never existed, Sitchin invented cosmic
code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah the word descends
from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb 'to anoint',
which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy crocodile'.,
"" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin...Jordan Maxwell that
words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and prove... Christ
means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? the name Solomon derives
from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more than Velikovsky finds New jersalem a space
ship station when, Freud who first suggested that Moses was one of thenobles of
Akhenaten in his book Moses and Monotheism. Analogize Trump and his enemy media
and scripture and the Christian with The Spaceships of Ezekiel Fraud. Ancient
astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious but duplicitous
researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and psychologically
primed audience. Donald Marshall Cloning Center David Jacobs International
Center for Abduction Research Leak project, joseph five eagles reyna, Recumbent
antarctica, flash frozen because atmosphere partly ripped off, (William l.
Pensinger) Nguyen Quynh was a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam .
"The geomantic, random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship
led to a decade of intense practice of a form of walking meditation within
which he was able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of
consciousness he was inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS
ARE NOT TAUGHT. Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River Ngo The Vinh
The Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and Their Cultures
edited by Laurence A. G. Moss --Different kinds of expansive blue ice as a
momentary exchange. Visiting the house unfinished with its large stained
interiors still open but in a natural setting. 3/2017 New Erich Von Daniken
Chariots of the Gods 1966 - 2016 (50th Anniversary Lecture) Organic:
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
rules. I'm a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites
had a couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
Almonds, walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle bob and ryan
wood, majestic documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier
for abomb Paul Blake Smith Bombshell, Mo before Roswell APR 8 1941 William
Mills Tompkins WWII proxy ET war, navy ship models Grant Cameron, Tom DeLonge,
Sekret Machines Linda Moulton Howe Awakening 2017 who says the big thing in 17
is We are not alone in the U! to come out, But who said we were alone but their
surrogates? and who says we should know who our oppressors are? The oppressors?
Opressor science reveals oppressor thought in order to... what make us like
them, even more? and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His
glory -and we have known the arms already knwon them all 3/17/17 Jordan Maxwell
(Debunking Jordan Maxwell, the movie) [bill cooper?] Fomenko. History Fiction
Percival, Thinking and Destiny moose at office. a baby just born. as soon as i
heard we went to it and it was fine, licked us and shorty licked it talked
about a big pen there for it. As I was doing the flood later a golden eagle
landed on the front lawn for a long drink. 3/16/17 Nabi, Rehan, UT 3/15/17 Clif
Highs Webbot Predicts 2017 The Fall of Religions The New ... 2.44f there is a
bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage of
Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the year
1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking movement-Rome
was created in the 1400s his voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks
which show in his misquote of Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or
science. Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against
Christians. His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min
8.44 but then he says a lunar eclipse occured in 1078! He gets excited and
defensive which makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the
quesetion like much else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does
not say it was an eclipse this is inferred from the darkness and the length of
the Cruxification, not from any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation
of the event at best. Pagan commentators of the Roman era explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during Passover,
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts.
"First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete
history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past
by astronomy. all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent Italy, he knows
this by the words used, "Eyetalian." The remote viewing of Courtney
Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On the hand he says a view of the
past is single and linear but the future is many branched and all jpossible. He
shares this view with most of the spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to High,
from Erickson to physics. His experiments of 2008 and 2013 remotee viewing
weather 3/13/17 melissa for air travel ,interview on Sean David Morton- viktor
schauberger structured water, indian time lab anderson, put a 1/8 second time
distortion around Fukushima Howard Menger, From Outer Space to You and My
Saturnian Lover Peter Peterson, Exopolitics, Wm Binney Edgar Casey and david
wilcock likeness. but closer to Rasputin Of exogenous events, peterson at 10 at
a wedding in his small town looks up with all the people to see a flying saucer
show for two hours. Events outside conditioning as opposed to those inside,
endogenous events. which I think of when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from
the sky about not to kill. He says until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in
a titanium capsule but now at 70 does so again, which I share haveing felt all
along more or less that I was dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew
what it was.. In Part I he is asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and
he says 15% he examined for this, but to rule out natu occur radiation... but
tape is cut, as if his answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it
picks up at 31.o8 as et, but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels
isolated as an individual does he think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
Soliton. russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to
Petersons exog, has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcokck thinks antarcticans came
from mars and are the falen angels, Horus, blue avian, comic, the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language, high language emotion pattern
deviations,, nsa preservation of every conversation period indexed by name etc
to be pulled up as perfect recall if and when needed, starting about...Torah
Codes, Use of art to predict patterns that emerge. William Binney. editing,
masking greying censoring language, communication on media. continual
bombardment 3/10/17 Rense and David John Oates: Trump's Reversal incongruent
Reversals from his speech to Congress. Transcscribing what I heaar backwards.
Aftser a year and half of positive reversals. Preston James: Trump Targeted.
Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech. something has happened
tomake him think a deep corrupption --thank you very much Mr speaker It's a sin
America --my job is to represetn the crime of the states did I need? --think of
the marvels we can achieve the beast and it used Obama --on November 8 a record
I face you the terror --we want harmony and here the limits --our veterans have
delivsered adolf her villian --there is evil in the heart and soul of America --hopefully
the 250th year I'm afraid the fifth (4 killed in offic, 4 died in office).
" In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more
stunned by Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and
revealed on this Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the
Reversals disclose a sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind.
This suggests a President who has been subjugated and conquered and is now in
the firm control of the Global Elite. The conclusion is that Trump has been
told that he will be President at the Elite's discretion and that he must do
exactly as he is told. Having spent the last year and a half doing Reversals on
Trump through the entire campaign and election, the Reversals you are about to
hear bear virtually zero similarity to the man whose Reversals were always
sparkling with dedication and singularity, invariably congruent and supremely
patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the most disturbing and staggering
subconscious change he has ever documented in anyone. It would explain why
there have been so many changes in Trump since he won the election and why he
has turned from a 'peace President' to one of NeoCon military threats and why
he has backed away from the gravest threat of all…the Islamic invasion of
America." Jesus subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to
death, which is the same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He
overcame death, the universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He
never claimed to be Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is
the same as taking Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of
times false. Wlhat ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it
was for the previous who was never corrected once by the media. This is
Sennichribs's leiutant who says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he
lied. All the sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell,
the bolder the bigger thelie the more believed. Victoria Coin.You're more than
nobody. in the book of tweets. --Four authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange,
the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four chairs on a platform all facing the same
direction holding forth, except I was silenced, one half comment ignored. I
watched Valult 7 last night and clif high. The identities are approximate
though, but the feeling of a point of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
3/8/17 Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan for
European Genocide. -a field of frosted diochondra among green grasses. 3/7/17
rehypothecation of gold VimANA--universe, the collective autonomous noun,
science. Explicit agency but invisible. - dna phantom effect - mysterious
eel-like serpent and a fish with wings have been found, in Australia where
bizarre shrimp-fish hybrid creatures are now being found, a mysterious white
hairy beast washing ashore in the Philippines, and a mysterious giant gray sea
creature alien like blob washing up on an Australian beach just this past week.
that another massive “Vimana” is “awakening” from its hibernation under
Antarctica—and whose gravitational energy is so powerful, its force is now
being extended to over 300 miles (483 kilometers) into space. - Mackeral money,
last of the silver yesterday. 3/5/17 Polarizing filter for glare the
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not. You cannot teach somebody to
be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American slaves never stopped seeking
to be free. What you're willing to put up with is the mark of your slavery. and
yet every reality can be demented, reversed, inverted so that the enemy can
accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit. Download DAda covers
"Black swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as
the wrong crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement
of the best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New
England Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news." Timeline
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald Trump's current
presidential campaign. ranks of nsa assassins with anunaki dna 3/4/17 Elizabeth
Báthory Hostel Part II, cannibal murals in brussels ish shah, adultress: targum
and adam knew his wife havah who had desired the angel cain, abel twins .adam
father of cain not? cannibalism world government kleck SAIC leidos antarctica
Nephilim goats found in Utah rob potter, Yvonne Palermo, Justin Deschamps- Mt
Shasta, Laura Eisenhower, Cobra, derek faust 2/19/17 pentagon leak shows
vaccine designed to modify behaviour in succession, the ceiling had big bubble
from roof leak, we couldn't find the car in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's
pacemaker See War In Heaven, Charles Williams (1930). Johnny came lately to the
war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he cannot read and
which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination would crumble.
Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo, Blake, Johnny has
his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit of the real, written by the
perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world peace, coming ahead of time with vans
and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over heads and steal bodies off streets.
never heard from again, or if so changed. IV. Trutheers Laura says that the
Dracos are jealous of us because we can go higher than they but all they need
to do is go inside. I guess if a draco goes inside he'd just as soon go back
out again. In the genre of romance everything is as convincing as a movie. An
ersatz eagle, a false eagle constructed like a Bohemian club owl against a
lion. The white flash of egret wings through the gates as they fly up and down
the canal. Meaning it is not 3D, 2 D o even one D, it is no D, strictly air and
light which is utterly convincing as long as you are watching it, but after
seeing empty. Well at least air is full. The truth movement has a complex world
where it wants to qualify for ascension or at least salvation from cataclysm
but is lured away from the inner work that happens by the usual worldly
invites. It sounds like a book we all used to know better where not by works of
righteousness we have done but according to his mercy he saved us, resurrected
us, empowered us. You know? It's not Christi consciousness you need to enter
the next density, destiny or the violet flame on the mountain where everything,
every noun is a lie and means something else, maybe opposite, twisted by the
pious need to seem accepted. Very like Hawthorne on Mt Shasta as in the
constant borrowing of the New Testament language of theosophy but misapplied, angel
of light, do unto others, centripetal force holds things in, the ready result
of any club or society, the Oxford dons resisting Tolkien's idea of Beowulf as
an autor. Which is like asking whether the Blue Avians joining in Full
Disclosure at the 1111 roundtable of spiritual knights came from the lenticular
cloud over Mt. shasta or from the hollow earth? But as Max Speirs says, Earth
is the Jewel of the Universe and A Man is the Highest Created why go
to the stars when they are all coming here? In any case .042 % of of people or
300000 is the current estimate of ascension. This elect, who do service to
others and work to ascend to the Anshar world of the Mohammad Accords, because
trickster beings, pose as angels of light, trickers, so be be conscious in the
the divine template, observe the DNA potential. Laura Eisenhower says her
spirit guide is Ike to these higher DNA levels but she doesn't know about the
German POWs, a million starved to death behind barbed wire, starved and frozen
to achieve the higher common Union of the Cather lines. This alien machinery of
unity and life comes in the soul architecture of the planetary body of the
goddess where the root races share codes to the seven higher heavens. Of
stargates, earth grid compromises of the god of Energy, Daniel says the god of
Forces, will empower this shared union of the divine masculine to emerge with
extra activated DNA strands out of which Laura gives these revelations. If you
want to find out who you are and know who among all this is telling the truth
or you wish to meet ET for contact, if you wish it they will come, the orbs
summoned by Steve Greer, all possible if you are desperate for off world
civilization of the galactic diplomacy. Preying on the easiest group to
infiltrate the earth, these ascendeds, Master Hilarion of the scaterfield
network will reach planetary ascension in the re- distribution at first
contact. Then earth changes and there will be 30 kinds of hyperdrive, new
harmonics of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry flame like violets on
the Mat of Shasta. Many will go inside in the event. The truth movement looks
within but expects the least % to ascend in America. Connect with natural if
you want to prepare for the next density in the liner work. Listen for the
pings. The biggest problem for those who would ascend is their children. Take
the children of the elite who have fled to New Zealand and Tasmania who inhabit
one room schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets but read books and
walk among trees. How will these children stand it when they realize their
parents abandoned ship to save themselves, but worse, poisoned the ship in the
doing in a hundred ways. How do the children of the SS live? How does Laura
Eisenhower after learning of the million Ike killed in POW camps. These are
cursed generations just opposite the children of the survival of the holocaust
who question their right to survive. Levinas. Children of the elite would do
the same if any conscience remains in them as it will. Either way it comes down
to forgiveness of sins. At the outset let it be said there is a cure for all
these things summing u living life for its own sake and not what you can get
out of it. Breath. Walking early and only moment by moment as many of the old
hyms, Moment by moment I’m kept in His love, let's try to show this
unabstracted into romance but as real life, connected life which in fact tries
very hard to be demonstrated in The Way Into the Flowering Heart with all those
essays like Pennsylvania Dutch Paradise where among architectures of furnished
rooms and philosophies of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ
extends to nature a sacrament that covers an outward garment of earth. V. Literature
ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science Disclosure A totalitarian system that
envelopes every level and aspect of civil society. -It is superfluous to say
that the poets and critics who form their regions of disinformation for the
elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by Intelligence forces.
Progress is additive until it becames multiplicative, then quantumed. How do
Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler, Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla? Disclosure
holds these fiefdoms of the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann
outlined in his Behemoth. The structure and practice of National
Socialism." (1942). "Today it seems strange that an American spy
agency would employ Marxists to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism,
[Marcuse there] argues, was something new - a totalitarian system that
enveloped every level and every aspect of German civil society-(Secret Reports
of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS). This snapshot of social
structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other view. Deans, profs,
editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe the truth/untruth of
the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald Justice had contempt for
Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the first principle of quantum
Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool of invisible hand. You can
see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The first principle is believe it
not. When they told you they landed on the moon did you believe that? They told
you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before? They will again. That is all they do.
"High confidence generally indicates that judgments are based on
high-quality information from multiple sources [which] does not imply that the
assessment is a fact or a certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA.
Assessing Russian Activities). When former NASA scientist admits the moon
landing impossible for its dustless effect why believe the next tale coming of
what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be false with a truth cover. Many have
chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay surrounded
by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of the left
panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits enthroned, the
angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds. The cart is drawn
by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on the right panel.
The truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat you. The
layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect cause the
thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM is apriori and
this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is experience revealing
that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is even worse to believe
one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE THAN THE BAD, those
anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie restriction. Trump
has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones from the Grendel
haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after work. That seems
to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the contrary,
deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth. This amazingly
all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in language to
ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El and Baal
shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away, except
Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods, Elohim
for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of these
notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries and
committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding. The relation of small to great is
like the individual to the state, the deep state accumulating these years
consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state too is small in the same
scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu, Puradu hybrids and they too in
relation to their gods.God/no gods, Heiser says it was council agency that administered
the worlds. Says the stars were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage
says Jah did it, over and over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying
spirit sent to him by the council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on
the 400 false prophets he had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself,
not a council's decision even if his self deception is personified by the
volunteer lying spirit. Why there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello,
Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of
speaker is like the hivi hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the
process of revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering
lips and another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and
fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet
and the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13 the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream is
his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a dream
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of Jakobson semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a
Ph.d committee, like mine one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those
academics who eat footnotes like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently
cannot see this in Micaiah's mocking. There are some gains in the council idea
when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without Michael's intervention
against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the gains are losses,
vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting us in the Psalms
are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are paltry Adams any
longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor. Malak vs. elohim
indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym also and may be either
and other. This heavenly council excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its
receipt of the negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the
company of nations: "we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the
nations became corrupt, only that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116).
Their supposed anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war
to make a counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the
Flood along with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but
who promise a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and
war. That these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built
the Tower and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could
win in disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself,
the Word before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the
spiritual council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt
elohim territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion
vitiates angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah
that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only
malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is not going
to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to thinking that
the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an instance where the
council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in fact that passage
like all the continual references says over and over that Yahweh sold them,
4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14, Yahweh discomfited
Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any council agencies,
making it very much seem that the peer scholars are abstracting extrapolating
and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They will say that the angel
discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that was Malak again. We
don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion even if they exist.
We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here or there but there
are angels everywhere "to deliver us." TRANSFER! You want a single
verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the offerer's place. Laying
his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL THEIR SINS. You want to
divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it: "If the lion was
advised by the fox he would be cunning." Ultimately disappearances of all
kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of the national parks, in
the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of children, some with defects,
and people taken from the last position of a group hike, near water, missing
pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found. The fact that so many had gone
missing in such open circumstance such as hiking Yellowstone, never to be found
again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as if placed there later, suggests
indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its victims, and this comforts us in a
way because then we do not have to deal with all the mysteries of portals and
multidimensional openings that we end up having to confront to ascribe the loss
of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would not take the scent trails of these
missing in the national parks, but simply lie down and whine, which indicates a
contradiction in the scent, a kind of camouflage or confusion in the trail,
further complicated by the fact that the enforcement agencies of the parks
service profess to have no data base of these missing in their jurisdictions,
even though every sheriff and law enforcement agency has such in theirs. That
some hundreds of thousands of people overall go missing on FBI lists each year
suggests there are myriads of events being ignored and explained away. These
dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases of utter instantaneous
disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents even at the opposition of
the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets appear to conduct searches, and
Freedom of information suits can be vociferously denied. in progress... Labels:
Apkallu disclosure Franz Neumann Heiser totalitarian Ugaritic monsters VI.
Multidimensional Upset [censored] It has become obvious that there is a mind
wave projection fostering discord and division among formerly like minded
people. This is true of severance of long time friends over political events
since the American election, division among artists over politics, division in
the streets with mass controlled marches and events, division between writers
and editors who once valued their work but now actively repudiate it, division
between elders and pastors. Following Sunday service at a local reformed
church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by "prayer!" "Over
the past several months it has become increasingly apparent that the elders’
vision for the church is significantly different from the pastor’s vision for
the church and both the elders and the pastor are discerning that the
relationships have become strained to the point that effective ministry seems
impossible and it is best to pursue separate directions." Mind pinging in
various directions and modes was the initial verdict for Multidimensional
Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy favorite, one who so
habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion. These are the powerhouse
D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are magnificent specimens who
always win, have been trained to win and have a record to prove it. They win
because they're good, like the America dream team. Unless you know some of
these you really cannot define average. Average, is a player who is a walk-on, who
exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is always black and blue and
never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human competition against what
I call elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world. "But if you pull down
the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and so tread upon the serpent
multidimensionals will be upset." If you expose this the D-1 cohorts will
censor you, bind you and load every rift of your ore with glue. The context of
the average and the full ride athlete is in Northrop Frye's notion from Vico of
the collective imagination that begins with myth. "In myth the actors are
primarily gods; in the next state, romance, gods and humans mingle; then a high
mimetic mode appears, where humans are humans but include heroes, close in
capacity to the gods. After that... an ironic phrase, in which the protagonists
are represented as all too human, so that readers may feel superior to
them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54). The multidimensional upset occurs
when Satan falls from heaven in lightening and saints are given power over
serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I put this essay
together as extremely as possible but never expected it to appear. The editor
who accepted it calls it Mind pinging in various directions and modes but he
was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of Pentonville Prison who says:
"Upon closer examination, Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot publish
"Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided in your
article, and your body of essays, I realized that "Multidimensional
Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to Unlikely's. Unlikely
has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump." So there goes. There
have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is scheduled for
reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably opposed. The
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential,
making individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and
supervising the work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015
indicated that Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the
previous inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds of
rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations. This introduces the
Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it they must create a
focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of the point of view as
meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider facts, a version makes
their case, over and over again, so that on the level of people we meet in life
it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view that they must be mimicking
some greater set of which they are a subset. That greater set is the media that
has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger burning bright. Mind-forged
manacles. But these people were already tainted, it's just that it was
overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value, because it used to be
the case that a society tolerated points of view without trashing and burning
alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed pacifist-militants, people
who abhor violence name call and parade their superiority everywhere and skate
on their privileged enclaves of art, university or family. Exfundamentalists
wear their disdain as a mark of their erudition, a way of saying they have seen
the liberal light and disavowed the crude, unfeeling, uncompassionate take for
the high intellectual road of programed thought. This is exactly what appears
in the frontispiece of Leviathan, mannikins inside the body of a single giant.
"The demonic human world is a society held together by a kind of molecular
tension of egos, a loyalty to the group or the leader which diminishes the
individual" (Frye, Anatomy of Criticism 147). Constantly battered with
overt and covert messaging about the rollback of the surrender of America to
globalists and all the Obama clinton gore bushes to the effect of killing
anybody overseas or at home who gets in the way, they subscribe implicitly to
the assassination scheme this network of funds, corps, parties uses to control
their opponents, those they cannot blackmail with pedo pics taken when they
have been seduced celebrating their power lust. This however is only for those
who will benefit the Corrupt. The other ordinaries on the street where we live,
who dramatize their moral outrage are controlled with headlines on Yahoo and
the Post and the Times endless parroted on Media MSM attributing the false fact
to another when it is their sole tactic with bullying. From a lower view moral
outrage comes from their being cut off from any really compassionate concern
for anyone different from themselves, the lib might not go to Malta but
figuratively lives among the illumined. There can be no greater hypocrisy than
to trade on the poverty of your neighbor to justify your own political
morality. Multidimensional Upset was written four years ago as Baptized Martians.
Multidimensional Upsets Censored [Embezzlement, blackmail and censorship in the
nitrogen food storage industry. The greatest offense to censors is when the
fact is cited on a forbidden source. Alex Jones serves nicely to illustrate
this. All links and backlinks tied to him are the great affront, as one said to
me in indignation: Alex Jones... but equally so from the mag editor who finds
all mention of a wide range of sources offensive, so much so that it is the
intractable enemy of proscience. We're not talking about liquid nitrogen food
storage, but about the Vatican encoding a savior from outer space with beings
half fish and half men found in the Antarctic to have hands down on our
civilization.. Yes I'm talking about James Blish and H. P. Lovecraft. Both
appeared on Alex Jones and his surrogates.] To keep the population segmented
differing factions provoke extreme views well typified by the global warming
climate change vs the ice age. The majority view of warming shouts down the ice
age with all the usual bullying in order to censor it. This philosophy of opposing
factions extends into every other contention between opposites so that instead
of reason and discourse there is open antagonism. One of the best stratagems of
the left is accuse its opposite of being anti-scientific. The left is
pro-science so it believes in global warming and censors all else (until
further notice). The most important aspect of all this is that the greater the
heat of passion the less the reason, which is to say the more prejudice the
greater the denial, which results in sleep and misdirection. The best response
to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how do you know you
are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked? Certainly the
mere fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It also implies
opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that there are only
two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each that seeks to
force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets caused such an
upset. It was both accepted and rejected. What had been "mind pinging in
various directions and modes" to the accepting editor with his own
authority became "a worldview intractably opposed to "pro-science and
anti-Trump," to the founder of these Unlikely stories, much like the view
that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas of "hidden" archeologies
and technologies hidden in its basement from view is not to be revealed. Upsets
does not report such findings, so much as it mocks them, although maybe the
humor is too dry to perceive. For example, that the "Researchers" of
discovery of extraterrestrial life in the Brookings Report do not say the alien
angel touch down will prove artificial structures of Hoagland on Mars. I once
mocked medicinal the herbs this way by proposing absurd usage no had ever
contemplated: "Croton looks like a miniature maypole round which the
faeries of middle earth might dance." The censor turns this intractable
attitude of mockery into an anti-science because it cannot stomach the oceans
of subrafuge it sails, for example, that massive die offs in the north Pacific
are beyond calculation and forbidden to mainstream. Thus oceanographers who
deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are like biologists' who support vaccines
that cause autism, or archaeologists who deny the races of giants dug up. But
here's another joke, isn't that just because there is and was a remnant race of
reengineered nephilim hybrids running the world? Do not mock the accepted world
or you will be unscientific. I foisted these same extraterrestrials in Upsets
upon literature and said that when the new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian
religion and Jesuit astronomers await their "evangelist" from space,
there will be astigmatic baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for
example the literature of the alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades
earth in silver ships. After 50 years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed
in leather wings, horns and barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their
true benefactors are the devil and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the
black waking of Collective Mind, when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior
will then reveal that that new science, biology, archaeology and technology are
alien signs and wonders. The Wee People used croton as a tea before the
settlers drove them out. All people who believe in science will believe, that's
science, but not that poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
That's heinous. This astrobiological conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James
Blish in 1959, who if not as prescient as the four angels of the apocalypse or
the horses with heads of lions, "that they should not worship demons, and
idols of gold, and silver, and brass" (John of Patmos 9.20), sent a
fictional team of priest astronauts in A Case of Conscience to investigate the
coming aliens. He called them Lithians. Orson Scott Card called them
"buggers." Blish said they should be quarantined, unlike the real
Vatican astronomer Consolmagno who wants to baptize them. Is Blish in on the
alien baptizing, ahead of time? "Who are we to close the doors?" the
Jesuit says. Close the doors! The portals are being broken down from the inside
as we speak. The Trojans betrayed themselves at CERN. What's the proof? 1)
There is no mass protest against the murder of the world. 2) People don't cook,
don't have books, don't garden. 3) Horsetail reeds "will not whinny if
picked." If these fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall all
be wearing lizard skins and get baptized by them, says Pope Francis anyway,
with his religion of acceptance. He thinks the fallen angel lizards may not
actually have suffered original sin. To not believe in lizards makes you a
heretic then and to be censored as much as believing now does. Science fiction
against the Revelation of St. John will eat McDonald human DNA burgers even
bugs and rats won't touch. Francisco Goya deaf is better than Blish at hearing
the Disasters of War. “Seated maja and majo” 1824-5, carbon black and
watercolor might be his coda, all the bats, owls, blackbirds flying at heads
screeching what the psych boys say are externalized fears. Impaled corpses,
thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard. Goya visited the asylum at Bordeaux
as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive of human suffering that compels his
images. The only place to see it now, since the county homes have been
destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the Chaffites or the Vatican
where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya knew in the fourteen
paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of censorship the sambenito
each prisoner wears, is called the "blessed bag," a reverse chasuble
painted with their supposed heresies in red flames for their burning, displayed
on the wall. A visionary was called an ilusa, burned at the stake. Goya was
accused of being a descendant of such conversos. Firebrands and beheadings will
ensure what Goya portrayed. So while we are waiting to understand the
contradiction of the censor, consider whether "if the reed is a diuretic,
why does the folklorist tell us the Kickapoo used it in a tea to prevent
bedwetting?" The Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy Consolmagno is
played by Father Ramon Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of fictional code that
camouflages the coming Papal decree by citing the name of the planet Lithia in
Blish’s book. So when the aliens of the planet Ilithia come it is to the tune
of ancient Greece where that goddess was the one who guarded the seed of the
serpent. Blish's future serpent savior, in the blood line of Greek geographer
Pausanias AD 110, traces to an old shrine of the alien serpent god in the Dead
Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where it also describes a Watcher, the serpent Melkiresha,
aka, seed of Satan. Is than unscientific? Blish won a Hugo for this in 1959.
Then he rewrote the end of Childhood's End for Arthur Clarke to further
contemplate how the full number of our fellow servants and our brethren that
should be killed," as The Revelation says. " an archaic shrine with
an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the city (Sosipolis) and to
Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias in the 2nd century AD (Greece
vi.20.1–3); in it a virgin-priestess cared for a serpent that was
"fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an offering suited to
Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone with a babe in arms,
at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces from Arcadia. The
child, placed on the ground between the contending forces, changed into a
serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it disappeared into the
hill." wikipedia In the unlikely case that fiction becomes reality, the
President of Science will be expected to join with the Pope and reinterpret the
Gospels. True believers (Jose G. Funes) will be redefined. Blue Beamed aliens might
be presented then. To not believe would be censored, but not to worry, in The
Eclipse of the Church, Malachi Martin mentions the paradox that when the
current administration announces the alien prophecy of the Popes, there will be
an Exhilaration! Unwritten science discloses how One Rising parallels
Washington D.C. and Rome right down to obelisk and dome, flying X orb
formations over the Vatican and D.C. as early as 1954. Navy Commander Alvin E.
Moore saw "two huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or
vapor..." (9 Nov). Chris Constantine will tell you the meaning of the X,
but when this technology is seriously more advanced than Leave It To Obama,
these entities will want to return drama. Obelisks commemorate the giant
phallus in the second round knockout of this war. When fire is called from
cloaked technology you'll likely be told they're making the world safe for
terrorism. But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and
so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be mighty upset. Is that
anti-Trump? Call it fiction to further the scenario, but if the False Prophet
and the last Pope are installed according to St. Malachy and Fr. René Thibaut,
predicting the last pope, Gentle Francis will join all into one body to welcome
the Antichrist, instituting a new kind of Church. But he'll have to hurry.
That's what the teaching of Charles Woodbridge was back in 1960 and hundreds of
other divines from the Reformation on. If the worship of a morally superior
alien who comes to earth to evangelize seems a lot to accept, as the Vatican
said of the recent film Prometheus, it is a bad idea to defy the gods. The God
of Forces of Daniel (11.38) is a strange one who calls down fire from heaven.
When lightening struck St. Peter's Basilica twice, on Feb 11, 2013, following
Pope Benedict's resignation, it was said this decree declared to the elect its
arrival with a new comet which is to say when Satan falls from heaven in lightening
saints are given power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of
the enemy. Notes Are the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as Mystery
Babylon and the Beast? Europa? Will east Jerusalem be given to the Pope via the
Oslo Accords? Will the 2nd Vatican state to be established in Jerusalem? Did
Malachi Martin call this the enthronement of Satan ceremony? The Third Secret
of Fatima is Replacement theology doctrine, replacement of Israel? Answers to
these are not going to be on the news, but it's nice to hear something good
about Hugo Chavez. Allegedly poisoned with cancer, who
protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in 2005,
a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the leaders
of the world. If Yeats thought the rough beast slouches round at last to be
born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will require a
search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth frothing at
the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain structure
absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of predicting how the
syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next. Add Ophirim The jokes on us
when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own report and the
list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the censors but also
on the merits. Ice Age, Antarctica. The extraneous herbal reflections mentioned
in Native Texans once appeared in elimae.
Blue Beamed Aliens Presents
case fiction becomes reality, and the great intellects of 4Chan are right, a
Draco Space Craft is coming to join the Pope to reinterpret the Gospels,
True believers will be redefined. To
not believe will not be good.
Censorship will be beyond your children disowning you because you voted for
Trump, but don't worry, in
The Eclipse of the
Church, as
Malachi Martin says,
when that administration announces the alien, there will be
(see Jose G. Funes). Call it fiction when further on, the False Prophet is
installed, according to
St. Malachy and
Fr. René Thibaut, which Gentle Francis will make all one together with
charismatics and institute a new Me Church. But hurry. The teaching of Charles
Woodbridge back in 1960 and a hundred thousand divines from the Reformation on
has it that if the worship of a morally superior alien comes to earth to
evangelize, and you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb
, and
tread upon the serpent these multidimensionals will be mighty upset.
it seems a lot to accept, too bad, but as the Vatican said of the film
a bad idea to defy the gods, meaning the god-forces of Daniel (11.38)
that call down fire from heaven. When
lightening struck
St. Peter's Basilica twice,
on Feb 11, 2013,
following Pope Benedict's resignation, a new
comet, that is to say, fell from heaven like
lightening to decree the arrival. Saints given power over serpents and
scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, undisclosed reports reveal how
parallels between Washington D.C. and Rome came right down to obelisk, dome and
flying X orb formations. Technology advanced over the Vatican and D.C.
as early as 1954, then it came to the Leave It Obama era, and then came the
Trump. These entities want a return drama. Navy Commander Alvin E. Moore
saw, "two huge crosses of pearly white vapor .. x's of gas or
vapor..." (9 Nov) but when giant obelisks of 666 feet in height and
base commemorate their giant phallus in the second round knockout of this war,
and fire is called from cloaked technology, you'll likely be thinking this
makes the world safe, but then Chris Constantine tells you about the
meaning of the X,
this is very like Nathaniel Hawthorne's visit to Mt Shasta when he
misapplied constant borrowing of New Testament language to the "angel of
light," and "do unto others." Then he announced the
Blue Avians joining in Full Disclosure at the round table of spiritual
knights came from the lenticular cloud over Mt. Shasta, or from the hollow
earth-- But as somebody once said, since Earth is the Jewel of the Universe and
A Man is the Highest Created Being, that's why the stars are all coming
this simple world da trut qualifies for ascension, or at least salvation from
cataclysm. but complained it is lured away from the inner work, which happens
with all the usual sound bites. It sounds like a book we all used to know
better where not by works of righteousness we have done but according to his
mercy he saved us, resurrected us, empowered us. It's not Christ
consciousness you need to enter the next density of the violet flame on the mountain
where every noun means something else to be accepted.
The dragon is glorified among several
images of honor designated in the fallen to increase their influence, for they
need mediation to this world, being only spiritual themselves. So Their earthly
portions and counterparts glorified John McCain, Heads of Security services,
certain presidents, designed with subtly and contradiction to avoid notice (so
they can pretend to be "human"), but the great balance of their
repute was positive as long as they stayed in their roles. It is hard to think
of any who have renounced this since they would have been obliterated.
you begin to recognize the typology the Chinese
dragon as an imagined
reptile represents the spirit behind these McCain figureheads, evolved from
the ancestors and
energy. These are clearly the same being as the Apkallu of Mesopotamia in the
salient points of dominance in water, mutation with animal forms, and eminent,
prominent Man of Renown as in
Genesis 6 and
Enoch I where the
angel mated and mutated with every animal, fish and bird as
Enoch I
says, hence, East Asian dragons have many
animal-like forms such as
fish, but
are most commonly depicted as
snake-like with four legs. They traditionally symbolize potent
powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods...,
excellent and outstanding people are compared to a dragon, while incapable
people with no achievements are compared to other, disesteemed creatures, such
as a worm. This was clearly a mockery and counterfeit of Adam in Eden and the
Naming to find his companion.
number of Chinese
proverbs and
idioms feature references to a dragon, such as "Hoping
one's son will become a dragon." Hence imperial power and beauty but given
and designated from the fallen do not have the 6 toes of the later giants, but
five. Four.
dragon carvings from the
culture 4700 - 2900 B.C. unearthed dinosaur bones as dragon bone.
Nine animal resemblances, rabbit's eyes, a frog's belly, a carp's scales, or
stag antlers, camel head that of a camel, demon eyes, snake neck, clam
belly (
蜃), carp scales
carp, eagle claws
those of an eagle, tiger soles, cow ears but hears through its horns evidence
the mutations of Enoch. The
Wall is a
spirit wall, allowing natural light and air circulation
to enter a room, while obstructing vision. Images of nine different dragons is
found in imperial Chinese palaces and gardens.
Eisenhower says that the Dracos are jealous because we can go higher than they,
but that all they need to do is look within. Fool, said Sir Philip
Sidney, look in your heart and write. If a draco goes inside he'd just as soon
go back out again. Draco is like McKenna tripping the heavenlies. Draco is Tao
Lin thinking he's a better person.
Draco genre has everything of a convincing movie, an ersatz eagle, a false
Bohemian club owl and a lion. 4D flashes of white egret wings fly up
through the gates. Down the canal, convincing as long as you are watching, the after-seeing,
meaning not 3D, 2D or even one D, but no D, strictly air and light. Well
at least the air is full of seraphim. Saturn is not just a rocket.
% of people or maybe 300,000 are estimately currently to merit ascension. These
hard workers, who do service to others to ascend to the Anshar world of
the Mohammad Accords, are equivalent angels of light, conscious in the divine
template and observe their DNA potential, says Laura Eisenhower's spirit guide,
Dwight W. Just plain Ike to higher levels. Tricksters don't know about
the million German POWs Ike starved to death behind barbed wire, starved and
froze to achieve the higher Union of the Cather lines.
machinery of alien unity with life, brought to you in the soul
architecture of the planetary body of the goddess' root races, share
codes to the seven higher heavens. These are called Star gate earth grids
of the god of Energy.
says, the god of Forces will empower this shared union with the divine
masculine to emerge in extra activated DNA strands when their London Bridge
goes down.
you want to find out more, Laura gives revelations and truth telling, or if you
wish to meet ET for contact with the off-world civ, galactic diplomacy on
the ascendeds was just the easiest group to infiltrate the earth. Master Hilarion
of the scaterfield network would reach planetary ascension in re- distribution
at first contact. Earth changes would produce 30 kinds of hyperdrive, new
harmonics of the auric field, and crystal sacred geometry violet mats on
the Mt Shasta. Many will go inside this tent, but the truth movement
expects the least % to ascend in America. Something about connect with the
natural and turn off your TV if you want to prepare for the next density in
liner work. Listen for the pings. If you wish it they will come, those same
orbs summoned by Steve Greer.
big problem for ascenders is their children who are so out of date
the elite have fled with them to New Zealand and Tasmania to inhabit one room
schoolhouses without computers or digital tablets, but read books and walk
among trees. How will these children stand it when they realize their parents
abandoned ship to save themselves, and worse, poisoned the ship in the doing in
a hundred ways? How did the children of the SS live? How did Laura
Eisenhower after learning of the million POWs Ike killed. These cursed
generations are just opposite the children of the survival of the holocaust who
question their right to survive. Levinas asks why he should continue to
exist! Children of the elite would do the same if any conscience remained
in them. Either way it comes down to forgiveness of sins.
At the outset there is a cure for all these things living life for its own sake
and not what you can get out of it. Walking early and moment by moment as many
of the old hymns say,
Moment by moment I’m kept in His love. Let's
try to show this unabstracted romance as real life, connected life which in
fact tries very hard to be demonstrated as
The Way Into the Flowering Heart with
all those
Dutch Paradises where in architectures of furnished rooms and
philosophies of hymns, gardens and kitchens, the praise of Christ extends to
nature a sacrament that covers an outward and an inner garment of earth.
II. Reptile
those who really believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural
interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty,
especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently
out of course ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's
Earliest Ages. Preface).
Dante, Yeats lead to wondering how the human fights against the divine, divine
meaning the fallen, since it has always existed and must be resisted long since.
Fiction writers like McCarthy don't seem to be anything but deceived, and so on
through Northrop Frye, who says,
expanding of images into conventional archetypes of literature is a process
that takes place unconsciously in our reading" assimilated to the whole
subject so quickly "one hardly notices the difference between creative and
critical activity," thus "what is true for the reader is true a
fortiori of the poet, who learns very quickly that there is no singing
school for his soul except the the study of the monuments of its own
magnificence" (Anatomy of Criticism 100).
Lucifer is the father of earth, they do believe. Belief is the axiom here, even
while they acknowledge reptiles have no creativity and no heart, meaning
capacity to love. The reptilian they think is physically and intellectually
stronger, but the voyaging soul of the human who braves these waves of
oppression in recorded voyages
of discovery to new worlds of the Odyssey, Prester John, Mandeville's Travels,
the Celtic voyages, the Elizabethans and fictions thereof, especially Swifts's,
Cranes' Bridge are imaginative encounters with the alien. So
whether apocryphal or not, to China or the Moon, it is an old theme along with
Solomon's passage to Ophir.
first tactic of the elite and their superiors is to inculcate this belief that
the human is inferior to the alien. Charles Fort, Robert Stanley, Sitchin,
consent that we are slaves of Enki. Archons on the basis of what
they call information analysis argue the gravest errors of faith, like the
Flood of Noah or genocide of Canaan that killed the hybrid seed, misconstrued
and altered, prove we are not free. Different names apply for the elite and
their Official Reality. Olympians, wanton boys, thought gods all apply. The
rest of humanity is to them useless eaters, as Henry Kissinger says, and Prince
Philip, “in
the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus, in
order to contribute something to overpopulation.” The higher
consciousness of the alien is higher crime. The
world is not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to
entertain the elite cheap seats. Your own party will be disfranchised to
establish the Unity State. New “implantation techniques” in exchange for this
technology the gods give in exchange for a life to burgle forever.
Saturn is not
just a rocket, but a train and a beast animated by its cargo within. The laugh
is that whoever was building the rings bugged out before the finish. The Times
Square shrine of Moloch assuages their destiny. Idols in every grocery sing,
“come, buy, come and buy.”
is a huge literature of placating the gods, sacrificing, pleading, but this
wormwood requires that we grant their existence and interference in our lives.
Exactly who the gods are, of which thousands might be named in every language,
and their priests and shamans identified for what they are not, wise men,
prophets and healers. Their healing induces a greater reliance upon their ways
and strengthens them from the priesthoods of Ayahuasca to the
theosophist marijuana rituals and the electric digital high commands that
adrenalize the divy state with altered favor. Illumination is industrialized.
overwhelmed by shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions
are as subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is another
invention of these gods. The fact of death is different from the
agencies of death, war and the study of war inculcated into earth by
supernatural interference. In the Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last
Poems Yeats in his resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems
otherwise compromised with the Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine
is paramount in Aeschylus. Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the
true) God, but that is equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans
and all Olympus men were powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the
death like Sisyphus, Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself
to undermine the true man and turn him into a god means he has become his own
enemy, ceased to resist and is completely enslaved.
the Messiah is the main combatant against the gods. He has made a mockery
of these heavenly beings in Psalms and Isaiah and empowered us to fight to
establish our humanity and his rule. This is not the war among the gods, or
Titanomachy. The gods are evil. Shelley against the gods is usually
construed as against the odds. "Aeschylus against the gods" no
results found! The celebration of war is a victory of these gods over men, a
transfer of their god apocalypse to earth. All the discussion of human
greatness subordinates to super powers. No living without the gods. Be a god is
not to be a man. Man inferior to the gods, the lowly eater, useless eater
looked upon by royalty rich Olympians, children of the nephilim. Antigone
burying her brother resists at least the king. Lear as a fly to the gods
they kill us for their sport. Wanton boys are these nephs. Twelve Olympians
are the major gods of the Greek, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena,
Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or
Dionysus. departure of the gods who left in the golden age.
thing that sets Abraham apart is his unwillingness to placate the gods. So
begins a resistance where he and the nation Israel engage in act after act
of resistance. We shall come with a list of these of course. The New Testament
is even more at pains to show the resistance.
having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2.15
it. or, in himself.
OK according to civilization to fight against God, the God of the gods, but not
against the alien Draco gods. There are no loci of men fighting gods.
Prometheus is a god himself. There's lots of gods fighting against each other
and as Lear says the wanton boys kill us for their sport. The gods are like
Democrats, have engineered a situation where they are exempt from
criticism. They have corrupted every aspect of the human.
was wrestling against some seemingly impaired or part deformed people, men,
disposing of them, moving quickly, which attracted two of the superior ones, in
blue, who watched from above; I was down in a kind of gully. They sent one of
theirs to oppose and while dispatching him he showed absolutely no emotion,
like a robot or clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether
there were more when I woke.
III. Rumors of Greada.
Short Version supposes that
in 1954 a race of aliens known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area of space, who
had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base and stated
their planet was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic
experiments that might allow their race to survive; this was to be in exchange
for certain technology.
President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The
treaty stated that aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not
interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would
furnish us with advanced technology, that they could abduct humans on a limited
basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the
stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their
point of abduction, and that the humans would have no memory of the
event. It was not stipulated then that Aliens are Liars. It was also agreed
that alien bases would be constructed underground, a la
Schneider, beneath Indian rez in the 4 corners of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona
and Colorado. Another constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4, was to be
about 7 miles south of area 51, known as
'Dreamland'. A multi-billion
dollar secret fund organized and kept by the Military Office of the White
House, supposedly built secret underground sites for the President and the
staff in case.
secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower established a permanent
committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ12) to oversee and coordinate
their covert activities with the aliens. This included J. Edgar and six leaders
of the 'Council on Foreign Relations, the 'Wise Men' and later others from the
Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, Brzezinski, Cheney and Von
Braun were among them. A major finding was that aliens were using humans and
animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions and
blood and in genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as
necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved,
their race would cease to exist. Ruling powers decided that one means of
funding the alien project would be to corner the illegal drug market. A
young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His
name was George H. W. Bush, at the time president and CEO of Zapata Oil
Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and
it was arranged that the drugs be shipped from South America to the offshore
platforms by fishing boat, then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal
transportation, avoiding search by customs agents. The plan worked better than
anyone expected, and today the CIA controls all the world's illegal drug
markets. Don't take the short version for this, read Nova by William
should remember, it was Ferme Bouche who first started selling drugs to
our children to finance the deep underground alien bases.
17th October 2012
IV. War in Heaven
equivocations and their effects and sources hold much worth belief, meant as
bait for the poor flies, so do not incline too deep to dive. The real reasons
behind earth-alien events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may
have more to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. The
father of Robert Stanley,
the man who met Enki, was a disciple of Norman
Paulsen who said that demonic disorder of the gods was caused when
Enki entered a forbidden zone and went mad, demons being his thought
projection. See the
of the archons. All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is father of
Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley gets from
Wes Penry's papers.
of the War in Heaven. Robert Stanley, Wes Penry (4/13/17 to 2/18/17).
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky, but
they all read as if computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done by
salesmen to reach the least common denominator.
other gurus,
Clif High claims insight and expertise
in this affair (just as prone to go out of body as Stanley's Enki). He says he
has been through the bardos, knows the soul traps, but has come back to tell us
all, like Prufrock. High is a predictive linguist also enamored of Mauro
Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny but innocent of
Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are themselves servants of the
we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are convincing
unless you parse their rambles and ask when they dismiss the ancient literature
for ever more ancient, which have no body of examination (the latest being the
Jordan Lead Codices)
and which they know from channeling out of body and meditative states, can only
be full of deception and conviction.
to here
believed the being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted
was Enki, just as he believed when it told him it was the father. Stanley is a
victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen, that demons are
a projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All
romance. Loki, Iago, Satan...can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he
used at that time nor whether the
he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred
place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice. Still it
reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since
critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki
an enemy as does Stanley/Penry but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a
deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the
divine feminine and freedom and the golden age.
Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into
hell and led out the captives. Stanley says "even in the Bible" like
Wilcock does as if that were the last place you would look, but it is the
greatest truth that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because that haven't
discerned. It's not Geoffrey Hartman's fault who discloses the textual opacity
and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but enrich
the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of its textual coherence. (See
"Midrash as Law and Literature" in
The Third Pillar).
Hartman's life and thought show the beauty of life and literature. “The
spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented, bewildered, caught in some ‘wild
surmise’ about the text and struggling to adjust — is not that one of the
interests critical writing has for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a
roiling system of conflicting semantic signs. As such, the text has no one empirical
reading; it is, rather, a network of competing meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox,
of this comes down to sacred and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace
the profane, leaping over the culture and language to which he is born to
embrace a foreign which he cannot know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever
its shadow mansters tell him, Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out
of body at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child
but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's
"spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him
fall for soul trapism and Orion civil wars when the making of the vernacular
"illustrious," ...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the
biblical text by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as
does lit for all these hybrid souls whose high arc is journalism and salesmanship
to the masses.
leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons. Rename a thing and it is a new
discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits he references are rebaptized,
defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit salvation from our 1) own
enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam of Pope Francis on
the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move that we have but
years to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the
false for the real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, hiring Anthony
Weiner, false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a substitute
cosmology and psychology where the grand human creations in art and lit are
seen as the work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so superior it
makes the human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's
the master here? Creating heavens with the touch of his finger God gave to man
dominion of his hands.
opposes textuality and numinous scripture which he jumps over to imbibe
an even further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors." He found the
temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of his stems from Penry etc. and
Penry is an artificial intelligence, the very thing he warns against. Noah, says
Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki
tried to prevent! The Romance that Stanley was translated is like Henry Gruver
who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels
Chained Beneath Streets of Rome. In this vein
is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of
Jewish Elite MAFIA and
a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we
Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on no less authority than
8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so
because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet.
Cernovich's report of swinger's clubs outside DC
Anna Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
rh neg increased copper content in blood induces greater oxygen content, thus
greater energy. Ibis parallel progragms looking for Blood Prime, viz higher %
annunakidna, fight between red and
blue, two in one
74 dragons:
32, They are coming to take you away: inventing by mis
information one piece of data to disprove an entire concept and body of well
established knowledge on the basis of this one, so called, contradiction High
says Rome never existed,
invented cosmic code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah
the word descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew
verb 'to anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the
holy crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in
origin...Jordan Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient
language and prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means
"sex"? the name Solomon derives from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more
Velikovsky finds New jersalem a space ship station when, Freud who
first suggested that Moses was one of thenobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses
and Monotheism.
Trump and his enemy media and scripture and the Christian with
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud. Ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious
but duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and
psychologically primed audience.
William l. Pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh was
a prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic,
random-walk method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a
decade of intense practice of a form of walking meditation within which he was
able to reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he was
inducted into as a pre-adolescent child" THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT.
Mekong-The Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
by Laurence A. G. Moss
kinds of expansive blue ice as a momentary exchange. Visiting the house
unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
intuitively developed art that follows its own internal logic free of other
a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me. The Mennonites had a
couple problems. The first was worldliness the second was unworldliness.
walnuts sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
and ryan wood,
documents neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier for abomb
Moulton Howe
2017 who says the big thing in 17 is We are not alone in the U! to come
out, But who said we were alone but their surrogates? and who says we should
know who our oppressors are? The oppressors? Opressor science reveals oppressor
thought in order to... what make us like them, even more?
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
we have known the arms already knwon them all
at office. a baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it and it was fine,
licked us and shorty licked it talked about a big pen there for it. As I was
doing the flood later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn for a long drink.
Nabi, Rehan, UT
there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a
great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...that the personage
of Christ died in the year 1078 that there was no history that predates the
year 1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15 --the critical thinking
movement-Rome was created in the 1400s
voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which show in his misquote of
Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or science. Citing this so rabidly
shows High IS personally involved against Christians. His proof that the solar
eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min 8.44 but then he says a lunar eclipse
occured in 1078! He gets excited and defensive which makes it obvious he is
wrong and knows it! which begs the quesetion like much else of his assumed
proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an eclipse this is
inferred from the darkness and the length of the Cruxification, not from any
text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event at best. Pagan
commentators of the
Roman era explained it as an
although Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during
Passover, when
the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot
occur during a
full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts.
"First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete
history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past
by astronomy. all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent Italy, he knows
this by the words used, "Eyetalian."
remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this truth. On the
hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the future is many
branched and all jpossible. He shares this view with most of the spectrum
of the woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics. His experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather
melissa for air travel
Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
exogenous events, peterson at 10 at a wedding in his small town looks up with
all the people to see a flying saucer show for two hours. Events outside
conditioning as opposed to those inside, endogenous events. which I think of
when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from the sky about not to kill. He says
until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a titanium capsule but now at 70
does so again, which I share haveing felt all along more or less that I was
dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew what it was.. In Part I he is
asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and he says 15% he examined
for this, but to rule out natu occur radiation... but tape is cut, as if his
answer is not suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks up at 31.o8 as et,
but anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels isolated as an individual does
he think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
russian plane S23, Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to Petersons
exog, has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcock thinks antarcticans came from mars
and are the falen angels,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
divinations: backmasking Trump, body language,
high language emotion pattern deviations,, nsa preservation of every
conversation period indexed by name etc to be pulled up as perfect recall
if and when needed, starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict patterns
that emerge.
William Binney. editing, masking greying censoring language,
communication on media. continual bombardment
what I heaar backwards. Aftser a year and half of positive reversals. Preston
James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him. Reaction to the forward speech.
something has happened tomake him think a deep corrupption
you very much Mr speaker
It's a sin America
job is to represetn the
of the states did I need?
of the marvels we can achieve the beast and
it used Obama
November 8 a record
I face you
the terror
want harmony and
the limits
veterans have
adolf her villian --there
is evil in the heart and soul of America
the 250th year I'm
afraid the fifth
killed in offic, 4 died in office).
In 34 years of doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by
Speech Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this
Jeff Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a
sudden and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a
President who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
subjected himself to Clif high's universe, that is to death, which is the
same as saying the universe is Satan and overcame it. He overcame death, the
universe Lucifer and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to be
Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as taking
Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false. Wlhat
ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the previous
who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's leiutant who
says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the
sensational negatives are lies to be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder
the bigger thelie the more believed.
Coin.You're more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
authorities, Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four
chairs on a platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was
silenced, one half comment ignored. I watched Valult 7 last night and clif
high. The identities are approximate though, but the feeling of a point
of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
Hynotists: Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles,
Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan
for European Genocide.
field of frosted diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation
of gold
the collective autonomous noun, science. Explicit agency but invisible.
Polarizing filter for glare
provocateurs are doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem.
I am not well constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long
living independant to be free? If not you're not.
cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either innate or not. American
slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're willing to put up with is
the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can be demented, reversed,
inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the very horrors they commit.
swan errors have been taking place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong
crowning of Miss Universe, or an egregious error in the announcement of the
best movie of the year -- an unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England
Patriots and a stock market that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald
Trump's current presidential campaign.
of nsa assassins with anunaki dna
goats found in Utah
succession, the ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car
in the lot,, prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker
came lately to the war in heaven, discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he
cannot read and which if subjected to the millennias of hermetical examination
would crumble. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo,
Blake, Johnny has his own Restoration Gap, but just a counterfeit
of the real, written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap for world
peace, coming ahead of time with vans and hoods to neighborhoods to slip over
heads and steal bodies off streets. never heard from again, or if so
totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.
is superfluous to say that the poets and critics who form their regions of
disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by
Intelligence forces. Progress is additive until it becames
multiplicative, then quantumed. How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler,
Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla? Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of
the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined in his
The structure and practice of National Socialism." (1942).
"Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists
to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was
something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every
aspect of German civil society-
Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
snapshot of social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other
view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe
the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel. In the old scale Donald
Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the
first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool
of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The
first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon
did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before?
They will again. That is all they do. "High confidence generally
indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from
multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a
certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian
NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect
why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be
false with a truth cover.
have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay
surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of
the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits enthroned,
the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds. The cart is
drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on the right
truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof
that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if
you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation
camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on
you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators?
That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators. at Disney World eat
you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect
cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM
is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is
experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is
even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE
THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie
restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones
from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after
work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the
contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth.
amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in
language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El
and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away,
except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods,
Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of
these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries
and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a
little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.
relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state
accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state
too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu,
Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars
were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and
over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through
Sisera's temples, nobody does
anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the
council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he
had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision
even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why
there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar
to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi
hivi speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of
revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and
another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall
backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and
the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13
the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a
fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non
human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who
will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and -
attributes except as part of
semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d committee, like mine
one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes
like John Velz. Further on, Ahab peers say the
mashal taunt
against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see
this in Micaiah's mocking.
are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel
without Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia,
but the gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak)
protecting us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more
than we are paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory
and honor. Malak vs. elohim indeed, neglects our Maimonides that elohim
is a homonym also and may be either and other. This heavenly council
excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim
(elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the company of nations: "we aren't
told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the nations became corrupt, only
that they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed
anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war to make a
counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the Flood along
with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but who promise
a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and war. That
these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower
and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in
disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word
before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the spiritual
council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim
territorials are going to include false teachers. The council notion
vitiates angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by
Zechariah that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh.
It is only malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of
Yahweh is not going to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council
leads to thinking that the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is
an instance where the council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but
in fact that passage like all the continual references says over and over that
Yahweh sold them, 4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14,
Yahweh discomfited Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any
council agencies, making it very much seem that the peer scholars are
abstracting extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They
will say that the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that
was Malak again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion
even if they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here
or there but there are angels everywhere "to deliver us."
You want a single verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the
offerer's place. Laying his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL
THEIR SINS. You want to divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it:
"If the lion was advised by the fox he would be cunning."
disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of
the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of
children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group
hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc., who are never found.
fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking
Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as
if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its
victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with
all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up
having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would
not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply
lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of
camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the
enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these
missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement
agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go
missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being
ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases
of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents
even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets
appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be vociferously
has become obvious that there is a mind wave projection fostering discord and
division among formerly like minded people. This is true of severance of long
time friends over political events since the American election, division among
artists over politics, division in the streets with mass controlled marches and
events, division between writers and editors who once valued their work but now
actively repudiate it, division between elders and pastors. Following Sunday
service at a local reformed church, 21 May 17, this was read, followed by
"prayer!" "Over the past several months it has become increasingly
apparent that the elders’ vision for the church is significantly different from
the pastor’s vision for the church and both the elders and the pastor are
discerning that the relationships have become strained to the point that
effective ministry seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate
pinging in various directions and modes was the initial verdict
Multidimensional Upsets. Imagine a competition where there is a heavy
favorite, one who so habitually wins the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
These are the powerhouse D1 athletes on full ride. They win because they are
magnificent specimens who always win, have been trained to win and have a
record to prove it. They win because they're good, like the America dream team.
Unless you know some of these you really cannot define average. Average, is a
player who is a walk-on, who exists on the outskirts, loves competition, but is
always black and blue and never gets in a game. That is the nature of our human
competition against what I
elsewhere the Wanton Boys who run the world.
"But if you pull down the strongholds with the blood of the Lamb, and
so tread upon the serpent multidimensionals will be upset." If
you expose this the D-1 cohorts will censor you, bind you and load every rift
of your ore with glue. The context of the average and the full ride athlete is
in Northrop Frye's notion from Vico of the collective imagination that begins
with myth. "In myth the actors are primarily gods; in the next
state, romance, gods and humans mingle; then a high mimetic mode
appears, where humans are humans but include heroes, close in capacity
to the gods. After that... an ironic phrase, in which the protagonists are
represented as all too human, so that readers may feel superior to
them" (Hartman, A Scholar's Tale, 54). The multidimensional upset
occurs when Satan falls from heaven in lightening and saints are given power
over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I
put this essay together as extremely as possible but never expected it to
appear. The editor who accepted it calls it
Mind pinging in various
directions and modes but he was shut down by his boss, the proprietor of
Pentonville Prison
who says: "Upon closer examination,
Unlikely Stories Mark V cannot
publish "Multidimensional Upset." After examining the links provided
in your article, and your body of essays, I realized that
"Multidimensional Upset" supports a worldview intractably opposed to
Unlikely has been, and remains, pro-science and anti-Trump."
there goes. There have been moral lapses in the mags. Editor Dan Raphael is
scheduled for reeducation classes after supporting a worldview so intractably
Pentonville Prison is a perfect example of the optics of this censorship.
"admirably ventilated", a visitor wrote, and had a water closet,
though these were replaced by communal, evil-smelling recesses because they
were constantly blocked and the pipes were used for communication. Prisoners
were forbidden to speak to each other and when out on exercise would tramp in
silent rows, wearing brown cloth masks.The chaplains were very influential,
making individual cell visitations, urging the convicts to reform, and
supervising the work of the schoolmasters. A report released in June 2015
indicated that Pentonville had "deteriorated even further" since the
previous inspection. The report highlighted that there were "mounds
of rubbish" on the floors and cockroach infestations.
introduces the Moral Outrage of the Avowed Pacifist-Militant. To justify it
they must create a focus of their scorn, done with as agile a slanting of
the point of view as meets their standard. No matter what they disconsider
facts, a version makes their case, over and over again, so that on the level of
people we meet in life it becomes obvious from this uniform point of view
that they must be mimicking some greater set of which they are a subset. That
greater set is the media that has fostered then taken over their thought. Tyger
burning bright. Mind-forged manacles. But these people were already tainted,
it's just that it was overlooked as things were, in favor of their other value,
because it used to be the case that a society tolerated points of view without
trashing and burning alive the speaker. No more. These vowed and unavowed
pacifist-militants, people who abhor violence name call and parade their
superiority everywhere and skate on their privileged enclaves of art,
university or family. Exfundamentalists wear their disdain as a mark of
their erudition, a way of saying they have seen the liberal light and disavowed
the crude, unfeeling, uncompassionate take for the high intellectual road of
programed thought. This is exactly what appears in the frontispiece of
Leviathan, mannikins inside the body of a single giant. "The demonic human
world is a society held together by a kind of molecular tension of egos, a
loyalty to the group or the leader which diminishes the individual"
(Frye, Anatomy of Criticism 147). Constantly battered with overt and
covert messaging about the rollback of the surrender of America to globalists
and all the Obama clinton gore bushes to the effect of killing anybody overseas
or at home who gets in the way, they subscribe implicitly to the assassination
scheme this network of funds, corps, parties uses to control their opponents,
those they cannot blackmail with pedo pics taken when they have been seduced
celebrating their power lust. This however is only for those who will benefit
the Corrupt. The other ordinaries on the street where we live, who dramatize
their moral outrage are controlled with headlines on Yahoo and the Post and the
Times endless parroted on Media MSM attributing the false fact to another when
it is their sole tactic with bullying. From a lower view moral outrage comes
from their being cut off from any really compassionate concern for anyone
different from themselves, the lib might not go to Malta but figuratively lives
among the illumined. There can be no greater hypocrisy than to trade on the
poverty of your neighbor to justify your own political morality.
Upsets Censored
blackmail and censorship in the nitrogen food storage industry. The greatest
offense to censors is when the fact is cited on a forbidden source. Alex Jones
serves nicely to illustrate this. All links and backlinks tied to him are the
great affront, as one said to me in indignation: Alex Jones... but equally so
from the mag editor who finds all mention of a wide range of sources offensive,
so much so that it is the intractable enemy of proscience. We're not talking
about liquid nitrogen food storage, but about the Vatican encoding a savior
from outer space with beings half fish and half men found in the Antarctic to
have hands down on our civilization.. Yes I'm talking about James Blish and H.
P. Lovecraft. Both appeared on Alex Jones and his surrogates.]
To keep the population segmented differing
factions provoke extreme views well typified by the global warming climate
change vs the ice age. The majority view of warming shouts down the ice age
with all the usual bullying in order to censor it. This philosophy of opposing
factions extends into every other contention between opposites so that instead
of reason and discourse there is open antagonism. One of the best stratagems of
the left is accuse its opposite of being anti-scientific. The left is
pro-science so it believes in global warming and censors all else (until
further notice). The most important aspect of all this is that the greater the
heat of passion the less the reason, which is to say the more prejudice the
greater the denial, which results in sleep and misdirection. The best response
to censorship and prejudice is to make it known. Of course how do you know you
are being censored and what kinds of ideas are being attacked? Certainly the mere
fact implies it is a majority view that has this power. It also implies
opposing parties which seek to criminalize each other, not that there are only
two, but the two are the product of a control greater than each that seeks to
force a third which is the true object. Multidimensional Upsets caused such an
upset. It was both accepted and rejected.
had been "mind pinging in various directions and modes" to the
accepting editor with his own authority became "a worldview intractably
opposed to "pro-science and anti-Trump," to the founder of these
Unlikely stories, much like the view that the Smithsonian is censoring armadas
of "hidden" archeologies and technologies hidden in its
basement from view is not to be revealed.
Upsets does not report such findings,
so much as it mocks them, although maybe the humor is too dry to perceive. For
example, that the "Researchers" of discovery of extraterrestrial life
in the
Report do not say the alien angel touch down will prove artificial structures
Hoagland on Mars. I once
mocked medicinal the herbs this way by proposing absurd usage no had ever
contemplated: "Croton looks like a miniature maypole round which the
faeries of middle earth might dance." The censor turns this
intractable attitude of mockery into an anti-science because it cannot stomach
the oceans of subrafuge it sails, for example, that massive die offs in the
north Pacific are beyond calculation and forbidden to mainstream. Thus
oceanographers who deny the murder of the Pacific Ocean are like biologists'
who support vaccines that cause autism, or archaeologists who deny the
races of giants dug up. But here's another joke, isn't that just because there
is and was a remnant race of reengineered nephilim hybrids running the world?
not mock the accepted world or you will be unscientific. I foisted these same
extraterrestrials in Upsets upon literature and said that when the
new Vatican goes cosmic with Martian religion and Jesuit astronomers
await their "evangelist" from space, there will be astigmatic
baptisms. That's called Trick or Treat. Take for example the literature of the
alien overlord of Childhood's End who invades earth in silver ships.
After 50 years it's like he jumps out of Dante dressed in leather wings, horns
and barbed tail! Earthlings then will believe their true benefactors are the
devil and his angels! Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective
Mind, when Atmam-Brahman is One, the space savior will then reveal that that
new science, biology, archaeology and technology are alien signs and
wonders. The Wee People used croton as a tea before the settlers drove them
out. All people who believe in science will believe, that's science, but not
that poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. That's heinous.
astrobiological conspiracy won a Hugo Award for James Blish in 1959, who if
not as prescient as the four angels of the apocalypse or the horses with heads
of lions, "that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and
silver, and brass" (John of Patmos 9.20), sent a fictional team of priest
astronauts in
A Case of Conscience to investigate the coming aliens. He
called them Lithians. Orson Scott Card called them "buggers." Blish
said they should be quarantined, unlike the real Vatican astronomer
who wants to baptize them. Is Blish in on the alien baptizing, ahead of time?
"Who are we to close the doors?" the Jesuit says. Close the doors!
The portals are being broken down from the inside as we speak. The Trojans
betrayed themselves at CERN. What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest
against the murder of the world. 2) People don't cook, don't have books, don't
garden. 3) Horsetail reeds "will not whinny if picked." If
these fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall all be wearing lizard
skins and get baptized by them, says Pope Francis anyway, with his religion of
acceptance. He thinks the fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered
original sin. To not believe in lizards makes you a heretic then and to be
censored as much as believing now does. Science fiction against the
Revelation of St. John will eat McDonald human DNA burgers even bugs and rats
won't touch.
Goya deaf is better than Blish at hearing the Disasters of War. “Seated
maja and majo” 1824-5, carbon black and watercolor might be his coda, all the
bats, owls, blackbirds flying at heads screeching what the psych boys say are
externalized fears. Impaled corpses, thieves and torturers? Don't go overboard.
Goya visited the asylum at Bordeaux as at Zaragoza and knew the deeper motive
of human suffering that compels his images. The only place to see it now, since
the county homes have been destroyed, medicated away, is in the basement of the
Chaffites or the Vatican where secret rites are celebrated worse than ever Goya
knew in the fourteen paintings of the Quinta del sordo. In this form of
censorship the sambenito each prisoner wears, is called the
"blessed bag," a reverse chasuble painted with their supposed
heresies in red flames for their burning, displayed on the wall. A visionary
was called an ilusa, burned at the stake. Goya was accused of being a
descendant of such conversos. Firebrands and beheadings will ensure what
Goya portrayed. So while we are waiting to understand the
contradiction of the censor, consider whether "if the reed is a
diuretic, why does the folklorist tell us the Kickapoo used it in a tea to
prevent bedwetting?"
Vatican astronomer and Blish's friend Guy Consolmagno is played by Father Ramon
Ruiz-Sanchez in Case in a kind of fictional code that camouflages the
coming Papal decree by citing the name of the planet Lithia in Blish’s
book. So when the aliens of the planet Ilithia come it is to the tune of
ancient Greece where that goddess was the one who guarded the
seed of the serpent. Blish's future serpent savior, in the blood line of
Greek geographer Pausanias AD 110, traces to an old shrine of the alien serpent
god in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q544) where it also describes a Watcher, the
serpent Melkiresha, aka, seed of Satan. Is than unscientific? Blish won a Hugo
for this in 1959. Then he rewrote the end of Childhood's End for Arthur
Clarke to further contemplate how the full number of our fellow servants and
our brethren that should be killed," as The Revelation says.
an archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the
city (
Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias
in the 2nd century AD (
Greece vi.20.1–3); in it a virgin-priestess cared
for a serpent that was "fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an
offering suited to Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone
with a babe in arms, at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces
from Arcadia. The child, placed on the ground between the contending forces,
changed into a serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it
disappeared into the hill."
the woman and bull on the EU coin the same as Mystery Babylon and the Beast?
Malachi Martin call this the enthronement of Satan ceremony?
Third Secret of Fatima is Replacement theology doctrine, replacement of Israel?
to these are not going to be on the news, but it's nice to hear something good
Hugo Chavez.
Allegedly poisoned with cancer,
who protested a meeting under the labyrinth of Rome when John Paul II died in
2005, a secret affair where sacrifice was made to aliens as a preview for the
leaders of the world. If Yeats thought the
rough beast slouches round at
last to be born, and if he is a prophet, then consider Chavez, but it will
require a search just as it will for Clif High who says of the "behemoth
frothing at the mouth with some kind of dire internal disease and a brain
structure absolutely rotted out with syphilis, that there is no way of
predicting how the syphliphitc beast is going to flail around next.
Add Ophirim
jokes on us when it comes to multidimen upsets. Each one deserves it s own
report and the list is in dispute not only from opposing world views and the
censors but also on the merits. Ice Age,
extraneous herbal reflections mentioned in
Texans once appeared in
"Thought Goattens are commentaries on the New Folk Sensorial Compound.
Circumstances drive a dialectic to confront these nations of commerce and
religion, consciousness and art. We don’t need a scientific basis. Proof
surrounds narcosis. So if these headlines pop in the mouth escapes are hard
pressed to map the mind, a land where every bubble-visioned landscape measures
what we do not know, interior Dantes of what we are, the new folk paradigms
constellate, imaginate these beings. They are psyche profiles of a greater
human knowledge self-reversed. Our travelers find a shaggy gent at the absolute
center of Earth. They climb down to the waist, there is plenty of hair to hold
on its sides—squeeze through a hole and come to the feet with their sin. You’d
think they’d have wheelbarrows, but like Sherpas they carry it in packs. These
are the outcast thoughts, goats, part salesmen, part dinosaur, part invention
that A.E. Reiff writes, sometimes called analytically the Spirit of
Wilderness or fancifully, Thought
Beasts, Hybrid Beastiary, Uber
Alter Nano Bot. The lists go on, “Travels to Byzantium,” “The Cure,” “Kung
Fu Da Puta Alien,” the “Orcapoi,” “Sue Smooke,” all the way down to “The Dame
of Guapa Pop” that appeared in an earlier FRiGG. These find themselves
indexed here. Perhaps
the coup de grace of Thought Goats is the current War
on Neptune, if you can stand the ads, or its cousins, Opiomes: The
Domes, or The Severed Head." here
chief tactic of bravado and bluster, bullying and loud lies,
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